#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script bootstraps building a Bazel binary without Bazel then # use this compiled Bazel to bootstrap Bazel itself. It can also # be provided with a previous version of Bazel to bootstrap Bazel # itself. # The resulting binary can be found at output/bazel. set -o errexit cd "$(dirname "$0")" source scripts/bootstrap/buildenv.sh function usage() { [ -n "${1:-build}" ] && echo "Invalid command(s): $1" >&2 echo "syntax: $0 [command[,command]* [BAZEL_BIN [BAZEL_SUM]]]" >&2 echo " General purpose commands:" >&2 echo " build = compile,tools,init (default)" >&2 echo " compile = compile a Bazel binary for usage" >&2 echo " tools = compile and install tooling for Bazel" >&2 echo " init = initialize the base workspace" >&2 echo " Commands for developers:" >&2 echo " all = build,determinism,test" >&2 echo " determinism = test for stability of Bazel builds" >&2 echo " test = run the full test suite of Bazel" >&2 exit 1 } function parse_options() { local keywords="(build|compile|tools|init|all|determinism|bootstrap|test)" COMMANDS="${1:-build}" [[ "${COMMANDS}" =~ ^$keywords(,$keywords)*$ ]] || usage "$@" DO_COMPILE= DO_TOOLS_COMPILATION= DO_CHECKSUM= DO_FULL_CHECKSUM=1 DO_TESTS= DO_BASE_WORKSPACE_INIT= [[ "${COMMANDS}" =~ (compile|build|all) ]] && DO_COMPILE=1 [[ "${COMMANDS}" =~ (tools|build|all) ]] && DO_TOOLS_COMPILATION=1 [[ "${COMMANDS}" =~ (init|build|all) ]] && DO_BASE_WORKSPACE_INIT=1 [[ "${COMMANDS}" =~ (bootstrap|determinism|all) ]] && DO_CHECKSUM=1 [[ "${COMMANDS}" =~ (bootstrap) ]] && DO_FULL_CHECKSUM= [[ "${COMMANDS}" =~ (test|all) ]] && DO_TESTS=1 BAZEL_BIN=${2:-"bazel-bin/src/bazel"} BAZEL_SUM=${3:-"x"} } parse_options "${@}" mkdir -p output : ${BAZEL:=${2-}} # # Create an initial binary so we can host ourself # if [ ! -x "${BAZEL}" ]; then display "$INFO You can skip this first step by providing a path to the bazel binary as second argument:" display "$INFO $0 ${COMMANDS} /path/to/bazel" new_step 'Building Bazel from scratch' source scripts/bootstrap/compile.sh cp ${OUTPUT_DIR}/bazel output/bazel BAZEL=$(pwd)/output/bazel fi # # Bootstrap bazel using the previous bazel binary = release binary # if [ "${EMBED_LABEL-x}" = "x" ]; then # Add a default label when unspecified git_sha1=$(git_sha1) EMBED_LABEL="head (@${git_sha1:-non-git})" fi source scripts/bootstrap/bootstrap.sh if [ $DO_COMPILE ]; then new_step 'Building Bazel with Bazel' display "." bazel_bootstrap //src:bazel output/bazel 0755 1 BAZEL=$(pwd)/output/bazel fi # # Bootstrap tools using the release binary # if [ $DO_TOOLS_COMPILATION ]; then new_step 'Building Bazel tools' bazel_bootstrap //third_party/ijar:ijar tools/jdk/ijar 0755 bazel_bootstrap //src/java_tools/singlejar:SingleJar_deploy.jar \ tools/jdk/SingleJar_deploy.jar bazel_bootstrap //src/java_tools/buildjar:JavaBuilder_deploy.jar \ tools/jdk/JavaBuilder_deploy.jar bazel_bootstrap //src/java_tools/buildjar/java/com/google/devtools/build/buildjar/genclass:GenClass_deploy.jar \ tools/jdk/GenClass_deploy.jar if [[ $PLATFORM == "darwin" ]]; then bazel_bootstrap //src/tools/xcode-common/java/com/google/devtools/build/xcode/actoolzip:actoolzip_deploy.jar \ tools/objc/precomp_actoolzip_deploy.jar bazel_bootstrap //src/tools/xcode/ibtoolwrapper:ibtoolwrapper tools/objc/ibtoolwrapper.sh 0755 bazel_bootstrap //src/tools/xcode-common/java/com/google/devtools/build/xcode/swiftstdlibtoolzip:swiftstdlibtoolzip_deploy.jar \ tools/objc/precomp_swiftstdlibtoolzip_deploy.jar bazel_bootstrap //src/objc_tools/momczip:momczip_deploy.jar \ tools/objc/precomp_momczip_deploy.jar bazel_bootstrap //src/objc_tools/bundlemerge:bundlemerge_deploy.jar \ tools/objc/precomp_bundlemerge_deploy.jar bazel_bootstrap //src/objc_tools/plmerge:plmerge_deploy.jar \ tools/objc/precomp_plmerge_deploy.jar bazel_bootstrap //src/objc_tools/xcodegen:xcodegen_deploy.jar \ tools/objc/precomp_xcodegen_deploy.jar if xcodebuild -showsdks 2> /dev/null | grep -q '\-sdk iphonesimulator'; then bazel_bootstrap //src/tools/xcode/stdredirect:StdRedirect.dylib \ tools/objc/StdRedirect.dylib 0755 fi bazel_bootstrap //src/tools/xcode/realpath:realpath tools/objc/realpath 0755 fi fi # # Output is deterministic between two bootstrapped bazel binary using the actual tools and the # released binary. # if [ $DO_CHECKSUM ]; then new_step "Determinism test" if [ ! -f ${BAZEL_SUM:-x} ]; then BAZEL_SUM=bazel-out/bazel_checksum log "First build" bootstrap_test ${BAZEL} ${BAZEL_SUM} else BOOTSTRAP=${BAZEL} fi if [ "${BAZEL_SUM}" != "${OUTPUT_DIR}/bazel_checksum" ]; then cp ${BAZEL_SUM} ${OUTPUT_DIR}/bazel_checksum fi if [ $DO_FULL_CHECKSUM ]; then log "Second build" bootstrap_test ${BOOTSTRAP} bazel-out/bazel_checksum log "Comparing output" (diff -U 0 ${OUTPUT_DIR}/bazel_checksum bazel-out/bazel_checksum >&2) \ || fail "Differences detected in outputs!" fi fi # # Tests # if [ $DO_TESTS ]; then new_step "Running tests" display "." [ -n "$JAVAC_VERSION" ] || get_java_version if [[ ! "${BAZEL_TEST_FILTERS-}" =~ "-jdk8" ]] \ && [ "8" -gt ${JAVAC_VERSION#*.} ]; then display "$WARNING Your version of Java is lower than 1.8!" display "$WARNING Deactivating Java 8 tests, please use a JDK 8 to fully" display "$WARNING test Bazel." if [ -n "${BAZEL_TEST_FILTERS-}" ]; then BAZEL_TEST_FILTERS="${BAZEL_TEST_FILTERS},-jdk8" else BAZEL_TEST_FILTERS="-jdk8" fi fi $BAZEL --bazelrc=${BAZELRC} --nomaster_bazelrc test \ --test_tag_filters="${BAZEL_TEST_FILTERS-}" \ --build_tests_only \ --javacopt="-source ${JAVA_VERSION} -target ${JAVA_VERSION}" \ -k --test_output=errors //src/... //third_party/ijar/... //scripts/... \ || fail "Tests failed" fi # # Setup the base workspace # if [ $DO_BASE_WORKSPACE_INIT ]; then new_step 'Setting up base workspace' display "." source scripts/bootstrap/init_workspace.sh fi clear_log display "Build successful! Binary is here: ${BAZEL}"