/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const observers = require("api-utils/observer-service"); const { Worker, Loader } = require('api-utils/content'); const { EventEmitter } = require('api-utils/events'); const { List } = require('api-utils/list'); const { Registry } = require('api-utils/utils/registry'); const xulApp = require("api-utils/xul-app"); const { MatchPattern } = require('api-utils/match-pattern'); const { validateOptions : validate } = require('api-utils/api-utils'); const { validationAttributes } = require('api-utils/content/loader'); const { Cc, Ci } = require('chrome'); const { merge } = require('api-utils/utils/object'); // Whether or not the host application dispatches a document-element-inserted // notification when the document element is inserted into the DOM of a page. // The notification was added in Gecko 2.0b6, it's a better time to attach // scripts with contentScriptWhen "start" than content-document-global-created, // since libraries like jQuery assume the presence of the document element. const HAS_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT_INSERTED = xulApp.versionInRange(xulApp.platformVersion, "2.0b6", "*"); const ON_CONTENT = HAS_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT_INSERTED ? 'document-element-inserted' : 'content-document-global-created'; // Workaround bug 642145: document-element-inserted is fired multiple times. // This bug is fixed in Firefox 4.0.1, but we want to keep FF 4.0 compatibility // Tracking bug 641457. To be removed when 4.0 has disappeared from earth. const HAS_BUG_642145_FIXED = xulApp.versionInRange(xulApp.platformVersion, "2.0.1", "*"); const styleSheetService = Cc["@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService); const USER_SHEET = styleSheetService.USER_SHEET; const io = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1']. getService(Ci.nsIIOService); // contentStyle* / contentScript* are sharing the same validation constraints, // so they can be mostly reused, except for the messages. const validStyleOptions = { contentStyle: merge(Object.create(validationAttributes.contentScript), { msg: 'The `contentStyle` option must be a string or an array of strings.' }), contentStyleFile: merge(Object.create(validationAttributes.contentScriptFile), { msg: 'The `contentStyleFile` option must be a local URL or an array of URLs' }) }; // rules registry const RULES = {}; const Rules = EventEmitter.resolve({ toString: null }).compose(List, { add: function() Array.slice(arguments).forEach(function onAdd(rule) { if (this._has(rule)) return; // registering rule to the rules registry if (!(rule in RULES)) RULES[rule] = new MatchPattern(rule); this._add(rule); this._emit('add', rule); }.bind(this)), remove: function() Array.slice(arguments).forEach(function onRemove(rule) { if (!this._has(rule)) return; this._remove(rule); this._emit('remove', rule); }.bind(this)), }); /** * Returns the content of the uri given */ function readURI(uri) { let channel = io.newChannel(uri, null, null); let stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream); stream.init(channel.open()); let data = stream.read(stream.available()); stream.close(); return data; } /** * PageMod constructor (exported below). * @constructor */ const PageMod = Loader.compose(EventEmitter, { on: EventEmitter.required, _listeners: EventEmitter.required, contentScript: Loader.required, contentScriptFile: Loader.required, contentScriptWhen: Loader.required, include: null, constructor: function PageMod(options) { this._onContent = this._onContent.bind(this); options = options || {}; let { contentStyle, contentStyleFile } = validate(options, validStyleOptions); if ('contentScript' in options) this.contentScript = options.contentScript; if ('contentScriptFile' in options) this.contentScriptFile = options.contentScriptFile; if ('contentScriptWhen' in options) this.contentScriptWhen = options.contentScriptWhen; if ('onAttach' in options) this.on('attach', options.onAttach); if ('onError' in options) this.on('error', options.onError); let include = options.include; let rules = this.include = Rules(); rules.on('add', this._onRuleAdd = this._onRuleAdd.bind(this)); rules.on('remove', this._onRuleRemove = this._onRuleRemove.bind(this)); if (Array.isArray(include)) rules.add.apply(null, include); else rules.add(include); let styleRules = ""; if (contentStyleFile) styleRules = [].concat(contentStyleFile).map(readURI).join(""); if (contentStyle) styleRules += [].concat(contentStyle).join(""); if (styleRules) { this._onRuleUpdate = this._onRuleUpdate.bind(this); this._styleRules = styleRules; this._registerStyleSheet(); rules.on('add', this._onRuleUpdate); rules.on('remove', this._onRuleUpdate); } this.on('error', this._onUncaughtError = this._onUncaughtError.bind(this)); pageModManager.add(this._public); this._loadingWindows = []; }, destroy: function destroy() { this._unregisterStyleSheet(); this.include.removeListener('add', this._onRuleUpdate); this.include.removeListener('remove', this._onRuleUpdate); for each (let rule in this.include) this.include.remove(rule); pageModManager.remove(this._public); this._loadingWindows = []; }, _loadingWindows: [], _onContent: function _onContent(window) { // not registered yet if (!pageModManager.has(this)) return; if (!HAS_BUG_642145_FIXED) { if (this._loadingWindows.indexOf(window) != -1) return; this._loadingWindows.push(window); } if ('start' == this.contentScriptWhen) { this._createWorker(window); return; } let eventName = 'end' == this.contentScriptWhen ? 'load' : 'DOMContentLoaded'; let self = this; window.addEventListener(eventName, function onReady(event) { if (event.target.defaultView != window) return; window.removeEventListener(eventName, onReady, true); self._createWorker(window); }, true); }, _createWorker: function _createWorker(window) { let worker = Worker({ window: window, contentScript: this.contentScript, contentScriptFile: this.contentScriptFile, onError: this._onUncaughtError }); this._emit('attach', worker); let self = this; worker.once('detach', function detach() { worker.destroy(); if (!HAS_BUG_642145_FIXED) { let idx = self._loadingWindows.indexOf(window); if (idx != -1) self._loadingWindows.splice(idx, 1); } }); }, _onRuleAdd: function _onRuleAdd(url) { pageModManager.on(url, this._onContent); }, _onRuleRemove: function _onRuleRemove(url) { pageModManager.off(url, this._onContent); }, _onUncaughtError: function _onUncaughtError(e) { if (this._listeners('error').length == 1) console.exception(e); }, _onRuleUpdate: function _onRuleUpdate(){ this._registerStyleSheet(); }, _registerStyleSheet : function _registerStyleSheet() { let rules = this.include; let styleRules = this._styleRules; let documentRules = []; this._unregisterStyleSheet(); for each (let rule in rules) { let pattern = RULES[rule]; if (!pattern) continue; if (pattern.regexp) documentRules.push("regexp(\"" + pattern.regexp.source + "\")") else if (pattern.exactURL) documentRules.push("url(" + pattern.exactURL + ")") else if (pattern.domain) documentRules.push("domain(" + pattern.domain + ")") else if (pattern.urlPrefix) documentRules.push("url-prefix(" + pattern.urlPrefix + ")") else if (pattern.anyWebPage) { documentRules.length = 0; break; } } let uri = "data:text/css,"; if (documentRules.length > 0) uri += encodeURIComponent("@-moz-document " + documentRules.join(",") + " {" + styleRules + "}"); else uri += encodeURIComponent(styleRules); this._registeredStyleURI = io.newURI(uri, null, null); styleSheetService.loadAndRegisterSheet( this._registeredStyleURI, USER_SHEET ); }, _unregisterStyleSheet : function () { let uri = this._registeredStyleURI; if (uri && styleSheetService.sheetRegistered(uri, USER_SHEET)) styleSheetService.unregisterSheet(uri, USER_SHEET); this._registeredStyleURI = null; } }); exports.PageMod = function(options) PageMod(options) exports.PageMod.prototype = PageMod.prototype; const PageModManager = Registry.resolve({ constructor: '_init', _destructor: '_registryDestructor' }).compose({ constructor: function PageModRegistry(constructor) { this._init(PageMod); observers.add( ON_CONTENT, this._onContentWindow = this._onContentWindow.bind(this) ); }, _destructor: function _destructor() { observers.remove(ON_CONTENT, this._onContentWindow); this._removeAllListeners(); for (let rule in RULES) { delete RULES[rule]; } this._registryDestructor(); }, _onContentWindow: function _onContentWindow(domObj) { let window = HAS_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT_INSERTED ? domObj.defaultView : domObj; // XML documents don't have windows, and we don't yet support them. if (!window) return; for (let rule in RULES) if (RULES[rule].test(window.document.URL)) this._emit(rule, window); }, off: function off(topic, listener) { this.removeListener(topic, listener); if (!this._listeners(topic).length) delete RULES[topic]; } }); const pageModManager = PageModManager();