// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact.ArtifactExpander; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.ParameterFile.ParameterFileType; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.cache.VirtualActionInput; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.IterablesChain; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Fingerprint; import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment; import com.google.protobuf.ByteString; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * A class that keeps a list of command lines and optional associated parameter file info. * *

This class is used by {@link com.google.devtools.build.lib.exec.SpawnRunner} implementations * to expand the command lines into a master argument list + any param files needed to be written. */ public class CommandLines { // A (hopefully) conservative estimate of how much long each param file arg would be // eg. the length of '@path/to/param_file'. private static final int PARAM_FILE_ARG_LENGTH_ESTIMATE = 512; private static final UUID PARAM_FILE_UUID = UUID.fromString("106c1389-88d7-4cc1-8f05-f8a61fd8f7b1"); /** Command line OS limitations, such as the max length. */ public static class CommandLineLimits { /** * "Unlimited" command line limits. * *

Use these limits when you want to prohibit param files, or you don't use param files so * you don't care what the limit is. */ public static final CommandLineLimits UNLIMITED = new CommandLineLimits(Integer.MAX_VALUE); public final int maxLength; public CommandLineLimits(int maxLength) { this.maxLength = maxLength; } } /** A simple tuple of a {@link CommandLine} and a {@link ParamFileInfo}. */ public static class CommandLineAndParamFileInfo { public final CommandLine commandLine; @Nullable public final ParamFileInfo paramFileInfo; public CommandLineAndParamFileInfo( CommandLine commandLine, @Nullable ParamFileInfo paramFileInfo) { this.commandLine = commandLine; this.paramFileInfo = paramFileInfo; } } /** * Memory optimization: Store as Object instead of List. * *

We store either a single CommandLine or CommandLineAndParamFileInfo, or list of Objects * where each item is either a CommandLine or CommandLineAndParamFileInfo. This minimizes unneeded * wrapper objects. * *

In the case of actions with a single CommandLine, this saves 48 bytes per action. */ private final Object commandLines; private CommandLines(Object commandLines) { this.commandLines = commandLines; } /** * Expands this object into a single primary command line and (0-N) param files. The spawn runner * is expected to write these param files prior to execution of an action. * * @param artifactExpander The artifact expander to use. * @param paramFileBasePath Used to derive param file names. Often the first output of an action. * @param limits The command line limits the host OS can support. * @return The expanded command line and its param files (if any). */ public ExpandedCommandLines expand( ArtifactExpander artifactExpander, PathFragment paramFileBasePath, CommandLineLimits limits) throws CommandLineExpansionException { return expand(artifactExpander, paramFileBasePath, limits, PARAM_FILE_ARG_LENGTH_ESTIMATE); } /** * Returns all arguments, including ones inside of param files. * *

Suitable for debugging and printing messages to users. This expands all command lines, so it * is potentially expensive. */ public ImmutableList allArguments() throws CommandLineExpansionException { ImmutableList.Builder arguments = ImmutableList.builder(); for (CommandLineAndParamFileInfo pair : getCommandLines()) { arguments.addAll(pair.commandLine.arguments()); } return arguments.build(); } @VisibleForTesting ExpandedCommandLines expand( ArtifactExpander artifactExpander, PathFragment paramFileBasePath, CommandLineLimits limits, int paramFileArgLengthEstimate) throws CommandLineExpansionException { // Optimize for simple case of single command line if (commandLines instanceof CommandLine) { CommandLine commandLine = (CommandLine) commandLines; Iterable arguments = commandLine.arguments(artifactExpander); return new ExpandedCommandLines(arguments, ImmutableList.of()); } List commandLines = getCommandLines(); IterablesChain.Builder arguments = IterablesChain.builder(); ArrayList paramFiles = new ArrayList<>(commandLines.size()); int conservativeMaxLength = limits.maxLength - commandLines.size() * paramFileArgLengthEstimate; int cmdLineLength = 0; // We name based on the output, starting at -0.params and then incrementing int paramFileNameSuffix = 0; for (CommandLineAndParamFileInfo pair : commandLines) { CommandLine commandLine = pair.commandLine; ParamFileInfo paramFileInfo = pair.paramFileInfo; if (paramFileInfo == null) { Iterable args = commandLine.arguments(artifactExpander); arguments.add(args); cmdLineLength += totalArgLen(args); } else { Preconditions.checkNotNull(paramFileInfo); // If null, we would have just had a CommandLine Iterable args = commandLine.arguments(artifactExpander); boolean useParamFile = true; if (!paramFileInfo.always()) { int tentativeCmdLineLength = cmdLineLength + totalArgLen(args); if (tentativeCmdLineLength <= conservativeMaxLength) { arguments.add(args); cmdLineLength = tentativeCmdLineLength; useParamFile = false; } } if (useParamFile) { PathFragment paramFileExecPath = ParameterFile.derivePath(paramFileBasePath, Integer.toString(paramFileNameSuffix)); ++paramFileNameSuffix; String paramArg = paramFileInfo .getFlagFormatString() .replaceFirst("%s", paramFileExecPath.getPathString()); arguments.addElement(paramArg); cmdLineLength += paramArg.length() + 1; paramFiles.add( new ParamFileActionInput( paramFileExecPath, args, paramFileInfo.getFileType(), paramFileInfo.getCharset())); } } } return new ExpandedCommandLines(arguments.build(), paramFiles); } public void addToFingerprint(ActionKeyContext actionKeyContext, Fingerprint fingerprint) throws CommandLineExpansionException { // Optimize for simple case of single command line if (commandLines instanceof CommandLine) { CommandLine commandLine = (CommandLine) commandLines; commandLine.addToFingerprint(actionKeyContext, fingerprint); return; } List commandLines = getCommandLines(); for (CommandLineAndParamFileInfo pair : commandLines) { CommandLine commandLine = pair.commandLine; ParamFileInfo paramFileInfo = pair.paramFileInfo; commandLine.addToFingerprint(actionKeyContext, fingerprint); if (paramFileInfo != null) { addParamFileInfoToFingerprint(paramFileInfo, fingerprint); } } } /** * Expanded command lines. * *

The spawn runner implementation is expected to ensure the param files are available once the * spawn is executed. */ public static class ExpandedCommandLines { private final Iterable arguments; private final List paramFiles; ExpandedCommandLines( Iterable arguments, List paramFiles) { this.arguments = arguments; this.paramFiles = paramFiles; } /** Returns the primary command line of the command. */ public Iterable arguments() { return arguments; } /** Returns the param file action inputs needed to execute the command. */ public List getParamFiles() { return paramFiles; } } /** An in-memory param file virtual action input. */ public static final class ParamFileActionInput implements VirtualActionInput { final PathFragment paramFileExecPath; final Iterable arguments; final ParameterFileType type; final Charset charset; public ParamFileActionInput( PathFragment paramFileExecPath, Iterable arguments, ParameterFileType type, Charset charset) { this.paramFileExecPath = paramFileExecPath; this.arguments = arguments; this.type = type; this.charset = charset; } @Override public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { ParameterFile.writeParameterFile(out, arguments, type, charset); } @Override public ByteString getBytes() throws IOException { ByteString.Output out = ByteString.newOutput(); writeTo(out); return out.toByteString(); } @Override public String getExecPathString() { return paramFileExecPath.getPathString(); } @Override public PathFragment getExecPath() { return paramFileExecPath; } } // Helper function to unpack the optimized storage format into a list @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List getCommandLines() { if (commandLines instanceof CommandLine) { return ImmutableList.of(new CommandLineAndParamFileInfo((CommandLine) commandLines, null)); } else if (commandLines instanceof CommandLineAndParamFileInfo) { return ImmutableList.of((CommandLineAndParamFileInfo) commandLines); } else { List commandLines = Arrays.asList((Object[]) this.commandLines); ImmutableList.Builder result = ImmutableList.builderWithExpectedSize(commandLines.size()); for (Object commandLine : commandLines) { if (commandLine instanceof CommandLine) { result.add(new CommandLineAndParamFileInfo((CommandLine) commandLine, null)); } else { result.add((CommandLineAndParamFileInfo) commandLine); } } return result.build(); } } private static int totalArgLen(Iterable args) { int result = 0; for (String s : args) { result += s.length() + 1; } return result; } private static void addParamFileInfoToFingerprint( ParamFileInfo paramFileInfo, Fingerprint fingerprint) { fingerprint.addUUID(PARAM_FILE_UUID); fingerprint.addString(paramFileInfo.getFlagFormatString()); fingerprint.addString(paramFileInfo.getFileType().toString()); fingerprint.addString(paramFileInfo.getCharset().toString()); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static Builder builder(Builder other) { return new Builder(other); } /** Returns an instance with a single command line. */ public static CommandLines of(CommandLine commandLine) { return new CommandLines(commandLine); } /** Returns an instance with a single trivial command line. */ public static CommandLines of(Iterable args) { return new CommandLines(CommandLine.of(args)); } public static CommandLines concat(CommandLine commandLine, CommandLines commandLines) { Builder builder = builder(); builder.addCommandLine(commandLine); for (CommandLineAndParamFileInfo pair : commandLines.getCommandLines()) { builder.addCommandLine(pair); } return builder.build(); } /** Builder for {@link CommandLines}. */ public static class Builder { private final List commandLines; Builder() { commandLines = new ArrayList<>(); } Builder(Builder other) { commandLines = new ArrayList<>(other.commandLines); } public Builder addCommandLine(CommandLine commandLine) { commandLines.add(new CommandLineAndParamFileInfo(commandLine, null)); return this; } public Builder addCommandLine(CommandLine commandLine, ParamFileInfo paramFileInfo) { return addCommandLine(new CommandLineAndParamFileInfo(commandLine, paramFileInfo)); } public Builder addCommandLine(CommandLineAndParamFileInfo pair) { commandLines.add(pair); return this; } public CommandLines build() { final Object commandLines; if (this.commandLines.size() == 1) { CommandLineAndParamFileInfo pair = this.commandLines.get(0); if (pair.paramFileInfo != null) { commandLines = pair; } else { commandLines = pair.commandLine; } } else { Object[] result = new Object[this.commandLines.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.commandLines.size(); ++i) { CommandLineAndParamFileInfo pair = this.commandLines.get(i); if (pair.paramFileInfo != null) { result[i] = pair; } else { result[i] = pair.commandLine; } } commandLines = result; } return new CommandLines(commandLines); } } }