/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const {Cc,Ci} = require("chrome"); const observers = require("api-utils/observer-service"); const { EventEmitter } = require("api-utils/events"); const { setTimeout } = require("api-utils/timer"); const unload = require("api-utils/unload"); const ON_START = "start"; const ON_STOP = "stop"; const ON_TRANSITION = "private-browsing-transition-complete"; let pbService; // Currently, only Firefox implements the private browsing service. if (require("api-utils/xul-app").is("Firefox")) { pbService = Cc["@mozilla.org/privatebrowsing;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingService); } function toggleMode(value) pbService.privateBrowsingEnabled = !!value const privateBrowsing = EventEmitter.compose({ constructor: function PrivateBrowsing() { // Binding method to instance since it will be used with `setTimeout`. this._emitOnObject = this._emitOnObject.bind(this); this.unload = this.unload.bind(this); // Report unhandled errors from listeners this.on("error", console.exception.bind(console)); unload.ensure(this); // We only need to add observers if `pbService` exists. if (pbService) { observers.add(ON_TRANSITION, this.onTransition.bind(this)); this._isActive = pbService.privateBrowsingEnabled; } }, unload: function _destructor() { this._removeAllListeners(); }, // We don't need to do anything with cancel here. onTransition: function onTransition() { let isActive = this._isActive = pbService.privateBrowsingEnabled; setTimeout(this._emitOnObject, 0, exports, isActive ? ON_START : ON_STOP); }, get isActive() this._isActive, set isActive(value) { if (pbService) // We toggle private browsing mode asynchronously in order to work around // bug 659629. Since private browsing transitions are asynchronous // anyway, this doesn't significantly change the behavior of the API. setTimeout(toggleMode, 0, value); }, _isActive: false })() Object.defineProperty(exports, "isActive", { get: function() privateBrowsing.isActive }); exports.activate = function activate() privateBrowsing.isActive = true; exports.deactivate = function deactivate() privateBrowsing.isActive = false; exports.on = privateBrowsing.on; exports.once = privateBrowsing.once; exports.removeListener = privateBrowsing.removeListener;