# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. objc_binary( name = "PrenotCalculator", srcs = [ "PrenotCalculator/main.m", ], infoplist = "PrenotCalculator/PrenotCalculator-Info.plist", visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = [ ":PrenotCalculatorClasses", ], ) objc_library( name = "PrenotCalculatorClasses", srcs = [ "PrenotCalculator/AppDelegate.m", "PrenotCalculator/CalculatedValues.m", "PrenotCalculator/CalculatorViewController.m", "PrenotCalculator/CoreData.m", "PrenotCalculator/Equation.m", "PrenotCalculator/Literal.m", "PrenotCalculator/ValuesViewController.m", ], hdrs = glob( ["**/*.h"], exclude = ["PrenotCalculator/Expression.h"], ), bundles = [":PrenotCalculatorResources"], sdk_frameworks = ["CoreData"], xibs = ["PrenotCalculator/CalculatorViewController.xib"], deps = [ ":CoreDataResources", ":ExpressionPrebuilt", ], ) # A prebuilt library that contains multiple architectures. # Currently compiled for: i386, x86_64, armv7. objc_import( name = "ExpressionPrebuilt", hdrs = ["PrenotCalculator/Expression.h"], archives = [ "expression_prebuilt.a", ], ) # Don't use this directly, instead use it to construct ExpressionPrebuilt and # depend on that instead. Instructions: # Build using the following command repeatedly with the desired CPU values: # bazel build --ios_cpu= examples/objc/PrenotCalculator:ExpressionClasses # and combining the resulting .a's (copied after each bazel build) using lipo: # /usr/bin/lipo -create expression_i386.a expression_armv7.a -output expression_prebuilt.a objc_library( name = "ExpressionClasses", srcs = [ "PrenotCalculator/Expression.m", ], hdrs = ["PrenotCalculator/Expression.h"], ) objc_bundle_library( name = "PrenotCalculatorResources", resources = glob(["PrenotCalculator/Resources/**"]), ) objc_library( name = "CoreDataResources", datamodels = glob(["PrenotCalculator/DataModel.xcdatamodeld/**"]), ) # If instruments is supported this genrule should *not timeout* and it should # produce a screenshot of the PrenotCalculator.ipa in ~ few seconds. genrule( name = "PrenotCalculatorInstruments", srcs = [":PrenotCalculator.ipa"], outs = ["hello_instruments.png"], cmd = # This command expects the PrenotCalculator.ipa as input then unzips # it into a temporary directory, creates a .js script on the fly # that captures a screenshot, and finally invokes /usr/bin/instruments # with the former as arguments. "unzip -q $(location :PrenotCalculator.ipa) -d $${TMPDIR} ; " + "echo 'UIATarget.localTarget().delay(5); UIATarget.localTarget().captureScreenWithName(\"hello_instruments\");' > $${TMPDIR}/hello_instruments.js && " + "/usr/bin/instruments " + "-t /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Instruments.app/Contents/PlugIns/AutomationInstrument.xrplugin/Contents/Resources/Automation.tracetemplate " + "-w 'iPhone 5 (8.1 Simulator)' " + "$${TMPDIR}/Payload/PrenotCalculator.app " + "-e UIASCRIPT $${TMPDIR}/hello_instruments.js " + "-e UIARESULTSPATH $${TMPDIR} -v && " + "cp $${TMPDIR}'/Run 1/hello_instruments.png' $(@)", tags = ["requires-darwin"], ) filegroup( name = "srcs", srcs = glob([ "**", "BUILD", ]), visibility = ["//examples:__pkg__"], )