The `private-browsing` module allows you to access Firefox's private browsing mode, detecting if it is active and when its state changes. This module is available in all applications. However, only Firefox will ever transition into or out of private browsing mode. For all other applications, `pb.isActive` will always be `false`, and none of the events will be emitted. @property {boolean} This read-only boolean is true if private browsing mode is turned on. @function Turns on private browsing mode. @function Turns off private browsing mode. @event Emitted immediately after the browser enters private browsing mode. var pb = require("private-browsing"); pb.on("start", function() { // Do something when the browser starts private browsing mode. }); @event Emitted immediately after the browser exits private browsing mode. var pb = require("private-browsing"); pb.on("stop", function() { // Do something when the browser stops private browsing mode. });