--- layout: documentation title: Macros --- # Macros ## Macro creation A macro is a function called from the BUILD file that can instantiate rules. Macros don't give additional power, they are just used for encapsulation and code reuse. By the end of the [loading phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model), macros don't exist anymore, and Bazel sees only the set of rules they created. Native rules (i.e. rules that don't need a `load()` statement) can be instantiated from the [native](lib/native.html) module, e.g. ```python def my_macro(name, visibility=None): native.cc_library( name = name, srcs = ["main.cc"], visibility = visibility, ) ``` If you need to know the package name (i.e. which BUILD file is calling the macro), use the function [native.package_name()](lib/native.html#package_name). ## Examples * [Macro creating rules](cookbook.md#macro). * [Macro creating native rules](cookbook.md#macro_native). * [Macro combining multiple rules](cookbook.md#macro_compound). ## Debugging * `bazel query --output=build //my/path:all` will show you how the BUILD file looks after evaluation. All macros, globs, loops are expanded. Known limitation: `select` expressions are currently not shown in the output. * You may filter the output based on `generator_function` (which function generated the rules) or `generator_name` (the name attribute of the macro), e.g. ```bash $ bazel query --output=build 'attr(generator_function, my_macro, //my/path:all)' ``` * To find out where exactly the rule `foo` is generated in a BUILD file, you can try the following trick. Insert this line near the top of the BUILD file: `cc_library(name = "foo")`. Run Bazel. You will get an exception when the rule `foo` is created (due to a name conflict), which will show you the full stack trace. * You can also use [print](lib/globals.html#print) for debugging. It displays the message as a warning during the loading phase. Except in rare cases, either remove `print` calls, or make them conditional under a `debugging` parameter that defaults to `False` before submitting the code to the depot. ## Errors If you want to throw an error, use the [fail](lib/globals.html#fail) function. Explain clearly to the user what went wrong and how to fix their BUILD file. It is not possible to catch an error. ``` def my_macro(name, deps, visibility=None): if len(deps) < 2: fail("Expected at least two values in deps") # ... ``` ## Conventions * All public functions (functions that don't start with underscore) that instantiate rules must have a `name` argument. This argument should not be optional (don't give a default value). * Public functions should use a docstring following [Python conventions](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/#one-line-docstrings). * In BUILD files, the `name` argument of the macros must be a keyword argument (not a positional argument). * The `name` attribute of rules generated by a macro should include the name argument as a prefix. For example, `macro(name = "foo")` can generate a `cc_library` `foo` and a genrule `foo_gen`. * In most cases, optional parameters should have a default value of `None`. `None` can be passed directly to native rules, which treat it the same as if you had not passed in any argument. Thus, there is no need to replace it with `0`, `False`, or `[]` for this purpose. Instead, the macro should defer to the rules it creates, as their defaults may be complex or may change over time. Additionally, a parameter that is explicitly set to its default value looks different than one that is never set (or set to `None`) when accessed through the query language or build-system internals. * Macros should have an optional `visibility` argument. ## Full example The typical use-case for a macro is when you want to reuse a genrule, e.g. ``` genrule( name = "file", outs = ["file.txt"], cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@", tools = [":generator"], ) ``` If you want to generate another file with different arguments, you may want to extract this code to a function. The BUILD file will become simply: ``` load("//path:generator.bzl", "file_generator") file_generator( name = "file", arg = "some_arg", ) ``` In order to keep BUILD files clean and declarative, you must put the function in a separate `.bzl` file. For example, write the definition of the macro in `path/generator.bzl`: ``` def file_generator(name, arg, visibility=None): native.genrule( name = name, outs = [name + ".txt"], cmd = "$(location generator) %s > $@" % arg, tools = ["//test:generator"], visibility = visibility, ) ``` When you want to investigate what a macro does, use the following command to see the expanded form: ``` $ bazel query --output=build :file # /absolute/path/test/ext.bzl:42:3 genrule( name = "file", tools = ["//test:generator"], outs = ["//test:file.txt"], cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@", ) ```