// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "src/main/cpp/util/path_platform.h" #include #include // wcslen #include #include #include // unique_ptr #include #include #include "src/main/cpp/util/errors.h" #include "src/main/cpp/util/exit_code.h" #include "src/main/cpp/util/file_platform.h" #include "src/main/cpp/util/logging.h" #include "src/main/cpp/util/strings.h" #include "src/main/native/windows/file.h" namespace blaze_util { using bazel::windows::HasUncPrefix; static char GetCurrentDrive(); template struct CharTraits { static bool IsAlpha(char_type ch); }; template <> struct CharTraits { static bool IsAlpha(char ch) { return isalpha(ch); } }; template <> struct CharTraits { static bool IsAlpha(wchar_t ch) { return iswalpha(ch); } }; template static bool IsPathSeparator(char_type ch) { return ch == '/' || ch == '\\'; } template static bool HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(const char_type* ch) { return CharTraits::IsAlpha(ch[0]) && ch[1] == ':'; } std::string ConvertPath(const std::string& path) { // The path may not be Windows-style and may not be normalized, so convert it. std::string converted_path; std::string error; if (!blaze_util::AsWindowsPath(path, &converted_path, &error)) { BAZEL_DIE(blaze_exit_code::LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR) << "ConvertPath(" << path << "): AsWindowsPath failed: " << error; } std::transform(converted_path.begin(), converted_path.end(), converted_path.begin(), ::towlower); return converted_path; } std::string MakeAbsolute(const std::string& path) { // The path may not be Windows-style and may not be normalized, so convert it. std::wstring wpath; std::string error; if (!AsAbsoluteWindowsPath(path, &wpath, &error)) { BAZEL_DIE(blaze_exit_code::LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR) << "MakeAbsolute(" << path << "): AsAbsoluteWindowsPath failed: " << error; } std::transform(wpath.begin(), wpath.end(), wpath.begin(), ::towlower); return std::string( WstringToCstring(RemoveUncPrefixMaybe(wpath.c_str())).get()); } std::string MakeAbsoluteAndResolveWindowsEnvvars(const std::string& path) { // Get the size of the expanded string, so we know how big of a buffer to // provide. The returned size includes the null terminator. std::unique_ptr resolved(new CHAR[MAX_PATH]); DWORD size = ::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(path.c_str(), resolved.get(), MAX_PATH); if (size == 0) { BAZEL_DIE(blaze_exit_code::LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR) << "MakeAbsoluteAndResolveWindowsEnvvars(" << path << "): ExpandEnvironmentStrings failed: " << GetLastErrorString(); } else if (size > MAX_PATH) { // Try again with a buffer bigger than MAX_PATH. resolved.reset(new CHAR[size]); DWORD second_size = ::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(path.c_str(), resolved.get(), size); if (second_size == 0) { BAZEL_DIE(blaze_exit_code::LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR) << "MakeAbsoluteAndResolveWindowsEnvvars(" << path << "): ExpandEnvironmentStrings failed with second buffer: " << GetLastErrorString(); } assert(second_size <= size); } return MakeAbsolute(std::string(resolved.get())); } bool CompareAbsolutePaths(const std::string& a, const std::string& b) { return ConvertPath(a) == ConvertPath(b); } std::string PathAsJvmFlag(const std::string& path) { std::string spath; std::string error; if (!AsShortWindowsPath(path, &spath, &error)) { BAZEL_DIE(blaze_exit_code::LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR) << "PathAsJvmFlag(" << path << "): AsShortWindowsPath failed: " << error; } // Convert backslashes to forward slashes, in order to avoid the JVM parsing // Windows paths as if they contained escaped characters. // See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2576 std::replace(spath.begin(), spath.end(), '\\', '/'); return spath; } void AddUncPrefixMaybe(std::wstring* path) { if (path->size() >= MAX_PATH && !HasUncPrefix(path->c_str())) { *path = std::wstring(L"\\\\?\\") + *path; } } const wchar_t* RemoveUncPrefixMaybe(const wchar_t* ptr) { return ptr + (HasUncPrefix(ptr) ? 4 : 0); } // Checks if the path is absolute and/or is a root path. // // If `must_be_root` is true, then in addition to being absolute, the path must // also be just the root part, no other components, e.g. "c:\" is both absolute // and root, but "c:\foo" is just absolute. template static bool IsRootOrAbsolute(const std::basic_string& path, bool must_be_root) { // An absolute path is one that starts with "/", "\", "c:/", "c:\", // "\\?\c:\", or rarely "\??\c:\" or "\\.\c:\". // // It is unclear whether the UNC prefix is just "\\?\" or is "\??\" also // valid (in some cases it seems to be, though MSDN doesn't mention it). return // path is (or starts with) "/" or "\" ((must_be_root ? path.size() == 1 : !path.empty()) && IsPathSeparator(path[0])) || // path is (or starts with) "c:/" or "c:\" or similar ((must_be_root ? path.size() == 3 : path.size() >= 3) && HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(path.c_str()) && IsPathSeparator(path[2])) || // path is (or starts with) "\\?\c:\" or "\??\c:\" or similar ((must_be_root ? path.size() == 7 : path.size() >= 7) && HasUncPrefix(path.c_str()) && HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(path.c_str() + 4) && IsPathSeparator(path[6])); } template static std::pair, std::basic_string > SplitPathImpl(const std::basic_string& path) { if (path.empty()) { return std::make_pair(std::basic_string(), std::basic_string()); } size_t pos = path.size() - 1; for (auto it = path.crbegin(); it != path.crend(); ++it, --pos) { if (IsPathSeparator(*it)) { if ((pos == 2 || pos == 6) && IsRootOrAbsolute(path.substr(0, pos + 1), /* must_be_root */ true)) { // Windows path, top-level directory, e.g. "c:\foo", // result is ("c:\", "foo"). // Or UNC path, top-level directory, e.g. "\\?\c:\foo" // result is ("\\?\c:\", "foo"). return std::make_pair( // Include the "/" or "\" in the drive specifier. path.substr(0, pos + 1), path.substr(pos + 1)); } else { // Windows path (neither top-level nor drive root), Unix path, or // relative path. return std::make_pair( // If the only "/" is the leading one, then that shall be the first // pair element, otherwise the substring up to the rightmost "/". pos == 0 ? path.substr(0, 1) : path.substr(0, pos), // If the rightmost "/" is the tail, then the second pair element // should be empty. pos == path.size() - 1 ? std::basic_string() : path.substr(pos + 1)); } } } // Handle the case with no '/' or '\' in `path`. return std::make_pair(std::basic_string(), path); } std::pair SplitPath(const std::string& path) { return SplitPathImpl(path); } std::pair SplitPathW(const std::wstring& path) { return SplitPathImpl(path); } void assignNUL(std::string* s) { s->assign("NUL"); } void assignNUL(std::wstring* s) { s->assign(L"NUL"); } template bool AsWindowsPath(const std::basic_string& path, std::basic_string* result, std::string* error) { if (path.empty()) { result->clear(); return true; } if (IsDevNull(path.c_str())) { assignNUL(result); return true; } if (HasUncPrefix(path.c_str())) { // Path has "\\?\" prefix --> assume it's already Windows-style. *result = path.c_str(); return true; } if (IsPathSeparator(path[0]) && path.size() > 1 && IsPathSeparator(path[1])) { // Unsupported path: "\\" or "\\server\path", or some degenerate form of // these, such as "//foo". if (error) { *error = "network paths are unsupported"; } return false; } if (HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(path.c_str()) && (path.size() < 3 || !IsPathSeparator(path[2]))) { // Unsupported path: "c:" or "c:foo" if (error) { *error = "working-directory relative paths are unsupported"; } return false; } std::basic_string mutable_path = path; if (path[0] == '/') { if (error) { *error = "Unix-style paths are unsupported"; } return false; } if (path[0] == '\\') { // This is an absolute Windows path on the current drive, e.g. "\foo\bar". std::basic_string drive(1, GetCurrentDrive()); drive.push_back(':'); mutable_path = drive + path; } // otherwise this is a relative path, or absolute Windows path. result->assign(NormalizeWindowsPath(mutable_path)); return true; } bool AsWindowsPath(const std::string& path, std::wstring* result, std::string* error) { std::string normalized_win_path; if (!AsWindowsPath(path, &normalized_win_path, error)) { return false; } result->assign(CstringToWstring(normalized_win_path.c_str()).get()); return true; } template bool AsAbsoluteWindowsPath(const std::basic_string& path, std::wstring* result, std::string* error) { if (path.empty()) { result->clear(); return true; } if (IsDevNull(path.c_str())) { result->assign(L"NUL"); return true; } if (!AsWindowsPath(path, result, error)) { return false; } if (!IsRootOrAbsolute(*result, /* must_be_root */ false)) { *result = GetCwdW() + L"\\" + *result; } if (!HasUncPrefix(result->c_str())) { *result = std::wstring(L"\\\\?\\") + *result; } return true; } bool AsShortWindowsPath(const std::string& path, std::string* result, std::string* error) { if (IsDevNull(path.c_str())) { result->assign("NUL"); return true; } result->clear(); std::wstring wpath; std::wstring wsuffix; if (!AsAbsoluteWindowsPath(path, &wpath, error)) { return false; } DWORD size = ::GetShortPathNameW(wpath.c_str(), nullptr, 0); if (size == 0) { // GetShortPathNameW can fail if `wpath` does not exist. This is expected // when we are about to create a file at that path, so instead of failing, // walk up in the path until we find a prefix that exists and can be // shortened, or is a root directory. Save the non-existent tail in // `wsuffix`, we'll add it back later. std::vector segments; while (size == 0 && !IsRootDirectoryW(wpath)) { std::pair split = SplitPathW(wpath); wpath = split.first; segments.push_back(split.second); size = ::GetShortPathNameW(wpath.c_str(), nullptr, 0); } // Join all segments. std::wostringstream builder; bool first = true; for (auto it = segments.crbegin(); it != segments.crend(); ++it) { if (!first || !IsRootDirectoryW(wpath)) { builder << L'\\' << *it; } else { builder << *it; } first = false; } wsuffix = builder.str(); } std::wstring wresult; if (IsRootDirectoryW(wpath)) { // Strip the UNC prefix from `wpath`, and the leading "\" from `wsuffix`. wresult = std::wstring(RemoveUncPrefixMaybe(wpath.c_str())) + wsuffix; } else { std::unique_ptr wshort( new WCHAR[size]); // size includes null-terminator if (size - 1 != ::GetShortPathNameW(wpath.c_str(), wshort.get(), size)) { if (error) { std::string last_error = GetLastErrorString(); std::stringstream msg; msg << "AsShortWindowsPath(" << path << "): GetShortPathNameW(" << WstringToString(wpath) << ") failed: " << last_error; *error = msg.str(); } return false; } // GetShortPathNameW may preserve the UNC prefix in the result, so strip it. wresult = std::wstring(RemoveUncPrefixMaybe(wshort.get())) + wsuffix; } result->assign(WstringToCstring(wresult.c_str()).get()); ToLower(result); return true; } bool IsDevNull(const char* path) { return path != NULL && *path != 0 && (strncmp("/dev/null\0", path, 10) == 0 || ((path[0] == 'N' || path[0] == 'n') && (path[1] == 'U' || path[1] == 'u') && (path[2] == 'L' || path[2] == 'l') && path[3] == 0)); } bool IsDevNull(const wchar_t* path) { return path != NULL && *path != 0 && (wcsncmp(L"/dev/null\0", path, 10) == 0 || ((path[0] == L'N' || path[0] == L'n') && (path[1] == L'U' || path[1] == L'u') && (path[2] == L'L' || path[2] == L'l') && path[3] == 0)); } bool IsRootDirectory(const std::string& path) { return IsRootOrAbsolute(path, true); } bool IsAbsolute(const std::string& path) { return IsRootOrAbsolute(path, false); } bool IsAbsolute(const std::wstring& path) { return IsRootOrAbsolute(path, false); } bool IsRootDirectoryW(const std::wstring& path) { return IsRootOrAbsolute(path, true); } static char GetCurrentDrive() { std::wstring cwd = GetCwdW(); wchar_t wdrive = RemoveUncPrefixMaybe(cwd.c_str())[0]; wchar_t offset = wdrive >= L'A' && wdrive <= L'Z' ? L'A' : L'a'; return 'a' + wdrive - offset; } template std::basic_string NormalizeWindowsPath( std::basic_string path) { if (path.empty()) { return std::basic_string(); } if (path[0] == '/') { // This is an absolute MSYS path, error out. BAZEL_DIE(blaze_exit_code::LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR) << "NormalizeWindowsPath(" << path << "): expected a Windows path"; } if (path.size() >= 4 && HasUncPrefix(path.c_str())) { path = path.substr(4); } static const std::basic_string dot(1, '.'); static const std::basic_string dotdot(2, '.'); std::vector> segments; int segment_start = -1; // Find the path segments in `path` (separated by "/"). for (int i = 0;; ++i) { if (!IsPathSeparator(path[i]) && path[i] != '\0') { // The current character does not end a segment, so start one unless it's // already started. if (segment_start < 0) { segment_start = i; } } else if (segment_start >= 0 && i > segment_start) { // The current character is "/" or "\0", so this ends a segment. // Add that to `segments` if there's anything to add; handle "." and "..". std::basic_string segment(path, segment_start, i - segment_start); segment_start = -1; if (segment == dotdot) { if (!segments.empty() && !HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(segments[0].c_str())) { segments.pop_back(); } } else if (segment != dot) { segments.push_back(segment); } } if (path[i] == '\0') { break; } } // Handle the case when `path` is just a drive specifier (or some degenerate // form of it, e.g. "c:\.."). if (segments.size() == 1 && segments[0].size() == 2 && HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(segments[0].c_str())) { segments[0].push_back('\\'); return segments[0]; } // Join all segments. bool first = true; std::basic_ostringstream result; for (const auto& s : segments) { if (!first) { result << '\\'; } first = false; result << s; } return result.str(); } } // namespace blaze_util