#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2008 The Closure Linter Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Classes to represent tokens and positions within them.""" __author__ = ('robbyw@google.com (Robert Walker)', 'ajp@google.com (Andy Perelson)') class TokenType(object): """Token types common to all languages.""" NORMAL = 'normal' WHITESPACE = 'whitespace' BLANK_LINE = 'blank line' class Token(object): """Token class for intelligent text splitting. The token class represents a string of characters and an identifying type. Attributes: type: The type of token. string: The characters the token comprises. length: The length of the token. line: The text of the line the token is found in. line_number: The number of the line the token is found in. values: Dictionary of values returned from the tokens regex match. previous: The token before this one. next: The token after this one. start_index: The character index in the line where this token starts. attached_object: Object containing more information about this token. metadata: Object containing metadata about this token. Must be added by a separate metadata pass. """ def __init__(self, string, token_type, line, line_number, values=None): """Creates a new Token object. Args: string: The string of input the token contains. token_type: The type of token. line: The text of the line this token is in. line_number: The line number of the token. values: A dict of named values within the token. For instance, a function declaration may have a value called 'name' which captures the name of the function. """ self.type = token_type self.string = string self.length = len(string) self.line = line self.line_number = line_number self.values = values # These parts can only be computed when the file is fully tokenized self.previous = None self.next = None self.start_index = None # This part is set in statetracker.py # TODO(robbyw): Wrap this in to metadata self.attached_object = None # This part is set in *metadatapass.py self.metadata = None def IsFirstInLine(self): """Tests if this token is the first token in its line. Returns: Whether the token is the first token in its line. """ return not self.previous or self.previous.line_number != self.line_number def IsLastInLine(self): """Tests if this token is the last token in its line. Returns: Whether the token is the last token in its line. """ return not self.next or self.next.line_number != self.line_number def IsType(self, token_type): """Tests if this token is of the given type. Args: token_type: The type to test for. Returns: True if the type of this token matches the type passed in. """ return self.type == token_type def IsAnyType(self, *token_types): """Tests if this token is any of the given types. Args: token_types: The types to check. Also accepts a single array. Returns: True if the type of this token is any of the types passed in. """ if not isinstance(token_types[0], basestring): return self.type in token_types[0] else: return self.type in token_types def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.type, self.string, self.values, self.line_number, self.metadata) def __iter__(self): """Returns a token iterator.""" node = self while node: yield node node = node.next def __reversed__(self): """Returns a reverse-direction token iterator.""" node = self while node: yield node node = node.previous