// Copyright 2010 The Bazel Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.testing.junit.runner.model; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS; import com.google.testing.junit.junit4.runner.DynamicTestException; import com.google.testing.junit.runner.sharding.ShardingEnvironment; import com.google.testing.junit.runner.sharding.ShardingFilters; import com.google.testing.junit.runner.util.TestIntegrationsRunnerIntegration; import com.google.testing.junit.runner.util.TestPropertyRunnerIntegration; import com.google.testing.junit.runner.util.Ticker; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter; /** * Model of the tests that will be run. The model is agnostic of the particular * type of test run (JUnit3 or JUnit4). The test runner uses this class to build * the model, and then updates the model during the test run. * *

The leaf nodes in the model are test cases; the other nodes are test suites. */ public class TestSuiteModel { private final TestSuiteNode rootNode; private final Map testCaseMap; private final Map testsMap; private final Ticker ticker; private final AtomicBoolean wroteXml = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final XmlResultWriter xmlResultWriter; @Nullable private final Filter shardingFilter; private TestSuiteModel(Builder builder) { rootNode = builder.rootNode; testsMap = builder.testsMap; testCaseMap = filterTestCases(builder.testsMap); ticker = builder.ticker; shardingFilter = builder.shardingFilter; xmlResultWriter = builder.xmlResultWriter; } // VisibleForTesting public List getTopLevelTestSuites() { return rootNode.getChildren(); } // VisibleForTesting Description getTopLevelDescription() { return rootNode.getDescription(); } /** * Gets the sharding filter to use; {@link Filter#ALL} if not sharding. */ public Filter getShardingFilter() { return shardingFilter; } /** * Returns the test case node with the given test description.

* * Note that in theory this should never return {@code null}, but * if it did we would not want to throw a {@code NullPointerException} * because JUnit4 would catch the exception and remove our test * listener! */ private TestCaseNode getTestCase(Description description) { // The description shouldn't be null, but in the test runner code we avoid throwing exceptions. return description == null ? null : testCaseMap.get(description); } private TestNode getTest(Description description) { // The description shouldn't be null, but in the test runner code we avoid throwing exceptions. return description == null ? null : testsMap.get(description); } // VisibleForTesting public int getNumTestCases() { return testCaseMap.size(); } /** * Indicate that the test run has started. This should be called after all * filtering has been completed. * * @param topLevelDescription the root {@link Description} node. */ public void testRunStarted(Description topLevelDescription) { markChildrenAsPending(topLevelDescription); } private void markChildrenAsPending(Description node) { if (node.isTest()) { testPending(node); } else { for (Description child : node.getChildren()) { markChildrenAsPending(child); } } } /** * Indicate that the test case with the given key is scheduled to start. * * @param description key for a test case */ private void testPending(Description description) { TestCaseNode testCase = getTestCase(description); if (testCase != null) { testCase.pending(); } } /** * Indicate that the test case with the given key has started. * * @param description key for a test case */ public void testStarted(Description description) { TestCaseNode testCase = getTestCase(description); if (testCase != null) { testCase.started(currentMillis()); TestPropertyRunnerIntegration.setTestCaseForThread(testCase); TestIntegrationsRunnerIntegration.setTestCaseForThread(testCase); } } /** * Indicate that the entire test run was interrupted. */ public void testRunInterrupted() { rootNode.testInterrupted(currentMillis()); } /** * Indicate that the test case with the given key has requested that * a property be written in the XML.

* * @param description key for a test case * @param name The property name. * @param value The property value. */ public void testEmittedProperty(Description description, String name, String value) { TestCaseNode testCase = getTestCase(description); if (testCase != null) { testCase.exportProperty(name, value); } } /** * Adds a failure to the test with the given key. If the specified test is suite, the failure * will be added to all its children. * * @param description key for a test case */ public void testFailure(Description description, Throwable throwable) { TestNode test = getTest(description); if (test != null) { if (throwable instanceof DynamicTestException) { DynamicTestException dynamicFailure = (DynamicTestException) throwable; test.dynamicTestFailure( dynamicFailure.getTest(), dynamicFailure.getCause(), currentMillis()); } else { test.testFailure(throwable, currentMillis()); } } } /** * Indicates that the test case with the given key was skipped * * @param description key for a test case */ public void testSkipped(Description description) { TestNode test = getTest(description); if (test != null) { test.testSkipped(currentMillis()); } } /** * Indicates that the test case with the given key was ignored or suppressed * * @param description key for a test case */ public void testSuppressed(Description description) { TestNode test = getTest(description); if (test != null) { test.testSuppressed(currentMillis()); } } /** * Indicate that the test case with the given description has finished. */ public void testFinished(Description description) { TestCaseNode testCase = getTestCase(description); if (testCase != null) { testCase.finished(currentMillis()); } /* * Note: we don't call TestPropertyExporter, so if any properties are * exported before the next test runs, they will be associated with the * current test. */ } private long currentMillis() { return NANOSECONDS.toMillis(ticker.read()); } /** * Writes the model to XML * * @param outputStream stream to output to * @throws IOException if the underlying writer throws an exception */ public void writeAsXml(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { write(new XmlWriter(outputStream)); } // VisibleForTesting void write(XmlWriter writer) throws IOException { if (wroteXml.compareAndSet(false, true)) { xmlResultWriter.writeTestSuites(writer, rootNode.getResult()); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return toString().hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof TestSuiteModel)) { return false; } TestSuiteModel that = (TestSuiteModel) obj; // We only use this for testing, so using toString() is good enough return this.toString().equals(that.toString()); } @Override public String toString() { try { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); write(XmlWriter.createForTesting(stringWriter)); return stringWriter.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * A builder for creating a model of a test suite. */ public static class Builder { private final Ticker ticker; private final Map testsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ShardingEnvironment shardingEnvironment; private final ShardingFilters shardingFilters; private final XmlResultWriter xmlResultWriter; private TestSuiteNode rootNode; private Filter shardingFilter = Filter.ALL; private boolean buildWasCalled = false; @Inject public Builder(Ticker ticker, ShardingFilters shardingFilters, ShardingEnvironment shardingEnvironment, XmlResultWriter xmlResultWriter) { this.ticker = ticker; this.shardingFilters = shardingFilters; this.shardingEnvironment = shardingEnvironment; this.xmlResultWriter = xmlResultWriter; } /** * Build a model with the given name, including the given suites. This method * should be called before any command line filters are applied. */ public TestSuiteModel build(String suiteName, Description... topLevelSuites) { if (buildWasCalled) { throw new IllegalStateException("Builder.build() was already called"); } buildWasCalled = true; if (shardingEnvironment.isShardingEnabled()) { shardingFilter = getShardingFilter(topLevelSuites); } rootNode = new TestSuiteNode(Description.createSuiteDescription(suiteName)); for (Description topLevelSuite : topLevelSuites) { addTestSuite(rootNode, topLevelSuite); rootNode.getDescription().addChild(topLevelSuite); } return new TestSuiteModel(this); } private Filter getShardingFilter(Description... topLevelSuites) { Collection tests = new LinkedList<>(); for (Description suite : topLevelSuites) { collectTests(suite, tests); } shardingEnvironment.touchShardFile(); return shardingFilters.createShardingFilter(tests); } private static void collectTests(Description desc, Collection tests) { if (desc.isTest()) { tests.add(desc); } else { for (Description child : desc.getChildren()) { collectTests(child, tests); } } } private void addTestSuite(TestSuiteNode parentSuite, Description suiteDescription) { TestSuiteNode suite = new TestSuiteNode(suiteDescription); for (Description childDesc : suiteDescription.getChildren()) { if (childDesc.isTest()) { addTestCase(suite, childDesc); } else { addTestSuite(suite, childDesc); } } // Empty suites are pruned when sharding. if (shardingFilter == Filter.ALL || !suite.getChildren().isEmpty()) { parentSuite.addTestSuite(suite); testsMap.put(suiteDescription, suite); } } private void addTestCase(TestSuiteNode parentSuite, Description testCaseDesc) { if (!testCaseDesc.isTest()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (!shardingFilter.shouldRun(testCaseDesc)) { return; } TestCaseNode testCase = new TestCaseNode(testCaseDesc, parentSuite); testsMap.put(testCaseDesc, testCase); parentSuite.addTestCase(testCase); } } /** * Converts the values of the Map from {@link TestNode} to {@link TestCaseNode} filtering out null * values. */ private static Map filterTestCases(Map tests) { Map filteredAndConvertedTests = new HashMap<>(); for (Description key : tests.keySet()) { TestNode testNode = tests.get(key); if (testNode instanceof TestCaseNode) { filteredAndConvertedTests.put(key, (TestCaseNode) testNode); } } return filteredAndConvertedTests; } }