--- layout: documentation title: JavaScript and Bazel --- # JavaScript and Bazel This page contains resources that help you use Bazel with JavaScript projects. It links to build rules and other information specific to building JavaScript with Bazel. ## Working with Bazel The following resources will help you work with Bazel on JavaScript projects: * [Building JavaScript/TypeScript with Bazel](build-javascript.html) * [Building Angular with Bazel](https://github.com/alexeagle/angular-bazel-example/wiki/Angular-rules) * [NodeJS rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/) * [NodeJS rules API documentation](https://bazelbuild.github.io/rules_nodejs/) * [TypeScript rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_typescript) * [TypeScript rules API documentation](http://tsetse.info/api)