#! /bin/bash set -eu function usage() { [ -n "${1:-}" ] && echo "Invalid command(s): $1" >&2 echo "syntax: $0 command[,command]* [BAZEL_BIN [BAZEL_SUM]]" >&2 echo " Available commands: bootstrap, determinism, test, all" >&2 exit 1 } function parse_options() { local keywords="(bootstrap|test|determinism|all)" [[ "${1:-}" =~ ^$keywords(,$keywords)*$ ]] || usage "$@" DO_BOOTSTRAP= DO_CHECKSUM= DO_TESTS= [[ "$1" =~ (bootstrap|all) ]] && DO_BOOTSTRAP=1 [[ "$1" =~ (determinism|all) ]] && DO_CHECKSUM=1 [[ "$1" =~ (test|all) ]] && DO_TESTS=1 BAZEL_BIN=${2:-"bazel-bin/src/bazel"} BAZEL_SUM=${3:-"bazel-out/bazel_checksum"} } PLATFORM="$(uname -s | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" CPU_FLAG="" if [[ ${PLATFORM} == "darwin" ]]; then CPU_FLAG="--cpu=darwin" function md5_file() { md5 $1 | sed 's|^MD5 (\(.*\)) =|\1|' } else function md5_file() { md5sum $1 } fi function md5_outputs() { [ -n "${BAZEL_TEST_XTRACE:-}" ] && set +x # Avoid garbage in the output # genproto does not strip out timestamp, let skip it for now # runfiles/MANIFEST & runfiles_manifest contain absolute path, ignore. # ar on OS-X is non-deterministic, ignore .a files. for i in $(find bazel-bin/ -type f -a \! -name 'libproto_*.jar' -a \! -name MANIFEST -a \! -name '*.runfiles_manifest' -a \! -name '*.a'); do md5_file $i done for i in $(find bazel-genfiles/ -type f); do md5_file $i done [ -n "${BAZEL_TEST_XTRACE:-}" ] && set -x } function get_outputs_sum() { md5_outputs | sort -k 2 } function fail() { echo $1 >&2 exit 1 } function bootstrap() { local BAZEL_BIN=$1 local BAZEL_SUM=$2 [ -x "${BAZEL_BIN}" ] || fail "syntax: bootstrap bazel-binary" ${BAZEL_BIN} --blazerc=/dev/null clean ${CPU_FLAG} || return $? ${BAZEL_BIN} --blazerc=/dev/null build ${CPU_FLAG} --nostamp //src:bazel //src:tools || return $? if [ -n "${BAZEL_SUM}" ]; then get_outputs_sum > ${BAZEL_SUM} || return $? fi } function copy_bootstrap() { if [ -z "${BOOTSTRAP:-}" ]; then BOOTSTRAP=$(mktemp /tmp/bootstrap.XXXXXXXXXX) trap '{ rm -f $BOOTSTRAP; }' EXIT cp -f $BAZEL_BIN $BOOTSTRAP chmod +x $BOOTSTRAP fi } function start_test() { echo "****${1//?/*}****" echo "*** $1 ***" echo "****${1//?/*}****" } function end_test() { echo " ==> $1 passed" echo echo } parse_options "$@" if [ -n "${DO_BOOTSTRAP}" -o ! -x ${BAZEL_BIN} ]; then start_test bootstrap [ -x "output/bazel" ] || ./compile.sh || fail "Compilation failed" bootstrap output/bazel ${BAZEL_SUM} || fail "Bootstrap failed" end_test bootstrap fi # check that bootstrapped binary actually runs correctly copy_bootstrap $BOOTSTRAP >/dev/null || fail "Boostraped binary is non-functionnal!" if [ $DO_CHECKSUM ]; then start_test checksum SUM1=$(mktemp /tmp/bootstrap-sum.XXXXXXXXXX) SUM2=$(mktemp /tmp/bootstrap-sum.XXXXXXXXXX) trap '{ rm -f $BOOTSTRAP $SUM1 $SUM2; }' EXIT cat $BAZEL_SUM > $SUM1 # Second run bootstrap $BOOTSTRAP $SUM2 || fail "Bootstrap failed" (diff -U 0 $SUM1 $SUM2 >&2) || fail "Differences detected in outputs!" end_test checksum fi if [ $DO_TESTS ]; then start_test "test" $BOOTSTRAP --blazerc=/dev/null test ${CPU_FLAG} -k --test_output=errors //src/... || fail "Tests failed" end_test "test" fi echo "Bootstrap tests succeeded (tested: $1)"