param( [string] $version = "0.3.2", [int] $rc = 0, [string] $mode = "local", [string] $checksum = "" ) write-host "mode: $mode" if ($mode -eq "release") { $tvVersion = $version $tvFilename = "bazel-$($tvVersion)" $tvUri = "$($tvVersion)/$($tvFilename)" } elseif ($mode -eq "rc") { $tvVersion = "$($version)-rc$($rc)" $tvFilename = "bazel-$($version)rc$($rc)" $tvUri = "$($version)/rc$($rc)/$($tvFilename)" } elseif ($mode -eq "local") { $tvVersion = $version $tvFilename = "bazel-$($tvVersion)" $tvUri = "http://localhost:8000/$($tvFilename)" } else { throw "mode parameter '$mode' unsupported. Please use local, rc, or release." } rm -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ./*.nupkg rm -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ./bazel.nuspec rm -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ./tools/LICENSE.txt rm -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ./tools/params.json if ($checksum -eq "") { rm -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ./*.zip } if ($mode -eq "release") { Invoke-WebRequest "$($tvUri).sha256" -UseBasicParsing -passthru -outfile sha256.txt $tvChecksum = (gc sha256.txt).split(' ')[0] rm sha256.txt } elseif ($mode -eq "rc") { if (-not(test-path $tvFilename)) { Invoke-WebRequest "$($tvUri)" -UseBasicParsing -passthru -outfile $tvFilename } if ($checksum -eq "") { write-host "calculating checksum" $tvChecksum = (get-filehash $tvFilename -algorithm sha256).Hash } else { write-host "using passed checksum" $tvChecksum = $checksum } } elseif ($mode -eq "local") { Add-Type -A System.IO.Compression.FileSystem $outputDir = "$pwd/../../../output" $zipFile = "$pwd/$($tvFilename)" write-host "Creating zip package with $outputDir/bazel.exe: $zipFile" Compress-Archive -Path "$outputDir/bazel.exe" -DestinationPath $zipFile $tvChecksum = (get-filehash $zipFile -algorithm sha256).Hash write-host "zip sha256: $tvChecksum" } $nuspecTemplate = get-content "bazel.nuspec.template" | out-string $nuspecExpanded = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($nuspecTemplate) add-content -value $nuspecExpanded -path bazel.nuspec write-host "Copying LICENSE.txt from repo-root to tools directory" $licenseHeader = @" From: "@ add-content -value $licenseHeader -path "./tools/LICENSE.txt" add-content -value (get-content "../../../LICENSE.txt") -path "./tools/LICENSE.txt" $params = @{ package = @{ uri = $tvUri; checksum = $tvChecksum; checksumType = "sha256"; } } add-content -value (ConvertTo-Json $params) -path "./tools/params.json" choco pack ./bazel.nuspec