// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "src/main/cpp/option_processor.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "src/main/cpp/blaze_util.h" #include "src/main/cpp/blaze_util_platform.h" #include "src/main/cpp/util/file.h" #include "src/main/cpp/util/strings.h" using std::list; using std::map; using std::set; using std::vector; // On OSX, there apparently is no header that defines this. extern char **environ; namespace blaze { constexpr char BlazeStartupOptions::WorkspacePrefix[]; OptionProcessor::RcOption::RcOption(int rcfile_index, const string& option) : rcfile_index_(rcfile_index), option_(option) { } OptionProcessor::RcFile::RcFile(const string& filename, int index) : filename_(filename), index_(index) { } blaze_exit_code::ExitCode OptionProcessor::RcFile::Parse( const string& workspace, vector* rcfiles, map >* rcoptions, string* error) { list initial_import_stack; initial_import_stack.push_back(filename_); return Parse( workspace, filename_, index_, rcfiles, rcoptions, &initial_import_stack, error); } blaze_exit_code::ExitCode OptionProcessor::RcFile::Parse( const string& workspace, const string& filename_ref, const int index, vector* rcfiles, map >* rcoptions, list* import_stack, string* error) { string filename(filename_ref); // file string contents; if (!ReadFile(filename, &contents)) { // We checked for file readability before, so this is unexpected. blaze_util::StringPrintf(error, "Unexpected error reading .blazerc file '%s'", filename.c_str()); return blaze_exit_code::INTERNAL_ERROR; } // A '\' at the end of a line continues the line. blaze_util::Replace("\\\r\n", "", &contents); blaze_util::Replace("\\\n", "", &contents); vector startup_options; vector lines = blaze_util::Split(contents, '\n'); for (int line = 0; line < lines.size(); ++line) { blaze_util::StripWhitespace(&lines[line]); // Check for an empty line. if (lines[line].empty()) { continue; } vector words; // This will treat "#" as a comment, and properly // quote single and double quotes, and treat '\' // as an escape character. // TODO(bazel-team): This function silently ignores // dangling backslash escapes and missing end-quotes. blaze_util::Tokenize(lines[line], '#', &words); if (words.empty()) { // Could happen if line starts with "#" continue; } string command = words[0]; if (command == "import") { if (words.size() != 2 || (words[1].compare(0, BlazeStartupOptions::WorkspacePrefixLength, BlazeStartupOptions::WorkspacePrefix) == 0 && !BlazeStartupOptions::WorkspaceRelativizeRcFilePath( workspace, &words[1]))) { blaze_util::StringPrintf(error, "Invalid import declaration in .blazerc file '%s': '%s'", filename.c_str(), lines[line].c_str()); return blaze_exit_code::BAD_ARGV; } if (std::find(import_stack->begin(), import_stack->end(), words[1]) != import_stack->end()) { string loop; for (list::const_iterator imported_rc = import_stack->begin(); imported_rc != import_stack->end(); ++imported_rc) { loop += " " + *imported_rc + "\n"; } blaze_util::StringPrintf(error, "Import loop detected:\n%s", loop.c_str()); return blaze_exit_code::BAD_ARGV; } rcfiles->push_back(new RcFile(words[1], rcfiles->size())); import_stack->push_back(words[1]); blaze_exit_code::ExitCode parse_exit_code = RcFile::Parse(workspace, rcfiles->back()->Filename(), rcfiles->back()->Index(), rcfiles, rcoptions, import_stack, error); if (parse_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) { return parse_exit_code; } import_stack->pop_back(); } else { for (int word = 1; word < words.size(); ++word) { (*rcoptions)[command].push_back(RcOption(index, words[word])); if (command == "startup") { startup_options.push_back(words[word]); } } } } if (!startup_options.empty()) { string startup_args; blaze_util::JoinStrings(startup_options, ' ', &startup_args); fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Reading 'startup' options from %s: %s\n", filename.c_str(), startup_args.c_str()); } return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS; } OptionProcessor::OptionProcessor() : initialized_(false), parsed_startup_options_(new BlazeStartupOptions()) { } // Return the path of the depot .blazerc file. string OptionProcessor::FindDepotBlazerc(const string& workspace) { // Package semantics are ignored here, but that's acceptable because // blaze.blazerc is a configuration file. vector candidates; BlazeStartupOptions::WorkspaceRcFileSearchPath(&candidates); for (const auto& candidate : candidates) { string blazerc = blaze_util::JoinPath(workspace, candidate); if (!access(blazerc.c_str(), R_OK)) { return blazerc; } } return ""; } // Return the path of the .blazerc file that sits alongside the binary. // This allows for canary or cross-platform Blazes operating on the same depot // to have customized behavior. string OptionProcessor::FindAlongsideBinaryBlazerc(const string& cwd, const string& arg0) { string path = arg0[0] == '/' ? arg0 : blaze_util::JoinPath(cwd, arg0); string base = blaze_util::Basename(arg0); string binary_blazerc_path = path + "." + base + "rc"; if (!access(binary_blazerc_path.c_str(), R_OK)) { return binary_blazerc_path; } return ""; } // Return the path of the bazelrc file that sits in /etc. // This allows for installing Bazel on system-wide directory. string OptionProcessor::FindSystemWideBlazerc() { string path = BlazeStartupOptions::SystemWideRcPath(); if (!path.empty() && !access(path.c_str(), R_OK)) { return path; } return ""; } // Return the path to the user's rc file. If cmdLineRcFile != NULL, // use it, dying if it is not readable. Otherwise, return the first // readable file called rc_basename from [workspace, $HOME] // // If no readable .blazerc file is found, return the empty string. blaze_exit_code::ExitCode OptionProcessor::FindUserBlazerc( const char* cmdLineRcFile, const string& rc_basename, const string& workspace, string* blaze_rc_file, string* error) { if (cmdLineRcFile != NULL) { string rcFile = MakeAbsolute(cmdLineRcFile); if (access(rcFile.c_str(), R_OK)) { blaze_util::StringPrintf(error, "Error: Unable to read .blazerc file '%s'.", rcFile.c_str()); return blaze_exit_code::BAD_ARGV; } *blaze_rc_file = rcFile; return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS; } string workspaceRcFile = blaze_util::JoinPath(workspace, rc_basename); if (!access(workspaceRcFile.c_str(), R_OK)) { *blaze_rc_file = workspaceRcFile; return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS; } const char* home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) { *blaze_rc_file = ""; return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS; } string userRcFile = blaze_util::JoinPath(home, rc_basename); if (!access(userRcFile.c_str(), R_OK)) { *blaze_rc_file = userRcFile; return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS; } *blaze_rc_file = ""; return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS; } blaze_exit_code::ExitCode OptionProcessor::ParseOptions( const vector& args, const string& workspace, const string& cwd, string* error) { assert(!initialized_); initialized_ = true; const char* blazerc = NULL; bool use_master_blazerc = true; // Check if there is a blazerc related option given args_ = args; for (int i= 1; i < args.size(); i++) { const char* arg_chr = args[i].c_str(); const char* next_arg_chr = (i + 1) < args.size() ? args[i + 1].c_str() : NULL; if (blazerc == NULL) { blazerc = GetUnaryOption(arg_chr, next_arg_chr, "--blazerc"); } if (blazerc == NULL) { blazerc = GetUnaryOption(arg_chr, next_arg_chr, "--bazelrc"); } if (use_master_blazerc && (GetNullaryOption(arg_chr, "--nomaster_blazerc") || GetNullaryOption(arg_chr, "--nomaster_bazelrc"))) { use_master_blazerc = false; } } // Parse depot and user blazerc files. // This is a little inefficient (copying a multimap around), but it is a // small one and this way I don't have to care about memory management. vector candidate_blazerc_paths; if (use_master_blazerc) { candidate_blazerc_paths.push_back(FindDepotBlazerc(workspace)); candidate_blazerc_paths.push_back(FindAlongsideBinaryBlazerc(cwd, args[0])); candidate_blazerc_paths.push_back(FindSystemWideBlazerc()); } string user_blazerc_path; blaze_exit_code::ExitCode find_blazerc_exit_code = FindUserBlazerc( blazerc, BlazeStartupOptions::RcBasename(), workspace, &user_blazerc_path, error); if (find_blazerc_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) { return find_blazerc_exit_code; } candidate_blazerc_paths.push_back(user_blazerc_path); // Throw away missing files, dedupe candidate blazerc paths, and parse the // blazercs, all while preserving order. Duplicates can arise if e.g. the // binary's path *is* the depot path. set blazerc_paths; for (const auto& candidate_blazerc_path : candidate_blazerc_paths) { if (!candidate_blazerc_path.empty() && (blazerc_paths.insert(candidate_blazerc_path).second)) { blazercs_.push_back( new RcFile(candidate_blazerc_path, blazercs_.size())); blaze_exit_code::ExitCode parse_exit_code = blazercs_.back()->Parse(workspace, &blazercs_, &rcoptions_, error); if (parse_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) { return parse_exit_code; } } } blaze_exit_code::ExitCode parse_startup_options_exit_code = ParseStartupOptions(error); if (parse_startup_options_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) { return parse_startup_options_exit_code; } // Determine command if (startup_args_ + 1 >= args.size()) { command_ = ""; return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS; } command_ = args[startup_args_ + 1]; AddRcfileArgsAndOptions(parsed_startup_options_->batch, cwd); for (unsigned int cmd_arg = startup_args_ + 2; cmd_arg < args.size(); cmd_arg++) { command_arguments_.push_back(args[cmd_arg]); } return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS; } blaze_exit_code::ExitCode OptionProcessor::ParseOptions( int argc, const char* argv[], const string& workspace, const string& cwd, string* error) { vector args(argc); for (int arg = 0; arg < argc; arg++) { args[arg] = argv[arg]; } return ParseOptions(args, workspace, cwd, error); } static bool IsArg(const string& arg) { return blaze_util::starts_with(arg, "-") && (arg != "--help") && (arg != "-help") && (arg != "-h"); } blaze_exit_code::ExitCode OptionProcessor::ParseStartupOptions(string *error) { // Process rcfile startup options map< string, vector >::const_iterator it = rcoptions_.find("startup"); blaze_exit_code::ExitCode process_arg_exit_code; bool is_space_separated; if (it != rcoptions_.end()) { const vector& startup_options = it->second; int i = 0; // Process all elements except the last one. for (; i < startup_options.size() - 1; i++) { const RcOption& option = startup_options[i]; const string& blazerc = blazercs_[option.rcfile_index()]->Filename(); process_arg_exit_code = parsed_startup_options_->ProcessArg( option.option(), startup_options[i + 1].option(), blazerc, &is_space_separated, error); if (process_arg_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) { return process_arg_exit_code; } if (is_space_separated) { i++; } } // Process last element, if any. if (i < startup_options.size()) { const RcOption& option = startup_options[i]; if (IsArg(option.option())) { const string& blazerc = blazercs_[option.rcfile_index()]->Filename(); process_arg_exit_code = parsed_startup_options_->ProcessArg( option.option(), "", blazerc, &is_space_separated, error); if (process_arg_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) { return process_arg_exit_code; } } } } // Process command-line args next, so they override any of the same options // from .blazerc. Stop on first non-arg, this includes --help unsigned int i = 1; if (!args_.empty()) { for (; (i < args_.size() - 1) && IsArg(args_[i]); i++) { process_arg_exit_code = parsed_startup_options_->ProcessArg( args_[i], args_[i + 1], "", &is_space_separated, error); if (process_arg_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) { return process_arg_exit_code; } if (is_space_separated) { i++; } } if (i < args_.size() && IsArg(args_[i])) { process_arg_exit_code = parsed_startup_options_->ProcessArg( args_[i], "", "", &is_space_separated, error); if (process_arg_exit_code != blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS) { return process_arg_exit_code; } i++; } } startup_args_ = i -1; return blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS; } // Appends the command and arguments from argc/argv to the end of arg_vector, // and also splices in some additional terminal and environment options between // the command and the arguments. NB: Keep the options added here in sync with // BlazeCommandDispatcher.INTERNAL_COMMAND_OPTIONS! void OptionProcessor::AddRcfileArgsAndOptions(bool batch, const string& cwd) { // Provide terminal options as coming from the least important rc file. command_arguments_.push_back("--rc_source=client"); command_arguments_.push_back("--default_override=0:common=--isatty=" + ToString(IsStandardTerminal())); command_arguments_.push_back( "--default_override=0:common=--terminal_columns=" + ToString(GetTerminalColumns())); // Push the options mapping .blazerc numbers to filenames. for (int i_blazerc = 0; i_blazerc < blazercs_.size(); i_blazerc++) { const RcFile* blazerc = blazercs_[i_blazerc]; command_arguments_.push_back("--rc_source=" + blaze::ConvertPath(blazerc->Filename())); } // Push the option defaults for (map >::const_iterator it = rcoptions_.begin(); it != rcoptions_.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "startup") { // Skip startup options, they are parsed in the C++ wrapper continue; } for (int ii = 0; ii < it->second.size(); ii++) { const RcOption& rcoption = it->second[ii]; command_arguments_.push_back( "--default_override=" + ToString(rcoption.rcfile_index() + 1) + ":" + it->first + "=" + rcoption.option()); } } // Pass the client environment to the server in server mode. if (batch) { command_arguments_.push_back("--ignore_client_env"); } else { for (char** env = environ; *env != NULL; env++) { command_arguments_.push_back("--client_env=" + string(*env)); } } command_arguments_.push_back("--client_cwd=" + blaze::ConvertPath(cwd)); const char *emacs = getenv("EMACS"); if (emacs != NULL && strcmp(emacs, "t") == 0) { command_arguments_.push_back("--emacs"); } } void OptionProcessor::GetCommandArguments(vector* result) const { result->insert(result->end(), command_arguments_.begin(), command_arguments_.end()); } const string& OptionProcessor::GetCommand() const { return command_; } const BlazeStartupOptions& OptionProcessor::GetParsedStartupOptions() const { return *parsed_startup_options_.get(); } OptionProcessor::~OptionProcessor() { for (auto it : blazercs_) { delete it; } } } // namespace blaze