--- layout: documentation title: Repository Rules --- # Repository Rules **Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will announce them. An [external repository](../external.md) is a rule that can be used only in the `WORKSPACE` file and enable non-hermetic operation at the loading phase of Bazel. Each external repository rule creates its own workspace, with its own BUILD files and artifacts. They can be used to depend on third-party libraries (such as Maven packaged libraries) but also to generate BUILD files specific to the host Bazel is running on. ## Repository Rule creation In a `.bzl` file, use the [repository_rule](lib/globals.html#repository_rule) function to create a new repository rule and store it in a global variable. A custom repository rule can be used just like a native repository rule. It has a mandatory `name` attribute and every target present in its build files can be referred as `@//package:target` where `` is the value of the `name` attribute. The rule is loaded when you explicitly build it, or if it is a dependency of the build. In this case, Bazel will execute its `implementation` function. This function describe how to creates the repository, its content and BUILD files. ## Attributes An attribute is a rule argument, such as `url` or `sha256`. You must list the attributes and their types when you define a repository rule. ```python local_repository = repository_rule( implementation=_impl, local=True, attrs={"path": attr.string(mandatory=True)}) ``` `name` attributes are implicitly defined for all `repository_rule`s. To access an attribute, use `repository_ctx.attr.`. The name of a repository rule is accessible with `repository_ctx.name`. If an attribute name starts with `_` it is private and users cannot set it. ## Implementation function Every repository rule requires an `implementation` function. It contains the actual logic of the rule and is executed strictly in the Loading Phase. The function has exactly one input parameter, `repository_ctx`, and should always returns `None`. The input parameter `repository_ctx` can be used to access attribute values, and non-hermetic functions (finding a binary, executing a binary, creating a file in the repository or downloading a file from the Internet). See [the library](lib/repository_ctx.html) for more context. Example: ```python def _impl(repository_ctx): repository_ctx.symlink(repository_ctx.attr.path, "") local_repository = repository_rule( implementation=_impl, ...) ``` ## When is the implementation function executed? If the repository is declared as `local` then change in a dependency in the dependency graph (including the WORKSPACE file itself) will cause an execution of the implementation function. The implementation function can be _restarted_ if a dependency it request is _missing_. The beginning of the implementation function will be re-executed after the dependency has been resolved. File given as a label are declared as dependencies, so requesting it might interrupt the function and restart it later, re-executing the part up till there. Finally, for non-`local` repositories, only a change in the following dependencies might cause a restart: - Skylark files needed to define the repository rule. - Declaration of the repository rule in the `WORKSPACE` file. - Value of any environment variable declared with the `environ` attribute of the [`repository_rule`](https://docs.bazel.build/skylark/lib/globals.html#repository_rule) function. The value of those environment variable can be enforced from the command line with the [`--action_env`](https://docs.bazel.build/command-line-reference.html#flag--action_env) flag (but this flag will invalidate every action of the build). - Content of any file used and referred to by a label (e.g., `//mypkg:label.txt` not `mypkg/label.txt`). ## Examples - [C++ auto-configured toolchain](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/ac29b78000afdb95afc7e97efd2b1299ebea4dac/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L288): it uses a repository rule to automatically create the C++ configuration files for Bazel by looking for the local C++ compiler, the environment and the flags the C++ compiler supports. - [Go repositories](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/67bc217b6210a0922d76d252472b87e9a6118fdf/go/private/go_repositories.bzl#L195) uses several `repository_rule` to defines the list of dependencies needed to use the Go rules. - [maven_jar](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl#L281) is a reimplementation of the native `maven_jar` rule using the `maven` tool.