path: root/behaviors
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'behaviors')
3 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/behaviors/ControllerOSC.py b/behaviors/ControllerOSC.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce2cf26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/behaviors/ControllerOSC.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+from operationscore.Behavior import *
+from logger import main_log
+#import util.ColorOps as color
+import colorsys
+from numpy import array
+import pdb
+import util.ComponentRegistry as compReg
+speedfactor = 15
+vel_decay = .00
+def constrainLocation(v,c):
+ if v[0] > c[0]:
+ v[0] = c[0]
+ elif v[0]<0:
+ v[0] = 0
+ if v[1] > c[1]:
+ v[1] = c[1]
+ elif v[1]<0:
+ v[1] = 0
+ return v
+class ControllerOSC(Behavior):
+ def behaviorInit(self):
+ self.xy = array((0,0))
+ self.v_xy = array((0,0))
+ self.v_decay = vel_decay
+ self.start_hsv = [0,1,1]
+ self.dest_hsv = [0,1,1]
+ self.ssize = compReg.getComponent('Screen').getSize()[-2:] #896 x 310
+ def processResponse(self, sensorInputs, recursiveInputs):
+ ret = []
+ if sensorInputs:
+ data = sensorInputs[-1]#for data in sensorInputs:
+ if data['Path'] == '/sixaxis/xy':
+ #try:
+ x = data['Value'][0]
+ y = data['Value'][1]
+ main_log.error(str(x))
+ if y < 0:
+ self.start_hsv[1] = 1.0+y #s
+ else:
+ self.start_hsv[2] = 1.0-y
+ self.start_hsv[0] = (x+1) * 180.0
+ elif data['Path'] == '/sixaxis/lrud':
+ val=data['Value']
+ vy = val[3]-val[2]
+ vx = val[1]-val[0]
+ #pdb.set_trace()
+ #self.v_xy = (val[1]*ssize[0], (1.0-val[0])*ssize[1])
+ self.v_xy = array((vx, vy)) * speedfactor
+ else:
+ main_log.error('Sensor Inputs: ' + str(sensorInputs))
+ self.xy = self.xy + self.v_xy
+ constrainLocation(self.xy,self.ssize)
+ self.v_xy -= self.v_decay
+ if self.v_xy[0] < 0:
+ self.v_xy[0] = 0
+ if self.v_xy[1] < 0:
+ self.v_xy[1] = 0
+ ret.append({'Color':[i*255 for i in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*self.start_hsv)],'Location':(int(self.xy[0]), int(self.xy[1]))})
+ return (ret, [])
diff --git a/behaviors/Sink.py b/behaviors/Sink.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d0be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/behaviors/Sink.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+from operationscore.Behavior import *
+import math
+import util.TimeOps as timeOps
+#Required Args:
+#Period (ms), MaxHeight, Width
+class Sink(Behavior):
+ """RiseFall is a behavior that creates a rising and falling column of light. Specify:
+ <MaxHeight> -- the maximum height that it rises to.
+ <Width> -- the width of the column OR <Left> and <Right>
+ <Period> -- the period of oscillation in ms
+ Designed to be used as part of a recursive hook.
+ """
+ def processResponse(self, sensorInputs, recurInputs):
+ ret = []
+ for data in sensorInputs:
+ #first time with behavior:
+ data = dict(data)
+ if not 'StartTime' in data:
+ data['StartTime'] = timeOps.time()
+ data['Period'] = self['Period']
+ data['MaxHeight'] = self['MaxHeight'] #Consider just using +=
+ if not 'Bottom' in data:
+ data['Bottom'] = data['Location'][1]
+ if 'Width' in self: #TODO: improve
+ data['Width'] = self['Width']
+ data['Left'] = data['Location'][0]-data['Width']/2.
+ data['Right'] = data['Location'][0]+data['Width']/2.
+ currentTime = timeOps.time()
+ deltaTime = currentTime-data['StartTime']
+ data['Height'] = data['MaxHeight']*math.cos(deltaTime/data['Period']*(math.pi*2))
+ data['Location'] = "{x}>"+str(data['Left']) + ", " +\
+ "{x}<"+str(data['Right'])+", {y}<" + str(data['Bottom']) + ",\
+ {y}>"+str(data['Bottom']-data['Height'])
+ ret.append(data)
+ return (ret, [])
diff --git a/behaviors/SynchTest.py b/behaviors/SynchTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b8acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/behaviors/SynchTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from operationscore.Behavior import *
+from pixelevents.SynchTestEvent import *
+import pdb
+class SynchTest(Behavior):
+ def behaviorInit(self):
+ self.rendered = False
+ def processResponse(self, sensorInputs, recurs):
+ if not self.rendered:
+ self.rendered = True
+ print 'here1'
+ return ([{'Location':'True', 'PixelEvent':SynchTestEvent({'Color':(255,0,0)})}], [])
+ return ([], [])