from operationscore.Behavior import * import util.Strings as Strings from logger import main_log class AddPixelEvent(Behavior): """AddPixelEvent is a behavior to append an arbitrary PixelEvent to a behavior response. The classname of the PixelEvent should be specified in the Class field of Args. All arguments normally passed to the PixelEvent should also be specified in Args.""" def behaviorInit(self): [module, className] = self['Class'].split('.') try: exec('from ' + module+'.'+className + ' import *', globals()) except Exception as inst: main_log.error('Error importing ' + module+'.'+className+ '. Component not\ initialized.') main_log.error(str(inst)) self.eventGenerator = eval('lambda args:'+className+'(args)') #^lambda function to do generate new event (takes args) def processResponse(self, sensors, recurses): ret = [] for sensory in sensors: outDict = {} if not 'Location' in sensory: pdb.set_trace() outDict[Strings.LOCATION] = sensory[Strings.LOCATION] settingsDict = dict(self.argDict) settingsDict['Color'] = sensory['Color'] outDict['PixelEvent'] = self.eventGenerator(settingsDict) ret.append(outDict) return (ret, recurses)