The `api-utils` module provides some helpers useful to the SDK's high-level API implementations. Introduction ------------ The SDK high-level API design guidelines make a number of recommendations. This module implements some of those patterns so that your own implementations don't need to reinvent them. For example, public constructors should be callable both with and without the `new` keyword. Your module can implement this recommendation using the `publicConstructor` function. Options objects or "dictionaries" are also common throughout the high-level APIs. The guidelines recommend that public constructors should generally define a single `options` parameter rather than defining many parameters. Since one of the SDK's principles is to be friendly to developers, ideally all properties on options dictionaries should be checked for correct type, and informative error messages should be generated when clients make mistakes. With the `validateOptions` function, your module can easily do so. And objects are sometimes iterable over a custom set of key/value pairs. Such objects should have custom iterators that let consumers iterate keys, values, or [key, value] pairs. The `addIterator` function makes it easy to do so in a way that is consistent with the behavior of default iterators during ``, `for`, and ` Iterator()` loops. @function Returns a function *C* that creates an instance of `privateConstructor`. *C* may be called with or without the `new` keyword. The prototype of each instance returned from *C* is *C*.`prototype`, and *C*.`prototype` is an object whose prototype is `privateConstructor.prototype`. Instances returned from *C* are therefore instances of both *C* and `privateConstructor`. Additionally, the constructor of each instance returned from *C* is *C*. Instances returned from *C* are automatically memory tracked using `memory.track` under the bin name ``. **Example** function MyObject() {} exports.MyObject = apiUtils.publicConstructor(MyObject); @returns {function} A function that makes new instances of `privateConstructor`. @param privateConstructor {constructor} @function A function to validate an options dictionary according to the specified constraints. `map`, `is`, and `ok` are used in that order. The return value is an object whose keys are those keys in `requirements` that are also in `options` and whose values are the corresponding return values of `map` or the corresponding values in `options`. Note that any keys not shared by both `requirements` and `options` are not in the returned object. **Examples** A typical use: var opts = { foo: 1337 }; var requirements = { foo: { map: function (val) val.toString(), is: ["string"], ok: function (val) val.length > 0, msg: "foo must be a non-empty string." } }; var validatedOpts = apiUtils.validateOptions(opts, requirements); // validatedOpts == { foo: "1337" } If the key `foo` is optional and doesn't need to be mapped: var opts = { foo: 1337 }; var validatedOpts = apiUtils.validateOptions(opts, { foo: {} }); // validatedOpts == { foo: 1337 } opts = {}; validatedOpts = apiUtils.validateOptions(opts, { foo: {} }); // validatedOpts == {} @returns {object} A validated options dictionary given some requirements. If any of the requirements are not met, an exception is thrown. @param options {object} The options dictionary to validate. It's not modified. If it's null or otherwise falsey, an empty object is assumed. @param requirements {object} An object whose keys are the expected keys in `options`. Any key in `options` that is not present in `requirements` is ignored. Each value in `requirements` is itself an object describing the requirements of its key. The keys of that object are the following, and each is optional: @prop [map] {function} A function that's passed the value of the key in the `options`. `map`'s return value is taken as the key's value in the final validated options, `is`, and `ok`. If `map` throws an exception it is caught and discarded, and the key's value is its value in `options`. @prop [is] {array} An array containing the number of `typeof` type names. If the key's value is none of these types it fails validation. Arrays and nulls are identified by the special type names "array" and "null"; "object" will not match either. No type coercion is done. @prop [ok] {function} A function that is passed the key's value. If it returns false, the value fails validation. @prop [msg] {string} If the key's value fails validation, an exception is thrown. This string will be used as its message. If undefined, a generic message is used, unless `is` is defined, in which case the message will state that the value needs to be one of the given types. @function Adds an iterator to the specified object that iterates keys, values, or [key, value] pairs depending on how it is invoked, i.e.: for (var key in obj) { ... } // iterate keys for each (var val in obj) { ... } // iterate values for (var [key, val] in Iterator(obj)) { ... } // iterate pairs If your object only iterates either keys or values, you don't need this function. Simply assign a generator function that iterates the keys/values to your object's `__iterator__` property instead, f.e.: obj.__iterator__ = function () { for each (var i in items) yield i; } @param obj {object} the object to which to add the iterator @param keysValsGen {function} a generator function that yields [key, value] pairs