The `frame/utils` module provides helper functions for working with platform internals like [frames]( and [browsers]( ### create Module exports `create` function that takes `nsIDOMDocument` of the [privileged document]( and creates a `browser` element in it's `documentElement`: let { open } = require('api-utils/window/utils'); let { create } = require('api-utils/frame/utils'); let window = open('data:text/html,Foo'); let frame = create(window.document); Optionally `create` can be passed set of `options` to configure created frame even further. Following options are supported: - `type` String that defines access type of the document loaded into it. Defaults to `'content'`. For more details and other possible values see [documentation on MDN]( - `uri` URI of the document to be loaded into created frame. Defaults to `about:blank`. - `remote` If `true` separate process will be used for this frame, also in such case all the following options are ignored. - `allowAuth` Whether to allow auth dialogs. Defaults to `false`. - `allowJavascript` Whether to allow Javascript execution. Defaults to `false`. - `allowPlugins` Whether to allow plugin execution. Defaults to `false`. Execution of scripts may easily be enabled: let { open } = require('api-utils/window/utils'); let { create } = require('api-utils/frame/utils'); let window = open('data:text/html,top'); let frame = create(window.document, { uri: 'data:text/html,', allowJavascript: true });