The `window/utils` module provides helper functions for working with application windows. ### getInnerId Returns the ID of the given window's current inner window. ### getOuterId Returns the ID of the given window's outer window. ### getXULWindow Module provides `getXULWindow` function that can be used get access [nsIXULWindow]( for the given [nsIDOMWindow]( let { Ci } = require('chrome'); let utils = require('api-utils/window-utils'); let active = utils.activeBrowserWindow; active instanceof Ci.nsIXULWindow // => false utils.getXULWindow(active) instanceof Ci.nsIXULWindow // => true ### getBaseWindow Module provides `getBaseWindow` function that can be used get access [nsIBaseWindow]( for the given [nsIDOMWindow]( let { Ci } = require('chrome'); let utils = require('api-utils/window-utils'); let active = utils.activeBrowserWindow; active instanceof Ci.nsIBaseWindow // => false utils.getBaseWindow(active) instanceof Ci.nsIBaseWindow // => true ### open Module exports `open` function that may be used to open top level (application) windows. Function takes `uri` of the window document as a first argument and optional hash of `options` as second argument. let { open } = require('api-utils/window-utils'); let window = open('data:text/html,Hello Window'); Following options may be provided to configure created window behavior: - `parent` If provided must be `nsIDOMWindow` and will be used as parent for the created window. - `name` Optional name that will be assigned to the window. - `features` Hash of options that will be serialized to features string. See [features documentation]( for more details. let { open } = require('api-utils/window/utils'); let window = open('data:text/html,Hello Window', { name: 'jetpack window', features: { width: 200, height: 50, popup: true } }); ### backgroundify Module exports `backgroundify` function that takes `nsIDOMWindow` and removes it from the application's window registry, so that they won't appear in the OS specific window lists for the application. let { backgroundify, open } = require('api-utils/window/utils'); let bgwin = backgroundify(open('data:text/html,Hello backgroundy')); Optionally more configuration options via second `options` argument. If `options.close` is `false` unregistered window won't automatically be closed on application quit, preventing application from quitting. While this is possible you should make sure to close all such windows manually: let { backgroundify, open } = require('api-utils/window-utils'); let bgwin = backgroundify(open('data:text/html,Foo'), { close: false });