--- layout: documentation title: Windows --- Building Bazel on Windows ========================= Windows support is highly experimental. Known issues are [marked with label "Windows"](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AWindows) on github issues. We currently support only 64 bit Windows 7 or higher and we can only compile msys2 binaries. To bootstrap Bazel on Windows, you will need: * Java JDK 8 or later * [msys2](https://msys2.github.io/) (need to be installed at ``C:\tools\msys64\``). * Several msys2 packages. Use the ``pacman`` command to install them: ``pacman -S gcc git curl zip unzip zlib-devel`` To build Bazel: * Open the msys2 shell. * Clone the Bazel git repository as normal. * Set the environment variables: ```bash export JAVA_HOME="$(ls -d C:/Program\ Files/Java/jdk* | sort | tail -n 1)" export TMPDIR=c:/temp export BAZEL_SH=c:/tools/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe ``` * Run ``compile.sh`` in Bazel directory. * If all works fine, bazel will be built at ``output\bazel.exe``.