// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.devtools.build.java.turbine.javac; import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.getOnlyElement; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.sun.tools.javac.file.JavacFileManager; import com.sun.tools.javac.parser.JavacParser; import com.sun.tools.javac.parser.ParserFactory; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCClassDecl; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCCompilationUnit; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCVariableDecl; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; /** Unit tests for {@link TreePruner}. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class TreePrunerTest { static JCCompilationUnit parseLines(String... lines) { Context context = new Context(); try (JavacFileManager fm = new JavacFileManager(context, true, UTF_8)) { ParserFactory parserFactory = ParserFactory.instance(context); String input = Joiner.on('\n').join(lines); JavacParser parser = parserFactory.newParser( input, /*keepDocComments=*/ false, /*keepEndPos=*/ false, /*keepLineMap=*/ false); return parser.parseCompilationUnit(); } } static JCVariableDecl parseField(String line) { JCCompilationUnit unit = parseLines("class T {", line, "}"); JCClassDecl classDecl = (JCClassDecl) getOnlyElement(unit.defs); return (JCVariableDecl) getOnlyElement(classDecl.defs); } static String printPruned(String line) { JCVariableDecl tree = parseField(line); TreePruner.prune(tree); return tree.toString(); } @Test public void hello() { String[] lines = { "class Test {", // TODO(cushon): fix google-java-format's handling of lists of string literals " void f() {", " System.err.println(\"hello\");", " }", "}", }; JCCompilationUnit tree = parseLines(lines); TreePruner.prune(tree); String[] expected = { "class Test {", // TODO(cushon): fix google-java-format's handling of lists of string literals " ", " void f() {", " }", "}", }; assertThat(prettyPrint(tree)).isEqualTo(Joiner.on('\n').join(expected)); } @Test public void initalizerBlocks() { String[] lines = { "class Test {", " {", " System.err.println(\"hello\");", " }", " static {", " System.err.println(\"hello\");", " }", "}", }; JCCompilationUnit tree = parseLines(lines); TreePruner.prune(tree); String[] expected = { "class Test {", // TODO(cushon): fix google-java-format's handling of lists of string literals " {", " }", " static {", " }", "}", }; assertThat(prettyPrint(tree)).isEqualTo(Joiner.on('\n').join(expected)); } @Test public void nonConstantFieldInitializers() { String[] lines = { "class Test {", // TODO(cushon): fix google-java-format's handling of lists of string literals " Object a = null;", " int[] b = {1};", " int c = g();", " String d = \"\" + h();", "}", }; JCCompilationUnit tree = parseLines(lines); TreePruner.prune(tree); String[] expected = { "class Test {", // TODO(cushon): fix google-java-format's handling of lists of string literals " Object a;", " int[] b;", " int c;", " String d;", "}" }; assertThat(prettyPrint(tree)).isEqualTo(Joiner.on('\n').join(expected)); } // JLS §4.12.4 @Test public void constantVariable() { // A constant variable is a final variable assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 42;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 42"); assertThat(printPruned("int x = 42;")).isEqualTo("int x"); // ... of primitive type or type String assertThat(printPruned("final byte x = 0;")).isEqualTo("final byte x = 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final char x = 0;")).isEqualTo("final char x = 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final short x = 0;")).isEqualTo("final short x = 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 0;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final long x = 0;")).isEqualTo("final long x = 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final float x = 0;")).isEqualTo("final float x = 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final double x = 0;")).isEqualTo("final double x = 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = false;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = false"); assertThat(printPruned("final String x = \"\";")).isEqualTo("final String x = \"\""); assertThat(printPruned("final Object x = 42;")).isEqualTo("final Object x"); // ... that is initialized with a constant expression (§15.28) } // JLS §15.28 @Test public void constantExpression() { // A constant expression is an expression ... composed using only the following: // Literals of primitive type and literals of type String // Casts to primitive types and casts to type String assertThat(printPruned("final int x = (int)42;")).isEqualTo("final int x = (int)42"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = (Integer)42;")).isEqualTo("final int x"); // The unary operators +, -, ~, and ! (but not ++ or --) assertThat(printPruned("final int x = +42;")).isEqualTo("final int x = +42"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = -42;")).isEqualTo("final int x = -42"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = ~42;")).isEqualTo("final int x = ~42"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = !false;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = !false"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = ++y;")).isEqualTo("final int x"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = --y;")).isEqualTo("final int x"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = y++;")).isEqualTo("final int x"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = y--;")).isEqualTo("final int x"); // The multiplicative operators *, /, and % assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 1 * 0;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 1 * 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 1 / 0;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 1 / 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 1 % 0;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 1 % 0"); // The additive operators + and - assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 1 + 0;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 1 + 0"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 1 - 0;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 1 - 0"); // The shift operators <<, >>, and >>> assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 1 << 1;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 1 << 1"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 1 >> 1;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 1 >> 1"); assertThat(printPruned("final int x = 1 >>> 1;")).isEqualTo("final int x = 1 >>> 1"); // The relational operators <, <=, >, and >= (but not instanceof) assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 < 1;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = 1 < 1"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 <= 1;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = 1 <= 1"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 > 1;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = 1 > 1"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 >= 1;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = 1 >= 1"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 instanceof Integer;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x"); // The equality operators == and != assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 == 1;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = 1 == 1"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 != 1;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = 1 != 1"); // The bitwise and logical operators &, ^, and | assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 & 1;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = 1 & 1"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 ^ 1;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = 1 ^ 1"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = 1 | 1;")).isEqualTo("final boolean x = 1 | 1"); // The conditional-and operator && and the conditional-or operator || assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = true && false;")) .isEqualTo("final boolean x = true && false"); assertThat(printPruned("final boolean x = true || false;")) .isEqualTo("final boolean x = true || false"); // The ternary conditional operator ? : assertThat(printPruned("final int x = true ? 1 : 0;")).isEqualTo("final int x = true ? 1 : 0"); // Parenthesized expressions whose contained expression is a constant expression assertThat(printPruned("final int x = (1);")).isEqualTo("final int x = (1)"); // Simple names that refer to constant variables assertThat(printPruned("final int x = CONST;")).isEqualTo("final int x = CONST"); // Qualified names of the form TypeName . Identifier that refer to constant variables assertThat(printPruned("final int x = TypeName.Identifier;")) .isEqualTo("final int x = TypeName.Identifier"); } @Test public void nonConstantExpression() { // definitely not a constant assertThat(printPruned("final int x = g();")).isEqualTo("final int x"); // assume all qualified identifiers refer to constant variables, but not that all select // expressions are qualified identifiers assertThat(printPruned("final int x = new X().y;")).isEqualTo("final int x"); } @Test public void constructorChaining() { String[] lines = { "class Test {", " Test() {", " this(42);", " process();", " }", " Test() {", " this(42);", " }", " Test() {", " super(42);", " }", " Test() {}", "}", }; JCCompilationUnit tree = parseLines(lines); TreePruner.prune(tree); String[] expected = { "class Test {", " ", " Test() {", " this(42);", " }", " ", " Test() {", " this(42);", " }", " ", " Test() {", " super(42);", " }", " ", " Test() {", " }", "}", }; assertThat(prettyPrint(tree)).isEqualTo(Joiner.on('\n').join(expected)); } @Test public void annotationDeclaration() { String[] lines = { "@interface Anno {", " int f() default CONST;", " int CONST = 42;", " int NONCONST = new Integer(42);", "}", }; JCCompilationUnit tree = parseLines(lines); TreePruner.prune(tree); String[] expected = { "@interface Anno {", " ", " int f() default CONST;", " int CONST = 42;", " int NONCONST;", "}", }; assertThat(prettyPrint(tree)).isEqualTo(Joiner.on('\n').join(expected)); } @Test public void interfaceDeclaration() { String[] lines = { "interface Intf {", " int CONST = 42;", " int NONCONST = new Integer(42);", "}", }; JCCompilationUnit tree = parseLines(lines); TreePruner.prune(tree); String[] expected = { "interface Intf {", " int CONST = 42;", " int NONCONST;", "}", }; assertThat(prettyPrint(tree)).isEqualTo(Joiner.on('\n').join(expected)); } private String prettyPrint(JCCompilationUnit tree) { return tree.toString().trim(); } @Test public void qualifiedSuperConstructorChaining() { String[] lines = { "class Test {", " class Inner {", " Inner(OuterInstance outer) {", " outer.super();", " }", " }", "}", }; JCCompilationUnit tree = parseLines(lines); TreePruner.prune(tree); String[] expected = { "class Test {", " ", " class Inner {", " ", " Inner(OuterInstance outer) {", " outer.super();", " }", " }", "}", }; assertThat(prettyPrint(tree)).isEqualTo(Joiner.on('\n').join(expected)); } }