#Geometry code import math from bisect import * import random def pointWithinBoundingBox(point, bb): #this could be in 4 lines, but I'm lazy. return sum([(point[i % 2] <= bb[i]) == (i>1) for i in range(4)]) == 4 def addLocations(l1,l2): return tuple([l1[i]+l2[i] for i in range(len(l1))]) def gaussian(x,height,center,width): a=height b=center c=width return a*math.exp(-((x-b)**2)/(2*c**2)) def dist(l1, l2): return math.sqrt((l1[0]-l2[0])**2+(l1[1]-l2[1])**2) #For speed def randomLoc(boundingBox): #TODO: make less shitty loc = [] loc.append(random.randint(0, boundingBox[0])) loc.append(random.randint(0, boundingBox[1])) return tuple(loc) def approxexp(x): """Approximates exp with a 3 term Taylor Series.""" return 1+x+x**2/2+x**3/6 def windtrail(x,y,height,center,width): a=height b=center c=width return a*((math.exp(-((x-b))/(c)))**2)*(math.exp(-((y))/(0.2*c)))**2