diff options
authorGravatar rcoh <rcoh@mit.edu>2011-02-19 00:38:03 -0500
committerGravatar rcoh <rcoh@mit.edu>2011-02-19 00:38:03 -0500
commit58ec94a477f5edef0bf75a60252af96adec34d8d (patch)
parentcb69d2e1c7ced951cbf7a31ee286b0ed92cab8a8 (diff)
Added XML introspection script (XmlInfo.py). Should make reading XML files a lot easier for us
2 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XmlInfo.py b/XmlInfo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59ece57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XmlInfo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import util.Config as config
+import util.Search as search
+import sys
+"""XmlInfo.py is a module for quick introspection of XML Documents. It will print all the Ids of
+the components defined in an XML document and (if possible) their Doc strings. Usage:
+ python XmlInfo.py [fileName] [-b] [-i]
+ Example:
+ python XmlInfo.py config/C5Sign.xml
+With no flags all components are printed. With -b, behaviors are printed. With -i, inputs are
+printed. (And both if both are specified)
+def loadFile(args):
+ fileName = args[1]
+ parentTags = []
+ if '-b' in args:
+ parentTags.append('BehaviorConfiguration')
+ if '-i' in args:
+ parentTags.append('InputConfiguration')
+ if not parentTags:
+ parentTags = ['InputConfiguration', 'BehaviorConfiguration','PixelConfiguration',
+ 'RendererConfiguration']
+ confRoot = config.loadConfigFile(fileName).getroot()
+ for tag in parentTags:
+ subTree = confRoot.find(tag)
+ print tag + ':'
+ nodesWithArgs = search.parental_tree_search(subTree,'.getchildren()', ".tag=='Args'")
+ nodesWithDocs = search.parental_tree_search(subTree,'.getchildren()', ".tag=='Doc'")
+ for obj in nodesWithArgs:
+ args = obj.find('Args')
+ cidEl = args.find('Id')
+ docEl = args.find('Doc') or obj.find('Doc')
+ classEl = obj.find('Class')
+ cid = None
+ doc = None
+ className = None
+ if cidEl != None:
+ cid = cidEl.text
+ if docEl != None:
+ doc = docEl.text
+ if classEl != None:
+ className = classEl.text
+ print '\tComponent %(id)s - Doc: %(doc)s - Class: %(class)s' % {'id':cid, 'doc':doc,
+ 'class':className}
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ loadFile(sys.argv)
diff --git a/tests/testdata/XmlInfoTest.xml b/tests/testdata/XmlInfoTest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c79896a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testdata/XmlInfoTest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ <InstallationConfiguration>
+ <Defaults>
+ <PixelMapper>simplemap</PixelMapper>
+ </Defaults>
+ </InstallationConfiguration>
+ <PixelConfiguration>
+ <InheritsFrom>layouts/C5SignLayout.xml</InheritsFrom>
+ </PixelConfiguration>
+ <PixelMapperConfiguration>
+ <PixelMapper>
+ <Class>pixelmappers.C5SignMapper</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>simplemap</Id>
+ <CutoffDist>20</CutoffDist>
+ <Doc>SimpleMapper is a mapper which returns the closest pixel.</Doc>
+ </Args>
+ </PixelMapper>
+ <PixelMapper>
+ <Class>pixelmappers.GaussianMapper</Class>
+ <Args>
+ <Id>gaussmap</Id>
+ <CutoffDist>30</CutoffDist>
+ <MinWeight>0.1</MinWeight>
+ <Width>7</Width>
+ <Height>1</Height>
+ </Args>
+ </PixelMapper>
+ </PixelMapperConfiguration>