/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { setTimeout } = require('api-utils/timer'); const utils = require('api-utils/functional'); const { invoke, defer, curry, compose, memoize, once, delay, wrap } = utils; exports['test forwardApply'] = function(assert) { function sum(b, c) this.a + b + c assert.equal(invoke(sum, [2, 3], { a: 1 }), 6, 'passed arguments and pseoude-variable are used'); assert.equal(invoke(sum.bind({ a: 2 }), [2, 3], { a: 1 }), 7, 'bounded `this` pseoudo variable is used'); } exports['test deferred function'] = function(assert, done) { let nextTurn = false; function sum(b, c) { assert.ok(nextTurn, 'enqueued is called in next turn of event loop'); assert.equal(this.a + b + c, 6, 'passed arguments an pseoude-variable are used'); done(); } let fixture = { a: 1, method: defer(sum) } fixture.method(2, 3); nextTurn = true; }; exports['test curry function'] = function(assert) { function sum(b, c) this.a + b + c; let foo = { a : 5 }; foo.sum7 = curry(sum, 7); foo.sum8and4 = curry(sum, 8, 4); assert.equal(foo.sum7(2), 14, 'curry one arguments works'); assert.equal(foo.sum8and4(), 17, 'curry both arguments works'); }; exports['test compose'] = function(assert) { let greet = function(name) { return 'hi: ' + name; }; let exclaim = function(sentence) { return sentence + '!'; }; assert.equal(compose(exclaim, greet)('moe'), 'hi: moe!', 'can compose a function that takes another'); assert.equal(compose(greet, exclaim)('moe'), 'hi: moe!', 'in this case, the functions are also commutative'); let target = { name: 'Joe', greet: compose(function exclaim(sentence) { return sentence + '!' }, function(title) { return 'hi : ' + title + ' ' + this.name; }) } assert.equal(target.greet('Mr'), 'hi : Mr Joe!', 'this can be passed in'); assert.equal(target.greet.call({ name: 'Alex' }, 'Dr'), 'hi : Dr Alex!', 'this can be applied'); let single = compose(function(value) { return value + ':suffix'; }); assert.equal(single('text'), 'text:suffix', 'works with single function'); let identity = compose(); assert.equal(identity('bla'), 'bla', 'works with zero functions'); }; exports['test wrap'] = function(assert) { let greet = function(name) { return 'hi: ' + name; }; let backwards = wrap(greet, function(f, name) { return f(name) + ' ' + name.split('').reverse().join(''); }); assert.equal(backwards('moe'), 'hi: moe eom', 'wrapped the saluation function'); let inner = function () { return 'Hello '; }; let target = { name: 'Matteo', hi: wrap(inner, function(f) { return f() + this.name; }) }; assert.equal(target.hi(), 'Hello Matteo', 'works with this'); function noop() { }; let wrapped = wrap(noop, function(f) { return Array.slice(arguments); }); let actual = wrapped([ 'whats', 'your' ], 'vector', 'victor'); assert.deepEqual(actual, [ noop, ['whats', 'your'], 'vector', 'victor' ], 'works with fancy stuff'); }; exports['test memoize'] = function(assert) { function fib(n) n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) let fibnitro = memoize(fib); assert.equal(fib(10), 55, 'a memoized version of fibonacci produces identical results'); assert.equal(fibnitro(10), 55, 'a memoized version of fibonacci produces identical results'); function o(key, value) { return value; }; let oo = memoize(o), v1 = {}, v2 = {}; assert.equal(oo(1, v1), v1, 'returns value back'); assert.equal(oo(1, v2), v1, 'memoized by a first argument'); assert.equal(oo(2, v2), v2, 'returns back value if not memoized'); assert.equal(oo(2), v2, 'memoized new value'); assert.notEqual(oo(1), oo(2), 'values do not override'); assert.equal(o(3, v2), oo(2, 3), 'returns same value as un-memoized'); let get = memoize(function(attribute) this[attribute]) let target = { name: 'Bob', get: get } assert.equal(target.get('name'), 'Bob', 'has correct `this`'); assert.equal(target.get.call({ name: 'Jack' }, 'name'), 'Bob', 'name is memoized') assert.equal(get('name'), 'Bob', 'once memoized can be called without this'); }; exports['test delay'] = function(assert, done) { let delayed = false; delay(function() { assert.ok(delayed, 'delayed the function'); done(); }, 1); delayed = true; }; exports['test delay with this'] = function(assert, done) { let context = {} delay.call(context, function(name) { assert.equal(this, context, 'this was passed in'); assert.equal(name, 'Tom', 'argument was passed in'); done(); }, 10, 'Tom'); } exports['test once'] = function(assert) { let n = 0; let increment = once(function() { n ++; }); increment(); increment(); assert.equal(n, 1, 'only incremented once'); let target = { state: 0, update: once(function() this.state ++ ) }; target.update(); target.update(); assert.equal(target.state, 1, 'this was passed in and called only once'); }; require('test').run(exports);