--- layout: posts title: Bazel 0.2.0 Released --- We are delighted to announce the [0.2.0 release](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.2.0) of Bazel. This release marks major improvements in support for external repositories, Skylark and testing, in particular how external repositories and Skylark can work together. ## Improvements from our [roadmap](http://bazel.io/roadmap.html) ### Skylark rules can now be loaded from remote repositories Skylark rules can now be loaded from a remote repository. For example, to use the Scala rules, add the following to your WORKSPACE file: ```python git_repository( name = "io_bazel_rules_scala", remote = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala.git", tag = "0.0.1", ) load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories") scala_repositories() ``` This will download all of the tools the rules need to build Scala programs. Then load and use normally from your BUILD files: ```python load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_library") scala_library(...) ``` We will gradually move the existing rules to their own repositories, announcing changes on the [mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss). ### Go build and test support There is now Go language support, see [the documentation](http://bazel.io/docs/be/go.html) for details. ### Open sourcing tests We also open sourced over a [hundred](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/tree/master/src/test/java/com/google/devtools) [tests](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/tree/master/src/test/shell/integration) and laid the foundation for open sourcing more. We will continue to open source more tests (both to increase Bazel's stability and to make contributing easier), but this marks a dramatic increase in test coverage. ## Other major changes since 0.1.0 * The `--package_path` definition in `.bazelrc` is no longer required, nor is the `base_workspace/` directory. * JUnit test runner for Java tests - Use the `--nolegacy_bazel_java_test` flag (soon to be the default) to get XML output for easy integration into CI systems and easier debugging with `--java_debug`. * Skylark macros can now be loaded and used in the WORKSPACE file. * Remote repository filesystem changes are tracked. * [Debian](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/latest/) packages and a [Homebrew](http://braumeister.org/formula/bazel) recipe. For changes since 0.1.5 (the minor version before 0.2.0), see the release notes for changes. ## Future plans Looking ahead to 0.3.0: * Windows support is coming! (See the [Windows label](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/labels/Windows) to follow the progress there). * Remote caching and execution is in progress (see [Alpha Lam's work](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvEw3uu9mUszK-ukmSWp4Dmy43KDlHAjW75Gf17bUY8/preview)). * XCode integration and generic IDE support. * [Ulf](https://github.com/ulfjack) has been working on [sandboxing for OS X](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/tree/osx-sandbox-hardlinks), which will hopefully be available soon. * More work on parallelization. We currently have experimental support (which can be enabled with the `--experimental_interleave_loading_and_analysis` flag) which improves clean build time (~30% faster loading and analysis), especially for builds using a lot of `select()` expressions. ## Finally... A big thank you to our community for your continued support. Particular shout-outs to the following contributors: * [Brian Silverman](https://github.com/bsilver8192) - for tons of important bug fixes and answering lots of user questions. * [Alpha Lam](https://github.com/hhclam) - for writing up design docs and implementing remote caching/execution. * [P. Oscar Boykin](https://github.com/posco) - for putting tons of time and effort into the Scala rules, as well as being a tireless supporter on Twitter. Thank you all, keep the discussion and bug reports coming!