--- layout: posts title: Checking your Java errors with Error Prone. --- We recently open-sourced our support for [Error Prone](http://errorprone.info). [Error Prone](http://errorprone.info) checks for common mistakes in Java code that will not be caught by the compiler. We turned [Error Prone](http://errorprone.info) on by default but you can easily turn it off by using the Javac option `-XepDisableAllChecks`. To do so, simply specify `--javacopt='XepDisableAllChecks` to the list of Bazel's options. You can also tune the checks error-prone will perform by using the [`-Xep:` flags](http://errorprone.info/docs/flags). See the [documentation of Error Prone](http://errorprone.info/docs/installation) for more on Error Prone.