from xml.etree.ElementTree import * import sys import xml import pdb import util.Strings as Strings from logger import main_log, exception_log classArgsMem = {} CONFIG_PATH = 'config/' def loadParamRequirementDict(className): if not className in classArgsMem: #WOO CACHING classArgsMem[className] = fileToDict(CONFIG_PATH + className) return classArgsMem[className] #Loads a config file. If its an xml file, inheritances are automatically resolved. def loadConfigFile(fileName): #TODO: error handling etc. try: if '.params' in fileName: return fileToDict(fileName) if '.xml' in fileName: config = ElementTree() #use .fromstring, and resolve xincludes config.parse(fileName) config = ElementTree(resolveConfigInheritance(config.getroot())) return config except Exception as inst: main_log.error('Error loading config file ' + fileName)#, inst) TODO: log exception too return None #Takes an Element or an ElementTree. If it is a tree, it returns its root. Otherwise, just returns #it def getElement(el): if xml.etree.ElementTree.iselement(el): return el elif el.__class__ == ElementTree: return el.getroot() def compositeXMLTrees(parentTree, overridingTree): #TODO: break up into sub-methods, change it to #use .find() #type checking -- convert ElementTrees to their root elements if parentTree == None: return overridingTree if overridingTree == None: return parentTree parentTree = getElement(parentTree) overridingTree = getElement(overridingTree) parentItems = parentTree.getchildren() overrideItems = overridingTree.getchildren() #first, lets figure out what tags we have in the override tree: tagCollection = [el.tag for el in overrideItems] #we can speed this up with a dict if necessary for item in parentItems: if not item.tag in tagCollection: #no override overridingTree.insert(-1, item) #insert the new item at the end else: #do we merge or replace? intersectingElements = findElementsByTag(item.tag, overrideItems) if len(intersectingElements) > 1: main_log.warn('ABUSE! Override of multiple items isn\'t well defined. Don\'t do\ it!') interEl = intersectingElements[0] mode = 'Replace' if Strings.OVERRIDE_BEHAVIOR in interEl.attrib: mode = interEl.attrib[Strings.OVERRIDE_BEHAVIOR] if mode != 'Replace' and mode != 'Merge': main_log.warn('Bad Override Mode. Choosing to replace.') mode = 'Replace' if mode == 'Replace': pass #we don't need to do anything if mode == 'Merge': interEl = compositeXMLTrees(item, interEl) for item in overrideItems: #resolve appendages if item.tag == 'APPEND': children = item.getchildren() for child in children: overrideItems.insert(-1, child) overrideItems.remove(item) return overridingTree def findElementsByTag(tag, eList): return [el for el in eList if el.tag == tag] def fileToDict(fileName): fileText = '' try: with open(fileName) as f: for line in f: fileText += line.rstrip('\n').lstrip('\t') + ' ' except IOError: exception_log.exception('Failure reading ' + fileName) return {} if fileText == '': return {} try: resultDict = eval(fileText) + ' read and parsed') return resultDict except: + ' is not a well formed python dict. Parsing failed') return eval(fileText) #parses arguments into python objects if possible, otherwise leaves as strings def generateArgDict(parentNode, recurse=False): args = {} for arg in parentNode.getchildren(): key = arg.tag if arg.getchildren() != []: value = generateArgDict(arg, True) else: #convert into python if possible, otherwise don't try: value = eval(arg.text) except (NameError,SyntaxError): value = str(arg.text) if key in args: #build of lists of like-elements if type(args[key]) != type([]): args[key] = [args[key]] args[key].append(value) else: args[key]=value #if we should be a list but we aren't: if len(args.keys()) == 1 and recurse: return args[args.keys()[0]] return args def resolveConfigInheritance(el): parentClass = el.find('InheritsFrom') if parentClass != None: parentTree = loadConfigFile(parentClass.text) if parentTree == None: main_log.warn('Inheritance Failed. ' + parentClass.text + 'does not exist') main_log.error('Inheritance Failed. ' + parentClass.text + 'does not exist') return el el = compositeXMLTrees(el, parentTree) el.remove(parentClass) #get rid of the inheritance flag return el