package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) # TODO(bazel-team): The MacOS tools give an error if there is no object file on # the command line to libtool, so we use an empty .cc file here. We should find # a better way to handle this case. cc_library( name = "malloc", srcs = [""], ) cc_library( name = "stl", srcs = [""], ) filegroup( name = "empty", srcs = [], ) filegroup( name = "toolchain", srcs = [ ":cc-compiler-local", ":cc-compiler-darwin", ":empty", ], ) cc_toolchain( name = "cc-compiler-local", all_files = ":empty", compiler_files = ":empty", cpu = "local", dwp_files = ":empty", dynamic_runtime_libs = [":empty"], linker_files = ":empty", objcopy_files = ":empty", static_runtime_libs = [":empty"], strip_files = ":empty", supports_param_files = 0, ) cc_toolchain( name = "cc-compiler-k8", all_files = ":empty", compiler_files = ":empty", cpu = "local", dwp_files = ":empty", dynamic_runtime_libs = [":empty"], linker_files = ":empty", objcopy_files = ":empty", static_runtime_libs = [":empty"], strip_files = ":empty", supports_param_files = 0, ) cc_toolchain( name = "cc-compiler-darwin", all_files = ":empty", compiler_files = ":empty", cpu = "darwin", dwp_files = ":empty", dynamic_runtime_libs = [":empty"], linker_files = ":empty", objcopy_files = ":empty", static_runtime_libs = [":empty"], strip_files = ":empty", supports_param_files = 0, )