The `tab-browser` module is a low-level API that provides privileged access to browser tab events and actions. Introduction ------------ The `tab-browser` module contains helpers for tracking tabbrowser elements and tabs, as well as a few utilities for actions such as opening a new tab, and catching all tab content loads. This is a low-level API that has full privileges, and is intended to be used by SDK internal modules. If you just need easy access to tab events for your add-on, use the Tabs module (JEP 110). @property {element} The XUL tab element of the currently active tab. @function Adds a new tab. **Example** var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser"); tabBrowser.addTab(""); var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser"); tabBrowser.addTab("", { inBackground: true }); var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser"); tabBrowser.addTab("", { inNewWindow: true, onLoad: function(tab) { console.log("tab is open."); } }); @returns {element} The XUL tab element of the newly created tab. @param URL {string} The URL to be opened in the new tab. @param options {object} Options for how and where to open the new tab. @prop [inNewWindow] {boolean} An optional parameter whose key can be set in `options`. If true, the tab is opened in a new window. Default is false. @prop [inBackground] {boolean} An optional parameter whose key can be set in `options`. If true, the tab is opened adjacent to the active tab, but not switched to. Default is false. @prop [onLoad] {function} An optional parameter whose key can be set in `options`. A callback function that is called once the tab has loaded. The XUL element for the tab is passed as a parameter to this function. @function Register a delegate object to be notified when tabbrowsers are created and destroyed. The onTrack method will be called once per pre-existing tabbrowser, upon tracker registration. **Example** var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser"); let tracker = { onTrack: function(tabbrowser) { console.log("A new tabbrowser is being tracked."); }, onUntrack: function(tabbrowser) { console.log("A tabbrowser is no longer being tracked."); } }; tabBrowser.Tracker(tracker); @param delegate {object} Delegate object to be notified each time a tabbrowser is created or destroyed. The object should contain the following methods: @prop [onTrack] {function} Method of delegate that is called when a new tabbrowser starts to be tracked. The tabbrowser element is passed as a parameter to this method. @prop [onUntrack] {function} Method of delegate that is called when a tabbrowser stops being tracked. The tabbrowser element is passed as a parameter to this method. @function Register a delegate object to be notified when tabs are opened and closed. The onTrack method will be called once per pre-existing tab, upon tracker registration. **Example** var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser"); let tracker = { onTrack: function(tab) { console.log("A new tab is being tracked."); }, onUntrack: function(tab) { console.log("A tab is no longer being tracked."); } }; tabBrowser.TabTracker(tracker); @param delegate {object} Delegate object to be notified each time a tab is opened or closed. The object should contain the following methods: @prop [onTrack] {function} Method of delegate that is called when a new tab starts to be tracked. The tab element is passed as a parameter to this method. @prop [onUntrack] {function} Method of delegate that is called when a tab stops being tracked. The tab element is passed as a parameter to this method.