load("/tools/build_defs/jsonnet/jsonnet", "jsonnet_repositories") load("/tools/build_rules/rust/rust", "rust_repositories") jsonnet_repositories() rust_repositories() # Protobuf expects an //external:python_headers label which would contain the # Python headers if fast Python protos is enabled. Since we are not using fast # Python protos, bind python_headers to a dummy target. bind( name = "python_headers", actual = "//:dummy", ) # Bind to dummy targets if no android SDK/NDK is present. bind( name = "android_sdk_for_testing", actual = "//:dummy", ) bind( name = "android_ndk_for_testing", actual = "//:dummy", ) # For building for JDK 7 # This is a JDK 7 JavaBuilder from release 0.1.0. # Do not use the skylark bootstrapped version of JavaBuilder http_file( name = "io_bazel_javabuilder_jdk7", # This was built from Bazel 0.1.0 (after ./compile.sh) and JDK 7. url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/bazel/0.1.0/JavaBuilder_deploy.jar", sha256 = "374f07be2f73ec170ef6bdd8057530e6842cb0cbc7a240caccbd7b80be239366", ) http_file( name = "io_bazel_javac_jdk7", url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/0.1.0/third_party/java/jdk/langtools/javac.jar?raw=true", sha256 = "e063cf60cf9a1d24acd043f55dc605da559b913793c6a4e51c5ddbc4f5d494df", ) # For tools/cpp/test/... load("//tools/cpp/test:docker_repository.bzl", "docker_repository") docker_repository() # In order to run the Android integration tests, run # scripts/workspace_user.sh and uncomment the next two lines. # load("/WORKSPACE.user", "android_repositories") # android_repositories()