--- layout: community --- # Contributing to Bazel If you wish to contribute, prefer using Gerrit over GitHub pull request. We might redirect you to Gerrit if you send us a non-trivial change in a GitHub Pull Request. ## How can I contribute to Bazel? You should first read the [Bazel governance plan](governance.html). Then you can read this page that explains how to submit a patch to Bazel, as well as how to set-up and work on the Bazel code. ## Patch Acceptance Process
  1. Discuss your plan and design, and get agreement on our mailing list.
  2. Prepare a git commit that implements the feature. Don't forget to add tests.
  3. Create a new code review on Gerrit by running:
    $ git push https://bazel.googlesource.com/bazel HEAD:refs/for/master
    Gerrit upload requires that you: See the Gerrit documentation for more information about uploading changes.
  4. Complete a code review with a core contributor. Amend your existing commit and re-push to make changes to your patch.
  5. An engineer at Google applies the patch to our internal version control system.
  6. The patch is exported as a Git commit, at which point the Gerrit code review is closed.
We will make changes to this process as necessary, and we're hoping to move closer to a fully open development model in the future (also see [Is Bazel developed fully in the open?](governance.html#isbazelopen)). ## Setting up your coding environment For now we have partial support for the Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEs for Java. We don't have IDE support for other languages in Bazel right now. ### Creating an Eclipse project To work with Eclipse, run `sh scripts/setup-eclipse.sh` from the root of the source tree and it will create the `.project` and the `.classpath` files (if a `.project` file is present, only the `.classpath` will get overwritten). You can then import the project in Eclipse. _You might see some errors in Eclipse concerning Truth assertions._ ### Creating an IntelliJ project To work with IntelliJ, run `sh scripts/setup-intellij.sh` from the root of the source tree and it will create the necessary project files. You can then open the folder as a project in IntelliJ. ### Compiling Bazel {#compile-bazel} To test out bazel, you need to compile it. There is currently two ways of compiling it: * `sh compile.sh` build a Bazel binary without Bazel, it should only be used to bootstrap Bazel itself. The resulting binary can be found at `output/bazel`. * `bazel build //src:bazel` builds the Bazel binary using Bazel and the resulting binary can be found at `bazel-bin/src/bazel`. In addition to the Bazel binary, you might want to build the various tools Bazel uses: * For Java support * JavaBuilder is the java compiler wrapper used by Bazel and its target can be found at `//src/java_tools/buildjar:JavaBuilder_deploy.jar`. * SingleJar is a tool to assemble a single jar composed of all classes from all jar dependencies (build the `*_deploy.jar` files), it can be found at `//src/java_tools/singlejar:SingleJar_deploy.jar`. * ijar is a tool to extracts the class interfaces of jars and is a third party software at `//third_party/ijar`. * For Objective-C / iOS support * actoolzip is a utility that runs OS X's actool and zips up its output for further processing. It is currently compiled and placed into `tools/objc/` by `compile.sh`. * ibtoolzip is a utility that runs OS X's ibtool and zips up its output for further processing. It is currently compiled and placed into `tools/objc/` by `compile.sh`. * momczip is a utility that runs OS X's momc and zips up its output for further processing. It is currently compiled and placed into `tools/objc/` by `compile.sh`. * bundlemerge is a tool that can construct iOS bundles (such as .ipa files or .bndl directories), including plist merging and zip creation. It is currently compiled and placed into `tools/objc/` by `compile.sh`. * plmerge is a tool used for merging plists. It is currently compiled and placed into `tools/objc/` by `compile.sh`. * xcodegen is a tool that assembles an Xcode project file matching Bazel build targets. It is currently compiled and placed into `tools/objc/` by `compile.sh`. * iossim allows us to run iOS applications built by Bazel on Xcode's iOS simulator and is third party software located at `//third_party/iossim` When modifying Bazel, you want to make sure that the following still works: * Bootstrap test with `sh bootstrap_test.sh all` after having removed the `output` directory: it rebuilds Bazel with `./compile.sh`, Bazel with the `compile.sh` Bazel and Bazel with the Bazel-built binary. It compares if the constructed Bazel builts are identical and then run all bazel tests with `bazel test //src/...`. * ijar's tests with `bazel test //third_party/ijar/test/...` ### Debugging Bazel Start creating a debug configuration for both C++ and Java in your bazelrc with the following: build:debug -c dbg build:debug --javacopt="-g" build:debug --copt="-g" build:debug --strip="never" Then you can rebuild Bazel with `bazel build --config debug //src:bazel` and use your favorite debugger to start debugging. For debugging the C++ client you can just fire it from gdb or lldb as you normally would. But if you want to debug the Java code, you must attach to the server with the following: * Run Bazel with debugging option `--host_jvm_debug` before the command (e.g., `bazel --batch --host_jvm_debug build //src:bazel`). * Attach a debugger to the port 5005. With `jdb` for instance, run `jdb -attach localhost:5005`. From within Eclipse, use the [remote Java application launch configuration](http://help.eclipse.org/luna/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.jdt.doc.user%2Ftasks%2Ftask-remotejava_launch_config.htm). ## Bazel's code description Bazel is organized in several parts: * A client code in C++ that talk to the server code in java and provide the command-line interface. Its code is in `src/main/cpp`. * Protocol buffers in `src/main/protobuf`. * The server code in Java (in `src/main/java` and `src/test/java`) * Core code which is mostly composed of [SkyFrame](docs/skyframe.html) and some utilities. * [Skylark](docs/skylark/index.html) rules are defined in `tools/build_rules`. If you want to add rules, consider using [Skylark](docs/skylark/index.html) first. * Builtin rules in `com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules` and in `com.google.devtools.build.lib.bazel.rules`. * Java native interfaces in `src/main/native`. * Various tooling for language support (see the list in the [compiling Bazel](#compile-bazel) section).