#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit cd "$(dirname "$0")" mkdir -p output/classes mkdir -p output/test_classes mkdir -p output/src mkdir -p output/objs mkdir -p output/native # May be passed in from outside. CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" ZIPOPTS="$ZIPOPTS" # TODO: CC target architecture needs to match JAVA_HOME. CC=${CC:-gcc} CPP=${CPP:-g++} CPPSTD="c++0x" JAVA_VERSION=${JAVA_VERSION:-"1.8"} PLATFORM="$(uname -s | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" ARCHIVE_CFLAGS=${ARCHIVE_CFLAGS:-""} LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS:-""} # Extension for executables (.exe on Windows). EXE_EXT="" PROTO_FILES=$(ls src/main/protobuf/*.proto) LIBRARY_JARS=$(find third_party -name *.jar | tr "\n" " ") DIRS=$(echo src/{main/java,tools/xcode-common/java/com/google/devtools/build/xcode/{common,util}} output/src) SINGLEJAR_DIRS="src/java_tools/singlejar/java src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/shell" SINGLEJAR_LIBRARIES="third_party/guava/guava-18.0.jar third_party/jsr305/jsr-305.jar" BUILDJAR_DIRS="src/java_tools/buildjar/java/com/google/devtools/build/buildjar output/src/com/google/devtools/build/lib/view/proto" BUILDJAR_LIBRARIES="third_party/guava/guava-18.0.jar third_party/protobuf/protobuf-2.5.0.jar third_party/jsr305/jsr-305.jar" MSYS_DLLS="" PATHSEP=":" function fail() { echo "$1" >&2 exit 1 } function log() { if [[ -z "${QUIETMODE}" ]]; then echo "$1" >&2 fi } function write_fromhost_build() { case "${PLATFORM}" in linux) cat << EOF > fromhost/BUILD package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) cc_library( name = "libarchive", srcs = [], hdrs = [], ) EOF ;; darwin) homebrew_header=$(ls -1 $(brew --prefix 2>/dev/null)/Cellar/libarchive/*/include/archive.h 2>/dev/null | head -n1) if [[ -e $homebrew_header ]]; then rm -f fromhost/*.[ah] touch fromhost/empty.c # For use with Homebrew. archive_dir=$(dirname $(dirname $homebrew_header)) ARCHIVE_CFLAGS="-I${archive_dir}/include" LDFLAGS="-L${archive_dir}/lib -larchive $LDFLAGS" cp ${archive_dir}/lib/*.a ${archive_dir}/include/*.h fromhost/ cat << EOF > fromhost/BUILD package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) cc_library( name = "libarchive", srcs = glob(["*.a"]) + ["empty.c"], hdrs = glob(["*.h"]), includes = ["."], linkopts = ["-lxml2", "-liconv", "-lbz2", "-lz", ], ) EOF elif [[ -e /opt/local/include/archive.h ]]; then # For use with Macports. rm -f fromhost/*.[ah] touch fromhost/empty.c cp /opt/local/include/archive.h /opt/local/include/archive_entry.h fromhost/ cp /opt/local/lib/{libarchive,liblzo2,liblzma,libcharset,libbz2,libxml2,libz,libiconv}.a \ fromhost/ ARCHIVE_CFLAGS="-Ifromhost" # Link libarchive statically LDFLAGS="fromhost/libarchive.a fromhost/liblzo2.a \ fromhost/liblzma.a fromhost/libcharset.a \ fromhost/libbz2.a fromhost/libxml2.a \ fromhost/libz.a fromhost/libiconv.a \ $LDFLAGS" cat << EOF > fromhost/BUILD package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) cc_library( name = "libarchive", srcs = glob(["*.a"]) + ["empty.c"], hdrs = glob(["*.h"]), includes = ["."], ) EOF else log "WARNING: Could not find libarchive installation, proceeding bravely." fi esac } # Create symlinks so we can use tools from the base_workspace. rm -f base_workspace/tools && ln -s $(pwd)/tools base_workspace/tools rm -f base_workspace/third_party && ln -s $(pwd)/third_party base_workspace/third_party mkdir -p fromhost if [ ! -f fromhost/BUILD ]; then write_fromhost_build fi case "${PLATFORM}" in linux) # Sorry, no static linking on linux for now. LDFLAGS="$(pkg-config libarchive --libs) -lrt $LDFLAGS" JNILIB="libunix.so" MD5SUM="md5sum" # JAVA_HOME must point to a Java 8 installation. JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME:-$(readlink -f $(which javac) | sed "s_/bin/javac__")} PROTOC=${PROTOC:-third_party/protobuf/protoc.amd64} ;; darwin) JNILIB="libunix.dylib" MD5SUM="md5" if [[ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]]; then JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8+ 2> /dev/null) \ || fail "Could not find JAVA_HOME, please ensure a JDK (version 1.8+) is installed." fi PROTOC=${PROTOC:-third_party/protobuf/protoc.darwin} ;; msys*|mingw*) # Use a simplified platform string. PLATFORM="mingw" # Workaround for msys issue which causes omission of std::to_string. CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_GLIBCXX_USE_C99 -D_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_DYNAMIC" LDFLAGS="-larchive ${LDFLAGS}" MD5SUM="md5sum" EXE_EXT=".exe" PATHSEP=";" # Find the latest available version of the SDK. JAVA_HOME="${JAVA_HOME:-$(ls -d /c/Program\ Files/Java/jdk* | sort | tail -n 1)}" # We do not use the JNI library on Windows. JNILIB="" PROTOC=${PROTOC:-protoc} # The newer version of GCC on msys is stricter and removes some important function # declarations from the environment if using c++0x / c++11. CPPSTD="gnu++11" # Ensure that we are using the cygwin gcc, not the mingw64 gcc. ${CC} -v 2>&1 | grep "Target: .*mingw.*" > /dev/null && fail "mingw gcc detected. Please set CC to point to the msys/Cygwin gcc." ${CPP} -v 2>&1 | grep "Target: .*mingw.*" > /dev/null && fail "mingw g++ detected. Please set CPP to point to the msys/Cygwin g++." MSYS_DLLS="msys-2.0.dll msys-gcc_s-seh-1.dll msys-stdc++-6.dll" for dll in $MSYS_DLLS ; do cp "/usr/bin/$dll" "output/$dll" done esac test -z "$JAVA_HOME" && fail "JDK not found, please set \$JAVA_HOME." rm -f tools/jdk/jdk && ln -s "${JAVA_HOME}" tools/jdk/jdk JAVAC="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javac" [[ -x $JAVAC ]] \ || fail "JAVA_HOME ($JAVA_HOME) is not a path to a working JDK." JAVAC_VERSION=$($JAVAC -version 2>&1) [[ "$JAVAC_VERSION" =~ ^"javac 1"\.([89]|[1-9][0-9]).*$ ]] \ || fail "JDK version is lower than 1.8, please set \$JAVA_HOME." JAR="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/jar" BLAZE_CC_FILES=( src/main/cpp/blaze_startup_options.cc src/main/cpp/blaze_startup_options_common.cc src/main/cpp/blaze_util.cc src/main/cpp/blaze_util_${PLATFORM}.cc src/main/cpp/blaze.cc src/main/cpp/option_processor.cc src/main/cpp/util/port.cc src/main/cpp/util/strings.cc src/main/cpp/util/file.cc src/main/cpp/util/md5.cc src/main/cpp/util/numbers.cc ) NATIVE_CC_FILES=( src/main/cpp/util/md5.cc src/main/native/localsocket.cc src/main/native/process.cc src/main/native/unix_jni.cc src/main/native/unix_jni_${PLATFORM}.cc ) IJAR_CC_FILES=( third_party/ijar/ijar.cc third_party/ijar/zip.cc third_party/ijar/classfile.cc ) # Compiles java classes. function java_compilation() { name=$1 directories=$2 library_jars=$3 output=$4 classpath=${library_jars// /$PATHSEP}:$5 sourcepath=${directories// /$PATHSEP} tmp="$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/bazel.XXXXXXXX)" paramfile="${tmp}/param" errfile="${tmp}/err" mkdir -p "${output}/classes" trap "cat \"$errfile\"; rm -f \"$paramfile\" \"$errfile\"; rmdir \"$tmp\"" EXIT # Compile .java files (incl. generated ones) using javac log "Compiling $name code..." find ${directories} -name "*.java" > "$paramfile" if [ ! -z "$BAZEL_DEBUG_JAVA_COMPILATION" ]; then echo "directories=${directories}" >&2 echo "classpath=${classpath}" >&2 echo "sourcepath=${sourcepath}" >&2 echo "libraries=${library_jars}" >&2 echo "output=${output}/classes" >&2 echo "List of compiled files:" >&2 cat "$paramfile" >&2 fi "${JAVAC}" -classpath "${classpath}" -sourcepath "${sourcepath}" \ -d "${output}/classes" -source "$JAVA_VERSION" -target "$JAVA_VERSION" \ "@${paramfile}" &> "$errfile" || exit $? trap - EXIT rm "$paramfile" "$errfile" rmdir "$tmp" log "Extracting helper classes for $name..." for f in ${library_jars} ; do unzip -qn ${f} -d "${output}/classes" done } # Create the deploy JAR function create_deploy_jar() { name=$1 mainClass=$2 output=$3 shift 3 packages="" for i in $output/classes/*; do package=$(basename $i) if [[ "$package" != "META-INF" ]]; then packages="$packages -C $output/classes $package" fi done log "Creating $name.jar..." echo "Main-Class: $mainClass" > $output/MANIFEST.MF "$JAR" cmf $output/MANIFEST.MF $output/$name.jar $packages "$@" } if [ -z "${BAZEL_SKIP_JAVA_COMPILATION}" ]; then log "Compiling Java stubs for protocol buffers..." for f in $PROTO_FILES ; do "${PROTOC}" -Isrc/main/protobuf/ --java_out=output/src "$f" done java_compilation "Bazel Java" "$DIRS" "$LIBRARY_JARS" "output" # help files: all non java files in src/main/java. for i in $(find src/main/java -type f -a \! -name '*.java' | sed 's|src/main/java/||'); do mkdir -p $(dirname output/classes/$i) cp src/main/java/$i output/classes/$i done create_deploy_jar "libblaze" "com.google.devtools.build.lib.bazel.BazelMain" \ output third_party/javascript fi if [ -z "${BAZEL_SKIP_SINGLEJAR_COMPILATION}" ]; then # Compile singlejar, a jar suitable for deployment. java_compilation "SingleJar tool" "$SINGLEJAR_DIRS" "$SINGLEJAR_LIBRARIES" \ "output/singlejar" create_deploy_jar "SingleJar_deploy" \ "com.google.devtools.build.singlejar.SingleJar" "output/singlejar" mkdir -p tools/jdk cp -f output/singlejar/SingleJar_deploy.jar tools/jdk fi if [ -z "${BAZEL_SKIP_BUILDJAR_COMPILATION}" ]; then # Compile buildjar, a wrapper around javac. java_compilation "JavaBuilder tool" "$BUILDJAR_DIRS" "$BUILDJAR_LIBRARIES" \ "output/buildjar" $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar create_deploy_jar "JavaBuilder_deploy" \ "com.google.devtools.build.buildjar.BazelJavaBuilder" "output/buildjar" mkdir -p tools/jdk cp -f output/buildjar/JavaBuilder_deploy.jar tools/jdk fi function cc_compile() { local OBJDIR=$1 shift mkdir -p "output/${OBJDIR}" for FILE in "$@"; do if [[ ! "${FILE}" =~ ^-.*$ ]]; then local OBJ=$(basename "${FILE}").o "${CPP}" \ -I src/main/cpp/ \ ${ARCHIVE_CFLAGS} \ ${CFLAGS} \ -std=$CPPSTD \ -c \ -DBLAZE_JAVA_CPU=\"k8\" \ -DBLAZE_OPENSOURCE=1 \ -o "output/${OBJDIR}/${OBJ}" \ "${FILE}" fi done } function cc_link() { local OBJDIR=$1 local OUTPUT=$2 shift 2 local FILES=() for FILE in "$@"; do local OBJ=$(basename "${FILE}").o FILES+=("output/${OBJDIR}/${OBJ}") done "${CPP}" -o ${OUTPUT} "${FILES[@]}" -lstdc++ ${LDFLAGS} } function cc_build() { local NAME=$1 local OBJDIR=$2 local OUTPUT=$3 shift 3 log "Compiling ${NAME} .cc files..." cc_compile "${OBJDIR}" "$@" log "Linking ${NAME}..." cc_link "${OBJDIR}" "${OUTPUT}" "$@" } cc_build "client" "objs" "output/client" ${BLAZE_CC_FILES[@]} LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lz" cc_build "ijar" "ijar" "tools/jdk/ijar" ${IJAR_CC_FILES[@]} if [ ! -z "$JNILIB" ] ; then log "Compiling JNI libraries..." for FILE in "${NATIVE_CC_FILES[@]}"; do OUT=$(basename "${FILE}").o "${CPP}" \ -I src/main/cpp/ \ -I src/main/native/ \ -I "${JAVA_HOME}/include/" \ -I "${JAVA_HOME}/include/${PLATFORM}" \ -std=$CPPSTD \ -fPIC \ -c \ -D_JNI_IMPLEMENTATION_ \ -DBLAZE_JAVA_CPU=\"k8\" \ -DBLAZE_OPENSOURCE=1 \ -o "output/native/${OUT}" \ "${FILE}" done log "Linking ${JNILIB}..." "${CPP}" -o output/${JNILIB} $JNI_LD_ARGS -shared output/native/*.o -l stdc++ fi log "Compiling build-runfiles..." # Clang on Linux requires libstdc++ "${CPP}" -o output/build-runfiles -std=c++0x -l stdc++ src/main/tools/build-runfiles.cc log "Compiling process-wrapper..." "${CC}" -o output/process-wrapper -std=c99 src/main/tools/process-wrapper.c if [[ $PLATFORM == "linux" ]]; then log "Compiling sandbox..." "${CC}" -o output/namespace-sandbox -std=c99 src/main/tools/namespace-sandbox.c fi cp src/main/tools/build_interface_so output/build_interface_so cp src/main/tools/jdk.WORKSPACE output/jdk.WORKSPACE touch output/client_info chmod 755 output/client_info log "Creating Bazel self-extracting archive..." TO_ZIP="libblaze.jar ${JNILIB} build-runfiles${EXE_EXT} process-wrapper${EXE_EXT} client_info build_interface_so ${MSYS_DLLS} jdk.WORKSPACE" if [[ $PLATFORM == "linux" ]]; then TO_ZIP="$TO_ZIP namespace-sandbox${EXE_EXT}" fi (cd output/ ; cat client ${TO_ZIP} | ${MD5SUM} | awk '{ print $1; }' > install_base_key) (cd output/ ; echo "${JAVA_VERSION}" > java.version) (cd output/ ; find . -type f | xargs -P 10 touch -t 198001010000) (cd output/ ; zip $ZIPOPTS -q package.zip ${TO_ZIP} install_base_key java.version) cat output/client output/package.zip > output/bazel zip -qA output/bazel \ || echo "(Non-critical error, ignore.)" chmod 755 output/bazel log "Build successful!"