--- layout: documentation title: Apple apps and Bazel --- # Apple apps and Bazel This page contains resources that help you use Bazel to build macOS and iOS projects. It links to a tutorial, build rules, and other information specific to using Bazel to build and test for those platforms. ## Contents - [Working with Bazel](#working-with-bazel) - [Migrating to Bazel](#migrating-to-bazel) - [Apple apps and Skylark](#apple-apps-and-skylark) ## Working with Bazel The following resources will help you work with Bazel on macOS and iOS projects: * [Tutorial: Building an iOS app](tutorial/ios-app.html) * [Objective-C build rules](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/objective-c.html) * [General Apple rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_apple) * [Integration with Xcode](ide.html) ## Migrating to Bazel If you currently build your macOS and iOS projects with Xcode, follow the steps in the migration guide to start building them with Bazel: * [Migrating from Xcode to Bazel](migrate-xcode.html) ## Apple apps and Skylark **Note**: Extending Bazel with Skylark is for advanced build and test scenarios. You do not need to use Skylark when getting started with Bazel. The following [Skylark](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/concepts.html) modules, configuration fragments, and providers will help you extend Bazel's capabilities when building your macOS and iOS projects: * Modules: * [`apple_bitcode_mode`](skylark/lib/apple_bitcode_mode.html) * [`apple_common`](skylark/lib/apple_common.html) * [`apple_platform`](skylark/lib/apple_platform.html) * [`apple_platform_type`](skylark/lib/apple_platform_type.html) * [`apple_toolchain`](skylark/lib/apple_toolchain.html) * [`XcodeVersionConfig`](skylark/lib/XcodeVersionConfig.html) * Configuration fragments: * [`apple`](skylark/lib/apple.html) * Providers: * [`ObjcProvider`](skylark/lib/ObjcProvider.html) * [`XcTestAppProvider`](skylark/lib/XcTestAppProvider.html)