# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from xml.dom.minidom import Document VALID_PREF_TYPES = ['bool', 'boolint', 'integer', 'string', 'color', 'file', 'directory', 'control'] class Error(Exception): pass class BadPrefTypeError(Error): pass class MissingPrefAttr(Error): pass def validate_prefs(options): for pref in options: # Make sure there is a 'title' if ("title" not in pref): raise MissingPrefAttr("The '%s' pref requires a 'title'" % (pref["name"])) # Make sure that the pref type is a valid inline pref type if (pref["type"] not in VALID_PREF_TYPES): raise BadPrefTypeError('%s is not a valid inline pref type' % (pref["type"])) # Make sure the 'control' type has a 'label' if (pref["type"] == "control"): if ("label" not in pref): raise MissingPrefAttr("The 'control' inline pref type requires a 'label'") # TODO: Check that pref["type"] matches default value type def parse_options(options, jetpack_id): doc = Document() root = doc.createElement("vbox") root.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul") doc.appendChild(root) for pref in options: setting = doc.createElement("setting") setting.setAttribute("pref", "extensions." + jetpack_id + "." + pref["name"]) setting.setAttribute("type", pref["type"]) setting.setAttribute("title", pref["title"]) if ("description" in pref): setting.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(pref["description"])) if (pref["type"] == "control"): button = doc.createElement("button") button.setAttribute("label", pref["label"]) button.setAttribute("oncommand", "Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, '" + jetpack_id + "-cmdPressed', '" + pref["name"] + "');"); setting.appendChild(button) elif (pref["type"] == "boolint"): setting.setAttribute("on", pref["on"]) setting.setAttribute("off", pref["off"]) root.appendChild(setting) return doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ")