#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -eu # Main deploy functions for the continous build system # Just source this file and use the various method: # bazel_build build bazel and run all its test # bazel_release use the artifact generated by bazel_build and push # them to github for a release and to GCS for a release candidate. # Also prepare an email for announcing the release. # Load common.sh SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) source $(dirname ${SCRIPT_DIR})/release/common.sh : ${GIT_REPOSITORY_URL:=https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel} : ${GCS_BASE_URL:=https://storage.googleapis.com} : ${GCS_BUCKET:=bucket-o-bazel} : ${GCS_APT_BUCKET:=bazel-apt} : ${EMAIL_TEMPLATE_RC:=${SCRIPT_DIR}/rc_email.txt} : ${EMAIL_TEMPLATE_RELEASE:=${SCRIPT_DIR}/release_email.txt} : ${RELEASE_CANDIDATE_URL:="${GCS_BASE_URL}/${GCS_BUCKET}/%release_name%/rc%rc%/index.html"} : ${RELEASE_URL="${GIT_REPOSITORY_URL}/releases/tag/%release_name%"} : ${BOOTSTRAP_BAZEL:=bazel} PLATFORM="$(uname -s | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" if [[ ${PLATFORM} == "darwin" ]] || [[ ${PLATFORM} == "freebsd" ]] ; then function checksum() { (cd "$(dirname "$1")" && shasum -a 256 "$(basename "$1")") } else function checksum() { (cd "$(dirname "$1")" && sha256sum "$(basename "$1")") } fi function setup_android_repositories() { if [ ! -f WORKSPACE.bak ] && [ -n "${ANDROID_SDK_PATH-}" ]; then cp WORKSPACE WORKSPACE.bak trap '[ -f WORKSPACE.bak ] && rm WORKSPACE && mv WORKSPACE.bak WORKSPACE' \ EXIT # Make sure that WORKSPACE ends with a newline, otherwise we'll end up with # a syntax error. echo >>WORKSPACE cat >>WORKSPACE <>WORKSPACE < /dev/null | grep -q '\-sdk iphonesimulator'; then ARGS="--define IPHONE_SDK=1" fi local OPTIONAL_TARGETS="//site:jekyll-tree //scripts/packages //src/tools/benchmark/webapp:site" if [[ $PLATFORM =~ "freebsd" ]] ; then OPTIONAL_TARGETS= fi ${BOOTSTRAP_BAZEL} --bazelrc=${BAZELRC:-/dev/null} --nomaster_bazelrc build \ --embed_label=${release_label} --stamp \ --workspace_status_command=scripts/ci/build_status_command.sh \ --define JAVA_VERSION=${JAVA_VERSION} \ ${ARGS} \ //src:bazel \ ${OPTIONAL_TARGETS} || exit $? if [ -n "${1-}" ]; then # Copy the results to the output directory mkdir -p $1/packages cp bazel-bin/src/bazel $1/bazel # The version with a bundled JDK may not exist on all platforms. if [ "${JAVA_VERSION}" = "1.8" ] && [ -e "bazel-bin/scripts/packages/with-jdk/install.sh" ]; then cp bazel-bin/scripts/packages/with-jdk/install.sh $1/bazel-${release_label}-installer.sh cp bazel-bin/scripts/packages/without-jdk/install.sh $1/bazel-${release_label}-without-jdk-installer.sh else cp bazel-bin/scripts/packages/without-jdk/install.sh $1/bazel-${release_label}-installer.sh fi if [ "$PLATFORM" = "linux" ]; then cp bazel-bin/scripts/packages/debian/bazel-debian.deb $1/bazel_${release_label}.deb cp -f bazel-genfiles/scripts/packages/debian/bazel.dsc $1/bazel.dsc cp -f bazel-genfiles/scripts/packages/debian/bazel.tar.gz $1/bazel.tar.gz if [ "${JAVA_VERSION}" = "1.8" ]; then cp bazel-genfiles/bazel-distfile.zip $1/bazel-${release_label}-dist.zip fi fi cp bazel-genfiles/site/jekyll-tree.tar $1/docs.bazel.build.tar cp bazel-bin/src/tools/benchmark/webapp/site.tar $1/perf.bazel.build.tar.nobuild cp bazel-genfiles/scripts/packages/README.md $1/README.md fi } # Generate a string from a template and a list of substitutions. # The first parameter is the template name and each subsequent parameter # is taken as a couple: first is the string the substitute and the second # is the result of the substitution. function generate_from_template() { local value="$1" shift while (( $# >= 2 )); do value="${value//$1/$2}" shift 2 done echo "${value}" } # Generate the email for the release. # The first line of the output will be the recipient, the second line # the mail subjects and the subsequent lines the mail, its content. # If no planed release, then this function output will be empty. function generate_email() { local release_name=$(get_release_name) local rc=$(get_release_candidate) local args=( "%release_name%" "${release_name}" "%rc%" "${rc}" "%relnotes%" "# $(get_full_release_notes)" ) if [ -n "${rc}" ]; then args+=( "%url%" "$(generate_from_template "${RELEASE_CANDIDATE_URL}" "${args[@]}")" ) generate_from_template "$(cat ${EMAIL_TEMPLATE_RC})" "${args[@]}" elif [ -n "${release_name}" ]; then args+=( "%url%" "$(generate_from_template "${RELEASE_URL}" "${args[@]}")" ) generate_from_template "$(cat ${EMAIL_TEMPLATE_RELEASE})" "${args[@]}" fi } # Deploy a github release using a third party tool: # https://github.com/c4milo/github-release # This methods expects the following arguments: # $1..$n files generated by package_build (should not contains the README file) # Please set GITHUB_TOKEN to talk to the Github API and GITHUB_RELEASE # for the path to the https://github.com/c4milo/github-release tool. # This method is also affected by GIT_REPOSITORY_URL which should be the # URL to the github repository (defaulted to https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel). function release_to_github() { local url="${GIT_REPOSITORY_URL}" local release_name=$(get_release_name) local rc=$(get_release_candidate) local release_tool="${GITHUB_RELEASE:-$(which github-release 2>/dev/null || true)}" local gpl_warning=' _Notice_: Bazel installers contain binaries licensed under the GPLv2 with Classpath exception. Those installers should always be redistributed along with the source code. Some versions of Bazel contain a bundled version of OpenJDK. The license of the bundled OpenJDK and other open-source components can be displayed by running the command `bazel license`. The vendor and version information of the bundled OpenJDK can be displayed by running the command `bazel info java-runtime`. The binaries and source-code of the bundled OpenJDK can be [downloaded from our mirror server](https://bazel-mirror.storage.googleapis.com/openjdk/index.html). _Security_: All our binaries are signed with our [public key](https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg) 48457EE0. ' if [ ! -x "${release_tool}" ]; then echo "Please set GITHUB_RELEASE to the path to the github-release binary." >&2 echo "This probably means you haven't installed https://github.com/c4milo/github-release " >&2 echo "on this machine." >&2 return 1 fi local github_repo="$(echo "$url" | sed -E 's|https?://github.com/([^/]*/[^/]*).*$|\1|')" if [ -n "${release_name}" ] && [ -z "${rc}" ]; then mkdir -p "${tmpdir}/to-github" cp "${@}" "${tmpdir}/to-github" "${GITHUB_RELEASE}" "${github_repo}" "${release_name}" "" "# $(git_commit_msg) ${gpl_warning}" "${tmpdir}/to-github/"'*' fi } # Creates an index of the files contained in folder $1 in mardown format function create_index_md() { # First, add the README.md local file=$1/__temp.md if [ -f $1/README.md ]; then cat $1/README.md fi # Then, add the list of files echo echo "## Index of files" echo # Security notice echo "_Security_: All our binaries are signed with our" echo "[public key](https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg) 48457EE0." echo for f in $1/*.sha256; do # just list the sha256 ones local filename=$(basename $f .sha256); echo " - [${filename}](${filename}) [[SHA-256](${filename}.sha256)] [[SIG](${filename}.sig)]" done } # Creates an index of the files contained in folder $1 in HTML format # It supposes hoedown (https://github.com/hoedown/hoedown) is on the path, # if not, set the HOEDOWN environment variable to the good path. function create_index_html() { local hoedown="${HOEDOWN:-$(which hoedown 2>/dev/null || true)}" # Second line is to trick hoedown to behave as Github create_index_md "${@}" \ | sed -E 's/^(Baseline.*)$/\1\ /' | sed 's/^ + / - /' | sed 's/_/\\_/g' \ | "${hoedown}" } function get_gsutil() { local gs="${GSUTIL:-$(which gsutil 2>/dev/null || true) -m}" if [ ! -x "${gs}" ]; then echo "Please set GSUTIL to the path the gsutil binary." >&2 echo "gsutil (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil/) is the" >&2 echo "command-line interface to google cloud." >&2 exit 1 fi echo "${gs}" } # Deploy a release candidate to Google Cloud Storage. # It requires to have gsutil installed. You can force the path to gsutil # by setting the GSUTIL environment variable. The GCS_BUCKET should be the # name of the Google cloud bucket to deploy to. # This methods expects the following arguments: # $1..$n files generated by package_build function release_to_gcs() { local gs="$(get_gsutil)" local release_name="$(get_release_name)" local rc="$(get_release_candidate)" if [ -z "${GCS_BUCKET-}" ]; then echo "Please set GCS_BUCKET to the name of your Google Cloud Storage bucket." >&2 return 1 fi if [ -n "${release_name}" ]; then local release_path="${release_name}/release" if [ -n "${rc}" ]; then release_path="${release_name}/rc${rc}" fi # Make a temporary folder with the desired structure local dir="$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXX)" local prev_dir="$PWD" trap "{ cd ${prev_dir}; rm -fr ${dir}; }" EXIT mkdir -p "${dir}/${release_path}" cp "${@}" "${dir}/${release_path}" # Add a index.html file: create_index_html "${dir}/${release_path}" \ >"${dir}/${release_path}"/index.html cd ${dir} "${gs}" -m cp -a public-read -r . "gs://${GCS_BUCKET}" cd "${prev_dir}" rm -fr "${dir}" trap - EXIT fi } function ensure_gpg_secret_key_imported() { (gpg --list-secret-keys | grep "${APT_GPG_KEY_ID}" > /dev/null) || \ gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import "${APT_GPG_KEY_PATH}" # Make sure we use stronger digest algorithm。 # We use reprepro to generate the debian repository, # but there's no way to pass flags to gpg using reprepro, so writting it into # ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf (grep "digest-algo sha256" ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf > /dev/null) || \ echo "digest-algo sha256" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf } function create_apt_repository() { mkdir conf cat > conf/distributions < conf/options < conf/override.stable < conf/override.testing <&2 return 1 fi if [ -z "${APT_GPG_KEY_ID-}" ]; then echo "Please set APT_GPG_KEY_ID for apt repository." >&2 return 1 fi if [ -n "${release_name}" ]; then # Make a temporary folder with the desired structure local dir="$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXX)" local prev_dir="$PWD" trap "{ cd ${prev_dir}; rm -fr ${dir}; }" EXIT mkdir -p "${dir}/${release_name}" local release_label="$(get_full_release_name)" local deb_pkg_name_jdk8="${release_name}/bazel_${release_label}-linux-x86_64.deb" local deb_dsc_name="${release_name}/bazel_${release_label}.dsc" local deb_tar_name="${release_name}/bazel_${release_label}.tar.gz" cp "${tmpdir}/bazel_${release_label}-linux-x86_64.deb" "${dir}/${deb_pkg_name_jdk8}" cp "${tmpdir}/bazel.dsc" "${dir}/${deb_dsc_name}" cp "${tmpdir}/bazel.tar.gz" "${dir}/${deb_tar_name}" cd "${dir}" if [ -n "${rc}" ]; then create_apt_repository testing "${deb_pkg_name_jdk8}" "${deb_dsc_name}" else create_apt_repository stable "${deb_pkg_name_jdk8}" "${deb_dsc_name}" fi cd "${prev_dir}" rm -fr "${dir}" trap - EXIT fi } # A wrapper around the release deployment methods. function deploy_release() { local github_args=() # Filters out README.md for github releases for i in "$@"; do if ! ( [[ "$i" =~ README.md$ ]] || [[ "$i" =~ bazel.dsc ]] || [[ "$i" =~ bazel.tar.gz ]] || [[ "$i" =~ .nobuild$ ]] ) ; then github_args+=("$i") fi done local gcs_args=() # Filters out perf.bazel.*.nobuild for i in "$@"; do if ! [[ "$i" =~ .nobuild$ ]] ; then gcs_args+=("$i") fi done release_to_github "${github_args[@]}" release_to_gcs "${gcs_args[@]}" release_to_apt } # A wrapper for the whole release phase: # Compute the SHA-256, and arrange the input # Sign every binary using gpg and generating .sig files # Deploy the release # Generate the email # Input: $1 $2 [$3 $4 [$5 $6 ...]] # Each pair denotes a couple (platform, folder) where the platform # is the platform built for and the folder is the folder where the # artifacts for this platform are. # Ouputs: # RELEASE_EMAIL_RECIPIENT: who to send a mail to # RELEASE_EMAIL_SUBJECT: the subject of the email to be sent # RELEASE_EMAIL_CONTENT: the content of the email to be sent function bazel_release() { local README=$2/README.md tmpdir=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXX) trap 'rm -fr ${tmpdir}' EXIT ensure_gpg_secret_key_imported while (( $# > 1 )); do local platform=$1 local folder=$2 shift 2 for file in $folder/*; do local filename=$(basename $file) if [ "$filename" != README.md ]; then if [ "$filename" == "bazel.dsc" ] || [ "$filename" == "bazel.tar.gz" ] \ || [[ "$filename" =~ bazel-(.*)-dist\.zip ]] ; then local destfile=${tmpdir}/$filename elif [[ "$file" =~ /([^/]*)(\.[^\./]+)$ ]]; then local destfile=${tmpdir}/${BASH_REMATCH[1]}-${platform}${BASH_REMATCH[2]} else local destfile=${tmpdir}/$filename-${platform} fi # bazel.tar.gz is duplicated under different platforms # if the file is already there, skip signing and checksum it again. if [ ! -f "$destfile" ]; then mv $file $destfile checksum $destfile > $destfile.sha256 gpg --no-tty --detach-sign -u "${APT_GPG_KEY_ID}" "$destfile" fi fi done done deploy_release $README $(find ${tmpdir} -type f) export RELEASE_EMAIL="$(generate_email)" export RELEASE_EMAIL_RECIPIENT="$(echo "${RELEASE_EMAIL}" | head -1)" export RELEASE_EMAIL_SUBJECT="$(echo "${RELEASE_EMAIL}" | head -2 | tail -1)" export RELEASE_EMAIL_CONTENT="$(echo "${RELEASE_EMAIL}" | tail -n +3)" } # Use jekyll build to build the site and then gsutil to copy it to GCS # Input: $1 tarball to the jekyll site # $2 name of the bucket to deploy the site to # $3 "nobuild" if only publish without build # It requires to have gsutil installed. You can force the path to gsutil # by setting the GSUTIL environment variable function build_and_publish_site() { tmpdir=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXX) trap 'rm -fr ${tmpdir}' EXIT local gs="$(get_gsutil)" local site="$1" local bucket="$2" local nobuild="$3" if [ ! -f "${site}" ] || [ -z "${bucket}" ]; then echo "Usage: build_and_publish_site " >&2 return 1 fi local prod_dir="${tmpdir}" tar xf "${site}" --exclude=CNAME -C "${tmpdir}" if [ "$nobuild" != "nobuild" ]; then jekyll build -s "${tmpdir}" -d "${tmpdir}/production" prod_dir="${tmpdir}/production" fi # Rsync: # -r: recursive # -c: compute checksum even though the input is from the filesystem "${gs}" rsync -r -c "${prod_dir}" "gs://${bucket}" "${gs}" web set -m index.html -e 404.html "gs://${bucket}" "${gs}" -m acl ch -R -u AllUsers:R "gs://${bucket}" } # Push json file to perf site, also add to file_list # Input: $1 json file to push # $2 name of the bucket to deploy the site to function push_benchmark_output_to_site() { tmpdir=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXX) trap 'rm -fr ${tmpdir}' EXIT local gs="$(get_gsutil)" local output_file="$1" local output_file_basename="$(basename ${output_file})" local bucket="$2" if [ ! -f "${output_file}" ] || [ -z "${bucket}" ]; then echo "Usage: push_benchmark_output_to_site " >&2 return 1 fi # Upload json file "${gs}" cp "${output_file}" "gs://${bucket}/data/${output_file_basename}" # Download file_list (it might not exist) "${gs}" cp "gs://${bucket}/file_list" "${tmpdir}" || true # Update file_list local list_file="${tmpdir}/file_list" echo "${output_file_basename}" >> "${list_file}" "${gs}" cp "${list_file}" "gs://${bucket}/file_list" "${gs}" -m acl ch -R -u AllUsers:R "gs://${bucket}" }