#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2011 The Closure Linter Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Specific JSLint errors checker.""" import gflags as flags FLAGS = flags.FLAGS class Rule(object): """Different rules to check.""" # Documentations for specific rules goes in flag definition. BLANK_LINES_AT_TOP_LEVEL = 'blank_lines_at_top_level' INDENTATION = 'indentation' WELL_FORMED_AUTHOR = 'well_formed_author' NO_BRACES_AROUND_INHERIT_DOC = 'no_braces_around_inherit_doc' BRACES_AROUND_TYPE = 'braces_around_type' OPTIONAL_TYPE_MARKER = 'optional_type_marker' # Rule to raise all known errors. ALL = 'all' # All rules that are to be checked when using the strict flag. E.g. the rules # that are specific to the stricter Closure style. CLOSURE_RULES = frozenset([BLANK_LINES_AT_TOP_LEVEL, INDENTATION, WELL_FORMED_AUTHOR, NO_BRACES_AROUND_INHERIT_DOC, BRACES_AROUND_TYPE, OPTIONAL_TYPE_MARKER]) flags.DEFINE_boolean('strict', False, 'Whether to validate against the stricter Closure style. ' 'This includes ' + (', '.join(Rule.CLOSURE_RULES)) + '.') flags.DEFINE_multistring('jslint_error', [], 'List of specific lint errors to check. Here is a list' ' of accepted values:\n' ' - ' + Rule.ALL + ': enables all following errors.\n' ' - ' + Rule.BLANK_LINES_AT_TOP_LEVEL + ': validates' 'number of blank lines between blocks at top level.\n' ' - ' + Rule.INDENTATION + ': checks correct ' 'indentation of code.\n' ' - ' + Rule.WELL_FORMED_AUTHOR + ': validates the ' '@author JsDoc tags.\n' ' - ' + Rule.NO_BRACES_AROUND_INHERIT_DOC + ': ' 'forbids braces around @inheritdoc JsDoc tags.\n' ' - ' + Rule.BRACES_AROUND_TYPE + ': enforces braces ' 'around types in JsDoc tags.\n' ' - ' + Rule.OPTIONAL_TYPE_MARKER + ': checks correct ' 'use of optional marker = in param types.\n') def ShouldCheck(rule): """Returns whether the optional rule should be checked. Computes different flags (strict, jslint_error, jslint_noerror) to find out if this specific rule should be checked. Args: rule: Name of the rule (see Rule). Returns: True if the rule should be checked according to the flags, otherwise False. """ if rule in FLAGS.jslint_error or Rule.ALL in FLAGS.jslint_error: return True # Checks strict rules. return FLAGS.strict and rule in Rule.CLOSURE_RULES