Skylark cookbook ================ ## Macro creating a native rule An example of a macro creating a native rule. Native rules are accessed using the `native` module. `extension.bzl`: ```python def macro(name, visibility=None): # Creating a native genrule. native.genrule( name = name, outs = [name + '.txt'], cmd = 'echo hello > $@', visibility = visibility, ) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/extension", "macro") macro(name = "myrule") ``` ## Macro creating a Skylark rule An example of a macro creating a Skylark rule. `empty.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): print("This rule does nothing") empty = rule(implementation=_impl) ``` `extension.bzl`: ```python # Loading the Skylark rule. The rule doesn't have to be in a separate file. load("/pkg/empty", "empty") def macro(name, visibility=None): # Creating the Skylark rule. empty(name = name, visibility=visibility) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/extension", "macro") macro(name = "myrule") ``` ## Empty rule Minimalist example of a rule that does nothing. If you build it, the target will succeed (with no generated file). `empty.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): # You may use print for debugging. print("This rule does nothing") empty = rule(implementation=_impl) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/empty", "empty") empty(name = "nothing") ``` ## Rule with attributes Example of a rule that shows how to declare attributes and access them. `printer.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): # You may use print for debugging. print("The number is %s" % ctx.attr.number) # This prints the labels of the deps attribute. print("There are %d deps" % len(ctx.attr.deps)) for i in ctx.attr.deps: print("- %s" % i.label) # A label can represent any number of files (possibly 0). print(" files = %s" % [f.path for f in i.files]) printer = rule( implementation=_impl, attrs={ # Do not declare "name": It is added automatically. "number": = 1), "deps": attr.label_list(allow_files=True), }) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/printer", "printer") printer( name = "nothing", deps = [ "BUILD", ":other", ], ) printer(name = "other") ``` If you execute this file, some information is printed as a warning by the rule. No file is generated. ## Simple shell command Example of a rule that runs a shell command on an input file specified by the user. The output has the same name as the input, with a `.txt` suffix. `size.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): output = ctx.outputs.out input = ctx.file.file ctx.action( inputs=[input], outputs=[output], command="stat -L -c%%s %s > %s" % (input.path, output.path)) size = rule( implementation=_impl, attrs={"file": attr.label(mandatory=True, allow_files=True, single_file=True)}, outputs={"out": "%{name}.size"}, ) ``` `foo.txt`: ``` Hello ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/size", "size") size( name = "foo_size", file = "foo.txt", ) ``` ## Write string to a file Example of a rule that writes a string to a file. `file.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): output = ctx.outputs.out ctx.file_action(output=output, content=ctx.attr.content) file = rule( implementation=_impl, attrs={"content": attr.string()}, outputs={"out": "%{name}.txt"}, ) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/file", "file") file( name = "hello", content = "Hello world", ) ``` ## Execute an input binary This rule has a mandatory `binary` attribute. It is a label that can refer only to executable rules or files. `execute.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): # ctx.new_file is used for temporary files. # If it should be visible for user, declare it in rule.outputs instead. f = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, "hello") # As with outputs, each time you declare a file, # you need an action to generate it. ctx.file_action(output=f, content=ctx.attr.input_content) ctx.action( inputs=[f], outputs=[ctx.outputs.out], executable=ctx.executable.binary, arguments=[ f.path, ctx.outputs.out.path, # Access the output file using # ctx.outputs. ] ) execute = rule( implementation=_impl, attrs={ "binary": attr.label(cfg=HOST_CFG, mandatory=True, allow_files=True, executable=True), "input_content": attr.string(), "out": attr.output(mandatory=True), }, ) ``` ``: ```bash #! /bin/bash tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < $1 > $2 ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/execute", "execute") execute( name = "e", input_content = "some text", binary = "", out = "foo", ) ``` ## Define simple runfiles `execute.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): executable = ctx.outputs.executable # Create the output executable file with command as its content. ctx.file_action( output=executable, content=ctx.attr.command, executable=True) return struct( # Create runfiles from the files specified in the data attribute. # The shell executable - the output of this rule - can use them at runtime. # It is also possible to define data_runfiles and default_runfiles. # However if runfiles is specified it's not possible to define the above # ones since runfiles sets them both. # Remember, that the struct returned by the implementation function needs # to have a field named "runfiles" in order to create the actual runfiles # symlink tree. runfiles=ctx.runfiles( ) execute = rule( implementation=_impl, executable=True, attrs={ "command": attr.string(), "data": attr.label_list(cfg=DATA_CFG, allow_files=True), }, ) ``` `data.txt`: ``` Hello World! ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/execute", "execute") execute( name = "e", # The path to data.txt has to include the package directories as well. I.e. # if the BUILD file is under foo/BUILD and the data file is foo/data.txt # then it needs to be referred as foo/data.txt in the command. command = "cat data.txt", data = [':data.txt'] ) ``` ## Mandatory providers In this example, rules have a `number` attribute. Each rule adds its number with the numbers of its transitive dependencies, and write the result in a file. This shows how to transfer information from a dependency to its dependents. `sum.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): result = ctx.attr.number for i in ctx.targets.deps: result += i.number ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result)) # Fields in the struct will be visible by other rules. return struct(number=result) sum = rule( implementation=_impl, attrs={ "number":, # All deps must provide all listed providers. "deps": attr.label_list(providers=["number"]), }, outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"} ) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/sum", "sum") sum( name = "n", deps = ["n2", "n5"], ) sum( name = "n2", number = 2, ) sum( name = "n5", number = 5, ) ``` ## Optional providers This is a similar example, but dependencies may not provide a number. `sum.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): result = ctx.attr.number for i in ctx.targets.deps: if hasattr(i, "number"): result += i.number ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result)) # Fields in the struct will be visible by other rules. return struct(number=result) sum = rule( implementation=_impl, attrs={ "number":, "deps": attr.label_list(), }, outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"} ) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/sum", "sum") sum( name = "n", deps = ["n2", "n5"], ) sum( name = "n2", number = 2, ) sum( name = "n5", number = 5, ) ``` ## Default executable output This example shows how to create a default executable output. `extension.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): ctx.file_action( # Access the executable output file using ctx.outputs.executable. output=ctx.outputs.executable, content="#!/bin/bash\necho Hello!", executable=True ) # The executable output is added automatically to this target. executable_rule = rule( implementation=_impl, executable=True ) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/extension", "executable_rule") executable_rule(name = "my_rule") ``` ## Default outputs This example shows how to create default outputs for a rule. `extension.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): ctx.file_action( # Access the default outputs using ctx.outputs.. output=ctx.outputs.my_output, content="Hello World!" ) # The default outputs are added automatically to this target. rule_with_outputs = rule( implementation=_impl, outputs = { # %{name} is substituted with the rule's name "my_output": "%{name}.txt" } ) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/extension", "rule_with_outputs") rule_with_outputs(name = "my_rule") ``` ## Custom outputs This example shows how to create custom (user defined) outputs for a rule. This rule takes a list of output file name templates from the user and creates each of them containing a "Hello World!" message. `extension.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): # Access the custom outputs using ctx.outputs.. for output in ctx.outputs.outs: ctx.file_action( output=output, content="Hello World!" ) # The custom outputs are added automatically to this target. rule_with_outputs = rule( implementation=_impl, attrs={ "outs": attr.output_list() } ) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/extension", "rule_with_outputs") rule_with_outputs( name = "my_rule", outs = ["my_output.txt"] ) ``` ## Master rules This example shows how to create master rules to bind other rules together. The code below uses genrules for simplicity, but this technique is more useful with other rules. For example, if you need to compile C++ files, you can reuse `cc_library`. `extension.bzl`: ```python def _impl(ctx): # Aggregate the output files from the depending rules files = set() files += files += return struct(files=files) # This rule binds the depending rules together master_rule = rule( implementation=_impl, attrs={ "dep_rule_1": attr.label(), "dep_rule_2": attr.label() } ) def macro(name, cmd, input): # Create the depending rules name_1 = name + "_dep_1" name_2 = name + "_dep_2" native.genrule( name = name_1, cmd = cmd, outs = [name_1 + ".txt"] ) native.genrule( name = name_2, cmd = "echo " + input + " >$@", outs = [name_2 + ".txt"] ) # Create the master rule master_rule( name = name, dep_rule_1 = ":" + name_1, dep_rule_2 = ":" + name_2 ) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/extension", "macro") # This creates the target :my_rule macro( name = "my_rule", cmd = "echo something > $@", input = "Hello World" ) ``` ## Debugging tips Here are some examples on how to do debug Skylark macros and rules. `debug.bzl`: ```python print("print something when the module is loaded") def _impl(ctx): print("print something when the rule implementation is executed") print(type("abc")) # prints string, the type of "abc" print(dir(ctx)) # prints all the fields and methods of ctx print(dir(ctx.attr)) # prints all the attributes of the rule # prints the objects each separated with new line print("object1", "object2", sep="\n") debug = rule(implementation=_impl) ``` `BUILD`: ```python load("/pkg/debug", "debug") debug( name = "printing_rule" ) ```