package( default_visibility = ["//visibility:legacy_public"], ) licenses(["notice"]) filegroup( name = "bazel-srcs", testonly = 0, srcs = glob( ["**"], exclude = ["BUILD"], ), visibility = ["//third_party/bazel:__subpackages__"], ) filegroup( name = "srcs", srcs = glob(["**"]), ) filegroup( name = "embedded_tools", srcs = [ "JacocoCoverage_jarjar_deploy.jar", ], ) filegroup( name = "jacoco_coverage_runtime", srcs = ["JacocoCoverage_deploy.jar"], ) # Bazel custom Jacoco runner used to provide proper initialization and lcov # report generation when using offline Jacoco instrumentation. # This target should not be used as a dependency (except when writing tests for # it). # # An implicit dependency of all "java_binary" rules. java_binary( name = "JacocoCoverage", srcs = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], deps = [ ":bitfield", "//third_party/java/jacoco:blaze-agent", "//third_party/java/jacoco:core", "//third_party/java/jacoco:report", ], ) java_library( name = "bitfield", srcs = [ "", "", ], deps = [ "//third_party:apache_commons_lang", ], ) genrule( name = "Jacoco_jarjar", srcs = [ ":JacocoCoverage_deploy.jar", ":JacocoCoverage.jarjar", ], outs = ["JacocoCoverage_jarjar_deploy.jar"], cmd = "\n".join([ # Bazel 0.4.3 contains two bugs: a quoting bug in the Java cmd.exe # wrapper script that makes it unable to handle $ signs in paths (#2306) # and one that makes it occasionally put $ signs in the output base # (#2342). # # These two collude to make it impossible to run built Java binaries on # Windows if the output base happens to contain a $ sign. # # Thus, don't call jarjar when on Windows. This makes Java coverage not # work if the code under test uses libraries the test runner also does # (e.g. ASM). # # TODO(lberki): Remove this once a Bazel version with a fix to either of # these bugs is out. # # Additionally, there is a hard-coded path to /bin/bash which is wrong on # freebsd; so disable there as well until a fixed version is in there as # well. # TODO(aehlig): fix and remove once a version with the fix is out. # # We don't invoke jarjar_bin directly because this command is invoked # during bootstrapping when we don't have build-runfiles, thus no # runfiles trees. The Java launcher script looks in the runfiles tree # for the jars (and rightfully so), thus, invoking the binary directly # won't work. "if [[ $$(uname -a) =~ MSYS ]] || [[ $$(uname -a) =~ CYGWIN ]] || [[ $$(uname -a) =~ freebsd ]]; then", " cp \"$(location :JacocoCoverage_deploy.jar)\" \"$@\";", "else", " \"$(JAVA)\" -jar \"$(location //third_party/java/jarjar:jarjar_bin_deploy.jar)\" process \"$(location :JacocoCoverage.jarjar)\" \"$(location :JacocoCoverage_deploy.jar)\" \"$@\"", "fi", ]), tools = [ "//third_party/java/jarjar:jarjar_bin_deploy.jar", "//tools/defaults:jdk", ], )