--- layout: documentation title: Toolchains --- # Toolchains - [Overview](#overview) - [Defining a toolchain](#defining-a-toolchain) - [Creating a toolchain rule](#creating-a-toolchain-rule) - [Creating a toolchain definition](#creating-a-toolchain-definition) - [Registering a toolchain](#registering-a-toolchain) - [Using a toolchain in a Skylark rule](#using-a-toolchain-in-a-skylark-rule) - [Debugging a toolchain](#debugging-a-toolchain) ## Overview A *Bazel toolchain* is a configuration [provider](skylark/rules.html#providers) that tells a build rule what build tools, such as compilers and linkers, to use and how to configure them using parameters defined by the rule's creator. When a build runs, Bazel performs toolchain resolution based on the specified [execution and target platforms](platforms.html) to determine and apply the toolchain most appropriate to that build. It does so by matching the [constraints](platforms.html#defining-a-platform) specified in the project's `BUILD` file(s) with the constraints specified in the toolchain definition. **Note:** Some Bazel rules do not yet support toolchain resolution. When a target requests a toolchain, Bazel checks the list of registered toolchains and creates a dependency from the target to the first matching toolchain it finds. To find a matching toolchain, Bazel does the following: 1. Looks through the registered toolchains, first from the `--experimental_extra_toolchains` flag, then from the `registered_toolchains` calls in the project's `WORKSPACE` file. 2. For each registered toolchain, Bazel performs the following checks: a. Does the toolchain match the requested toolchain type? If not, skip it. b. Do the toolchain's execution and target constraints match the constraints stated in the project's execution and target platforms? If yes, the toolchain is a match. Because Bazel always selects the first matching toolchain, order the toolchains by preference if you expect the possibility of multiple matches. ## Defining a toolchain Defining a toolchain requires the following: * **Toolchain rule** - a rule invoked in a custom build or test rule that specifies the build tool configuration options particular to the toolchain and supported [platforms](platforms.html) (for example, [`go_toolchain`](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/go/private/go_toolchain.bzl)). This rule must return a [`ToolchainInfo` provider](skylark/lib/ToolchainInfo.html). The toolchain rule is lazily instantiated by Bazel on an as-needed basis. Because of this, a toolchain rule's dependencies can be as complex as needed, including reliance on remote repositories, without affecting builds that do not use them. * **Toolchain definition** - tells Bazel which [platform constraints](platforms.html#defining-a-platform) apply to the toolchain using the `toolchain()` rule. This rule must specify a unique toolchain type label, which is used as input during toolchain resolution. * **Toolchain registration** - makes the toolchain available to a Bazel project using the `register_toolchains()` function in the project's `WORKSPACE` file. ### Creating a toolchain rule Toolchain rules are Skylark rules that create and return providers. To define a toolchain rule, first determine the information that the new rule will require. In the example below, we are adding support for a new programming language, so we need to specify paths to the compiler and the system libraries, plus a flag that determines the CPU architecture for which Bazel builds the output. ```python def _my_toolchain_impl(ctx): toolchain = platform.ToolchainInfo( compiler = ctx.attr.compiler, system_lib = ctx.attr.system_lib, arch_flag = ctx.attr.arch_flag, ) return [toolchain] my_toolchain = rule( _my_toolchain_impl, attrs = { 'compiler': attr.string(), 'system_lib': attr.string(), 'arch_flags': attr.string_list(), }) ``` An example invocation of the rule looks as follows: ```python my_toolchain(name = 'linux_toolchain_impl', compiler = '@remote_linux_repo//compiler:compiler_binary', system_lib = '@remote_linux_repo//library:system_library', arch_flags = [ '--arch=Linux', '--debug_everything', ] ) my_toolchain(name = 'darwin_toolchain_impl', compiler = '@remote_darwin_repo//compiler:compiler_binary', system_lib = '@remote_darwin_repo//library:system_library', arch_flags = [ '--arch=Darwin', #'--debug_everything', # --debug_everything currently broken on Darwin ] ) ``` ### Creating a toolchain definition The toolchain definition is an instance of the `toolchain()` rule that specifies the toolchain type, execution and target constraints, and the label of the actual rule-specific toolchain. The use of the `toolchain()` rule enables the lazy loading of toolchains. Below is an example toolchain definition: ```python toolchain(name = 'linux_toolchain', toolchain_type = '//path/to:my_toolchain_type', exec_compatible_with = [ '@bazel_tools//platforms:linux', '@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_64'], target_compatible_with = [ '@bazel_tools//platforms:linux', '@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_64'], toolchain = ':linux_toolchain_impl', ) ``` ### Registering a toolchain Once the toolchain rule and definition exist, register the toolchain to make Bazel aware of it. You can register a toolchain either via the project's `WORKSPACE` file or specify it in the `--experimental_extra_toolchains` flag. Below is an example toolchain registration in a `WORKSPACE` file: ```python register_toolchains( '//path/to:linux_toolchain', '//path/to:darwin_toolchain', ) ``` ## Using a toolchain in a Skylark rule To use a toolchain in a Skylark rule, add the toolchain type to the rule definition. For example: ```python my_library = rule( ... toolchains = ['//path/to:my_toolchain_type'] ...) ``` When using the `ctx.toolchains` rule, Bazel checks the execution and target platforms, and select the first toolchain that matches. The rule implementation can then access the toolchain as follows: ```python def _my_library_impl(ctx): toolchain = ctx.toolchains['//path/to:my_toolchain_type'] command = '%s -l %s %s' % (toolchain.compiler, toolchain.system_lib, toolchain.arch_flag) ... ``` ## Debugging a toolchain When adding toolchain support to an existing rule, use the `--toolchain_resolution_debug` flag to make toolchain resolution verbose. Bazel will output names of toolchains it is checking and skipping during the resolution process.