--- layout: documentation title: Generate external dependencies for a Java project --- # Generate external dependencies from Maven projects The tool `generate_workspace` helps automate the process of writing the WORKSPACE file for a Java project. This tool is helpful when the list of external dependencies is long, such as when working with [external transitive dependnecies](external.html#transitive-dependencies). The `generate_workspace` tool will generate a `generate_workspace.bzl` file which includes: * the `generated_maven_jars` macro that will contain the transitive dependencies, and * the `generated_java_libraries` macro that will contain a library for each maven_jar. ## Install `generate_workspace` Bazel's binary installer does not include `generate_workspace`. To be able to use this tool: 1. Clone Bazel's migration tooling repo: ``` git clone https://github.com/bazelbuild/migration-tooling.git ``` 2. Run the following to build the `generate_workspace` tool and see usage: ``` bazel run //generate_workspace ``` ## Generate a list of external dependencies 1. Run the `generate_workspace` tool. When you run the tool, you can specify Maven projects (that is, directories containing a `pom.xml` file), or Maven artifact coordinates directly. For example: ```bash $ bazel run //generate_workspace -- \ > --maven_project=/path/to/my/project \ > --artifact=groupId:artifactId:version \ > --artifact=groupId:artifactId:version Wrote /usr/local/.../generate_workspace.runfiles/__main__/generate_workspace.bzl ``` The tool creates one outputs, a `generate_workspace.bzl` file that contains two macros: 1. The `generated_maven_jars` macro that will contain the transitive dependencies of the given projects and artifacts. 2. The `generated_java_libraries` macro will contain a library for each maven_jar. If you specify multiple Maven projects or artifacts, they will all be combined into one `generate_workspace.bzl` file. For example, if an artifact depends on junit and the Maven project also depends on junit, then junit will only appear once as a dependency in the output. 2. Copy the `generate_workspace.bzl` file to your workspace. The `.bzl` file's original location is listed in the commandline output. To access external dependencies: 1. Add the following to your WORKSPACE file: ``` load("//:generate_workspace.bzl", "generated_maven_jars") generated_maven_jars() ``` You can now access any of the jars in `generate_workspace.bzl`. This reference points to the jar, but not to any dependencies that the jar itself may have. To have a target depend on one of these jars, you must list the jar as well as each of that jar's dependencies. For example, to depend on the Guava jar from the [Guava project](https://github.com/google/guava/tree/master/guava), in the target definition you will need to list the jar and its transitive dependencies: ```bash deps = [ "@com_google_guava_guava//jar", "@com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305//jar", "@com_google_errorprone_error_prone_annotations//jar", "@com_google_j2objc_j2objc_annotations//jar", ] ``` 2. Optionally, you can also access the libraries. When you list a library as a dependency, the transitive dependencies are already included, and so you don't need to list them manually. To access the libraries, add the following to a BUILD file: ``` load("//:generate_workspace.bzl", "generated_java_libraries") generated_java_libraries() ``` The recommended location for this BUILD file is in a directory called `third_party`. You can now access any of the Java library targets in `generate_workspace.bzl`. For example, for a target to depend on Guava and its transitive dependencies, in the target definition you will need to list: ```bash deps = ["//third_party:com_google_guava_guava"] ``` 3. Ensure `generate_workspace.bzl` lists the correct version of each dependency. If several different versions of an artifact are requested (for example, by different libraries that depend on it), then `generate_workspace` chooses a version and annotates the `maven_jar` with the other versions requested. Here's an example of the contents of `generate_workspace.bzl`: ```python # org.springframework:spring:2.5.6 # javax.mail:mail:1.4 # httpunit:httpunit:1.6 wanted version 1.0.2 # org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.2 wanted version 1.0.2 # org.slf4j:nlog4j:1.2.24 wanted version 1.0.2 native.maven_jar( name = "javax_activation_activation", artifact = "javax.activation:activation:1.1", ) ``` The example above indicates that `org.springframework:spring:2.5.6`, `javax.mail:mail:1.4`, `httpunit:httpunit:1.6`, `org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.2`, and `org.slf4j:nlog4j:1.2.24` all depend on `javax.activation`. However, two of these libraries wanted version 1.1 and three of them wanted 1.0.2. The WORKSPACE file is using version 1.1, but that might not be the right version to use.