#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2011 The Closure Linter Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Methods for checking JS files for common style guide violations. These style guide violations should only apply to JavaScript and not an Ecma scripting languages. """ __author__ = ('robbyw@google.com (Robert Walker)', 'ajp@google.com (Andy Perelson)', 'jacobr@google.com (Jacob Richman)') import re from closure_linter import ecmalintrules from closure_linter import error_check from closure_linter import errors from closure_linter import javascripttokenizer from closure_linter import javascripttokens from closure_linter import requireprovidesorter from closure_linter import tokenutil from closure_linter.common import error from closure_linter.common import position # Shorthand Error = error.Error Position = position.Position Rule = error_check.Rule Type = javascripttokens.JavaScriptTokenType class JavaScriptLintRules(ecmalintrules.EcmaScriptLintRules): """JavaScript lint rules that catch JavaScript specific style errors.""" def __init__(self, namespaces_info): """Initializes a JavaScriptLintRules instance.""" ecmalintrules.EcmaScriptLintRules.__init__(self) self._namespaces_info = namespaces_info def HandleMissingParameterDoc(self, token, param_name): """Handle errors associated with a parameter missing a param tag.""" self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_PARAMETER_DOCUMENTATION, 'Missing docs for parameter: "%s"' % param_name, token) def __ContainsRecordType(self, token): """Check whether the given token contains a record type. Args: token: The token being checked Returns: True if the token contains a record type, False otherwise. """ # If we see more than one left-brace in the string of an annotation token, # then there's a record type in there. return ( token and token.type == Type.DOC_FLAG and token.attached_object.type is not None and token.attached_object.type.find('{') != token.string.rfind('{')) def CheckToken(self, token, state): """Checks a token, given the current parser_state, for warnings and errors. Args: token: The current token under consideration state: parser_state object that indicates the current state in the page """ if self.__ContainsRecordType(token): # We should bail out and not emit any warnings for this annotation. # TODO(nicksantos): Support record types for real. state.GetDocComment().Invalidate() return # Call the base class's CheckToken function. super(JavaScriptLintRules, self).CheckToken(token, state) # Store some convenience variables namespaces_info = self._namespaces_info if token.type == Type.DOC_FLAG: flag = token.attached_object if flag.flag_type == 'param' and flag.name_token is not None: self._CheckForMissingSpaceBeforeToken( token.attached_object.name_token) if (error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.OPTIONAL_TYPE_MARKER) and flag.type is not None and flag.name is not None): # Check for optional marker in type. if (flag.type.endswith('=') and not flag.name.startswith('opt_')): self._HandleError(errors.JSDOC_MISSING_OPTIONAL_PREFIX, 'Optional parameter name %s must be prefixed ' 'with opt_.' % flag.name, token) elif (not flag.type.endswith('=') and flag.name.startswith('opt_')): self._HandleError(errors.JSDOC_MISSING_OPTIONAL_TYPE, 'Optional parameter %s type must end with =.' % flag.name, token) if flag.flag_type in state.GetDocFlag().HAS_TYPE: # Check for both missing type token and empty type braces '{}' # Missing suppress types are reported separately and we allow enums # without types. if (flag.flag_type not in ('suppress', 'enum') and (not flag.type or flag.type.isspace())): self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_JSDOC_TAG_TYPE, 'Missing type in %s tag' % token.string, token) elif flag.name_token and flag.type_end_token and tokenutil.Compare( flag.type_end_token, flag.name_token) > 0: self._HandleError( errors.OUT_OF_ORDER_JSDOC_TAG_TYPE, 'Type should be immediately after %s tag' % token.string, token) elif token.type == Type.DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_START: next_token = token.next while next_token.type == Type.STRING_TEXT: if javascripttokenizer.JavaScriptTokenizer.SINGLE_QUOTE.search( next_token.string): break next_token = next_token.next else: self._HandleError( errors.UNNECESSARY_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING, 'Single-quoted string preferred over double-quoted string.', token, Position.All(token.string)) elif token.type == Type.END_DOC_COMMENT: doc_comment = state.GetDocComment() # When @externs appears in a @fileoverview comment, it should trigger # the same limited doc checks as a special filename like externs.js. if doc_comment.HasFlag('fileoverview') and doc_comment.HasFlag('externs'): self._SetLimitedDocChecks(True) if (error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.BLANK_LINES_AT_TOP_LEVEL) and not self._is_html and state.InTopLevel() and not state.InBlock()): # Check if we're in a fileoverview or constructor JsDoc. is_constructor = ( doc_comment.HasFlag('constructor') or doc_comment.HasFlag('interface')) is_file_overview = doc_comment.HasFlag('fileoverview') # If the comment is not a file overview, and it does not immediately # precede some code, skip it. # NOTE: The tokenutil methods are not used here because of their # behavior at the top of a file. next_token = token.next if (not next_token or (not is_file_overview and next_token.type in Type.NON_CODE_TYPES)): return # Don't require extra blank lines around suppression of extra # goog.require errors. if (doc_comment.SuppressionOnly() and next_token.type == Type.IDENTIFIER and next_token.string in ['goog.provide', 'goog.require']): return # Find the start of this block (include comments above the block, unless # this is a file overview). block_start = doc_comment.start_token if not is_file_overview: token = block_start.previous while token and token.type in Type.COMMENT_TYPES: block_start = token token = token.previous # Count the number of blank lines before this block. blank_lines = 0 token = block_start.previous while token and token.type in [Type.WHITESPACE, Type.BLANK_LINE]: if token.type == Type.BLANK_LINE: # A blank line. blank_lines += 1 elif token.type == Type.WHITESPACE and not token.line.strip(): # A line with only whitespace on it. blank_lines += 1 token = token.previous # Log errors. error_message = False expected_blank_lines = 0 if is_file_overview and blank_lines == 0: error_message = 'Should have a blank line before a file overview.' expected_blank_lines = 1 elif is_constructor and blank_lines != 3: error_message = ( 'Should have 3 blank lines before a constructor/interface.') expected_blank_lines = 3 elif not is_file_overview and not is_constructor and blank_lines != 2: error_message = 'Should have 2 blank lines between top-level blocks.' expected_blank_lines = 2 if error_message: self._HandleError( errors.WRONG_BLANK_LINE_COUNT, error_message, block_start, Position.AtBeginning(), expected_blank_lines - blank_lines) elif token.type == Type.END_BLOCK: if state.InFunction() and state.IsFunctionClose(): is_immediately_called = (token.next and token.next.type == Type.START_PAREN) function = state.GetFunction() if not self._limited_doc_checks: if (function.has_return and function.doc and not is_immediately_called and not function.doc.HasFlag('return') and not function.doc.InheritsDocumentation() and not function.doc.HasFlag('constructor')): # Check for proper documentation of return value. self._HandleError( errors.MISSING_RETURN_DOCUMENTATION, 'Missing @return JsDoc in function with non-trivial return', function.doc.end_token, Position.AtBeginning()) elif (not function.has_return and not function.has_throw and function.doc and function.doc.HasFlag('return') and not state.InInterfaceMethod()): return_flag = function.doc.GetFlag('return') if (return_flag.type is None or ( 'undefined' not in return_flag.type and 'void' not in return_flag.type and '*' not in return_flag.type)): self._HandleError( errors.UNNECESSARY_RETURN_DOCUMENTATION, 'Found @return JsDoc on function that returns nothing', return_flag.flag_token, Position.AtBeginning()) if state.InFunction() and state.IsFunctionClose(): is_immediately_called = (token.next and token.next.type == Type.START_PAREN) if (function.has_this and function.doc and not function.doc.HasFlag('this') and not function.is_constructor and not function.is_interface and '.prototype.' not in function.name): self._HandleError( errors.MISSING_JSDOC_TAG_THIS, 'Missing @this JsDoc in function referencing "this". (' 'this usually means you are trying to reference "this" in ' 'a static function, or you have forgotten to mark a ' 'constructor with @constructor)', function.doc.end_token, Position.AtBeginning()) elif token.type == Type.IDENTIFIER: if token.string == 'goog.inherits' and not state.InFunction(): if state.GetLastNonSpaceToken().line_number == token.line_number: self._HandleError( errors.MISSING_LINE, 'Missing newline between constructor and goog.inherits', token, Position.AtBeginning()) extra_space = state.GetLastNonSpaceToken().next while extra_space != token: if extra_space.type == Type.BLANK_LINE: self._HandleError( errors.EXTRA_LINE, 'Extra line between constructor and goog.inherits', extra_space) extra_space = extra_space.next # TODO(robbyw): Test the last function was a constructor. # TODO(robbyw): Test correct @extends and @implements documentation. elif (token.string == 'goog.provide' and not state.InFunction() and namespaces_info is not None): namespace = tokenutil.Search(token, Type.STRING_TEXT).string # Report extra goog.provide statement. if namespaces_info.IsExtraProvide(token): self._HandleError( errors.EXTRA_GOOG_PROVIDE, 'Unnecessary goog.provide: ' + namespace, token, position=Position.AtBeginning()) if namespaces_info.IsLastProvide(token): # Report missing provide statements after the last existing provide. missing_provides = namespaces_info.GetMissingProvides() if missing_provides: self._ReportMissingProvides( missing_provides, tokenutil.GetLastTokenInSameLine(token).next, False) # If there are no require statements, missing requires should be # reported after the last provide. if not namespaces_info.GetRequiredNamespaces(): missing_requires = namespaces_info.GetMissingRequires() if missing_requires: self._ReportMissingRequires( missing_requires, tokenutil.GetLastTokenInSameLine(token).next, True) elif (token.string == 'goog.require' and not state.InFunction() and namespaces_info is not None): namespace = tokenutil.Search(token, Type.STRING_TEXT).string # If there are no provide statements, missing provides should be # reported before the first require. if (namespaces_info.IsFirstRequire(token) and not namespaces_info.GetProvidedNamespaces()): missing_provides = namespaces_info.GetMissingProvides() if missing_provides: self._ReportMissingProvides( missing_provides, tokenutil.GetFirstTokenInSameLine(token), True) # Report extra goog.require statement. if namespaces_info.IsExtraRequire(token): self._HandleError( errors.EXTRA_GOOG_REQUIRE, 'Unnecessary goog.require: ' + namespace, token, position=Position.AtBeginning()) # Report missing goog.require statements. if namespaces_info.IsLastRequire(token): missing_requires = namespaces_info.GetMissingRequires() if missing_requires: self._ReportMissingRequires( missing_requires, tokenutil.GetLastTokenInSameLine(token).next, False) elif token.type == Type.OPERATOR: last_in_line = token.IsLastInLine() # If the token is unary and appears to be used in a unary context # it's ok. Otherwise, if it's at the end of the line or immediately # before a comment, it's ok. # Don't report an error before a start bracket - it will be reported # by that token's space checks. if (not token.metadata.IsUnaryOperator() and not last_in_line and not token.next.IsComment() and not token.next.IsOperator(',') and not token.next.type in (Type.WHITESPACE, Type.END_PAREN, Type.END_BRACKET, Type.SEMICOLON, Type.START_BRACKET)): self._HandleError( errors.MISSING_SPACE, 'Missing space after "%s"' % token.string, token, Position.AtEnd(token.string)) elif token.type == Type.WHITESPACE: first_in_line = token.IsFirstInLine() last_in_line = token.IsLastInLine() # Check whitespace length if it's not the first token of the line and # if it's not immediately before a comment. if not last_in_line and not first_in_line and not token.next.IsComment(): # Ensure there is no space after opening parentheses. if (token.previous.type in (Type.START_PAREN, Type.START_BRACKET, Type.FUNCTION_NAME) or token.next.type == Type.START_PARAMETERS): self._HandleError( errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space after "%s"' % token.previous.string, token, Position.All(token.string)) def _ReportMissingProvides(self, missing_provides, token, need_blank_line): """Reports missing provide statements to the error handler. Args: missing_provides: A list of strings where each string is a namespace that should be provided, but is not. token: The token where the error was detected (also where the new provides will be inserted. need_blank_line: Whether a blank line needs to be inserted after the new provides are inserted. May be True, False, or None, where None indicates that the insert location is unknown. """ self._HandleError( errors.MISSING_GOOG_PROVIDE, 'Missing the following goog.provide statements:\n' + '\n'.join(map(lambda x: 'goog.provide(\'%s\');' % x, sorted(missing_provides))), token, position=Position.AtBeginning(), fix_data=(missing_provides, need_blank_line)) def _ReportMissingRequires(self, missing_requires, token, need_blank_line): """Reports missing require statements to the error handler. Args: missing_requires: A list of strings where each string is a namespace that should be required, but is not. token: The token where the error was detected (also where the new requires will be inserted. need_blank_line: Whether a blank line needs to be inserted before the new requires are inserted. May be True, False, or None, where None indicates that the insert location is unknown. """ self._HandleError( errors.MISSING_GOOG_REQUIRE, 'Missing the following goog.require statements:\n' + '\n'.join(map(lambda x: 'goog.require(\'%s\');' % x, sorted(missing_requires))), token, position=Position.AtBeginning(), fix_data=(missing_requires, need_blank_line)) def Finalize(self, state, tokenizer_mode): """Perform all checks that need to occur after all lines are processed.""" # Call the base class's Finalize function. super(JavaScriptLintRules, self).Finalize(state, tokenizer_mode) namespaces_info = self._namespaces_info if namespaces_info is not None: # If there are no provide or require statements, missing provides and # requires should be reported on line 1. if (not namespaces_info.GetProvidedNamespaces() and not namespaces_info.GetRequiredNamespaces()): missing_provides = namespaces_info.GetMissingProvides() if missing_provides: self._ReportMissingProvides( missing_provides, state.GetFirstToken(), None) missing_requires = namespaces_info.GetMissingRequires() if missing_requires: self._ReportMissingRequires( missing_requires, state.GetFirstToken(), None) self._CheckSortedRequiresProvides(state.GetFirstToken()) def _CheckSortedRequiresProvides(self, token): """Checks that all goog.require and goog.provide statements are sorted. Note that this method needs to be run after missing statements are added to preserve alphabetical order. Args: token: The first token in the token stream. """ sorter = requireprovidesorter.RequireProvideSorter() provides_result = sorter.CheckProvides(token) if provides_result: self._HandleError( errors.GOOG_PROVIDES_NOT_ALPHABETIZED, 'goog.provide classes must be alphabetized. The correct code is:\n' + '\n'.join( map(lambda x: 'goog.provide(\'%s\');' % x, provides_result[1])), provides_result[0], position=Position.AtBeginning(), fix_data=provides_result[0]) requires_result = sorter.CheckRequires(token) if requires_result: self._HandleError( errors.GOOG_REQUIRES_NOT_ALPHABETIZED, 'goog.require classes must be alphabetized. The correct code is:\n' + '\n'.join( map(lambda x: 'goog.require(\'%s\');' % x, requires_result[1])), requires_result[0], position=Position.AtBeginning(), fix_data=requires_result[0]) def GetLongLineExceptions(self): """Gets a list of regexps for lines which can be longer than the limit.""" return [ re.compile('goog\.require\(.+\);?\s*$'), re.compile('goog\.provide\(.+\);?\s*$') ]