import os import sys import re import copy import simplejson as json from cuddlefish.bunch import Bunch MANIFEST_NAME = 'package.json' DEFAULT_LOADER = 'api-utils' DEFAULT_PROGRAM_MODULE = 'main' DEFAULT_ICON = 'icon.png' DEFAULT_ICON64 = 'icon64.png' METADATA_PROPS = ['name', 'description', 'keywords', 'author', 'version', 'contributors', 'license', 'homepage', 'icon', 'icon64', 'main', 'directories'] RESOURCE_BAD_PACKAGE_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'[\s\.]') RESOURCE_HOSTNAME_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9_\-]+$') class Error(Exception): pass class MalformedPackageError(Error): pass class MalformedJsonFileError(Error): pass class DuplicatePackageError(Error): pass class PackageNotFoundError(Error): def __init__(self, missing_package, reason): self.missing_package = missing_package self.reason = reason def __str__(self): return "%s (%s)" % (self.missing_package, self.reason) class BadChromeMarkerError(Error): pass def validate_resource_hostname(name): """ Validates the given hostname for a resource: URI. For more information, see: Examples: >>> validate_resource_hostname('blarg') >>> validate_resource_hostname('bl arg') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: package names cannot contain spaces or periods: bl arg >>> validate_resource_hostname('BLARG') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: package names need to be lowercase: BLARG >>> validate_resource_hostname('foo@bar') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid resource hostname: foo@bar """ # See for details. if not name.islower(): raise ValueError('package names need to be lowercase: %s' % name) # See for details. if raise ValueError('package names cannot contain spaces or periods: %s' % name) if not RESOURCE_HOSTNAME_RE.match(name): raise ValueError('invalid resource hostname: %s' % name) def find_packages_with_module(pkg_cfg, name): # TODO: Make this support more than just top-level modules. filename = "%s.js" % name packages = [] for cfg in pkg_cfg.packages.itervalues(): if 'lib' in cfg: matches = [dirname for dirname in resolve_dirs(cfg, cfg.lib) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, filename))] if matches: packages.append( return packages def resolve_dirs(pkg_cfg, dirnames): for dirname in dirnames: yield resolve_dir(pkg_cfg, dirname) def resolve_dir(pkg_cfg, dirname): return os.path.join(pkg_cfg.root_dir, dirname) def get_metadata(pkg_cfg, deps): metadata = Bunch() for pkg_name in deps: cfg = pkg_cfg.packages[pkg_name] metadata[pkg_name] = Bunch() for prop in METADATA_PROPS: if cfg.get(prop): metadata[pkg_name][prop] = cfg[prop] return metadata def set_section_dir(base_json, name, base_path, dirnames, allow_root=False): resolved = compute_section_dir(base_json, base_path, dirnames, allow_root) if resolved: base_json[name] = os.path.abspath(resolved) def compute_section_dir(base_json, base_path, dirnames, allow_root): # PACKAGE_JSON.lib is highest priority # then PACKAGE_JSON.directories.lib # then lib/ (if it exists) # then . (but only if allow_root=True) for dirname in dirnames: if base_json.get(dirname): return os.path.join(base_path, base_json[dirname]) if "directories" in base_json: for dirname in dirnames: if dirname in base_json.directories: return os.path.join(base_path, base_json.directories[dirname]) for dirname in dirnames: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_path, dirname)): return os.path.join(base_path, dirname) if allow_root: return os.path.abspath(base_path) return None def normalize_string_or_array(base_json, key): if base_json.get(key): if isinstance(base_json[key], basestring): base_json[key] = [base_json[key]] def load_json_file(path): data = open(path, 'r').read() try: return Bunch(json.loads(data)) except ValueError, e: raise MalformedJsonFileError('%s when reading "%s"' % (str(e), path)) def get_config_in_dir(path): package_json = os.path.join(path, MANIFEST_NAME) if not (os.path.exists(package_json) and os.path.isfile(package_json)): raise MalformedPackageError('%s not found in "%s"' % (MANIFEST_NAME, path)) base_json = load_json_file(package_json) if 'name' not in base_json: = os.path.basename(path) # later processing steps will expect to see the following keys in the # base_json that we return: # # name: name of the package # lib: list of directories with .js files # test: list of directories with test-*.js files # doc: list of directories with documentation .md files # data: list of directories with bundled arbitrary data files # packages: ? if (not base_json.get('tests') and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, 'test'))): base_json['tests'] = 'test' set_section_dir(base_json, 'lib', path, ['lib'], True) set_section_dir(base_json, 'tests', path, ['test', 'tests'], False) set_section_dir(base_json, 'doc', path, ['doc', 'docs']) set_section_dir(base_json, 'data', path, ['data']) set_section_dir(base_json, 'packages', path, ['packages']) if (not base_json.get('icon') and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, DEFAULT_ICON))): base_json['icon'] = DEFAULT_ICON if (not base_json.get('icon64') and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, DEFAULT_ICON64))): base_json['icon64'] = DEFAULT_ICON64 for key in ['lib', 'tests', 'dependencies', 'packages']: # TODO: lib/tests can be an array?? consider interaction with # compute_section_dir above normalize_string_or_array(base_json, key) if 'main' not in base_json and 'lib' in base_json: for dirname in base_json['lib']: program = os.path.join(path, dirname, '%s.js' % DEFAULT_PROGRAM_MODULE) if os.path.exists(program): base_json['main'] = DEFAULT_PROGRAM_MODULE break base_json.root_dir = path return base_json def _is_same_file(a, b): if hasattr(os.path, 'samefile'): return os.path.samefile(a, b) return a == b def build_config(root_dir, target_cfg, packagepath=[]): dirs_to_scan = [] def add_packages_from_config(pkgconfig): if 'packages' in pkgconfig: for package_dir in resolve_dirs(pkgconfig, pkgconfig.packages): dirs_to_scan.append(package_dir) add_packages_from_config(target_cfg) packages_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'packages') if os.path.exists(packages_dir) and os.path.isdir(packages_dir): dirs_to_scan.append(packages_dir) dirs_to_scan.extend(packagepath) packages = Bunch({ target_cfg}) while dirs_to_scan: packages_dir = dirs_to_scan.pop() if os.path.exists(os.path.join(packages_dir, "package.json")): package_paths = [packages_dir] else: package_paths = [os.path.join(packages_dir, dirname) for dirname in os.listdir(packages_dir) if not dirname.startswith('.')] package_paths = [dirname for dirname in package_paths if os.path.isdir(dirname)] for path in package_paths: pkgconfig = get_config_in_dir(path) if in packages: otherpkg = packages[] if not _is_same_file(otherpkg.root_dir, path): raise DuplicatePackageError(path, otherpkg.root_dir) else: packages[] = pkgconfig add_packages_from_config(pkgconfig) return Bunch(packages=packages) def get_deps_for_targets(pkg_cfg, targets): visited = [] deps_left = [[dep, None] for dep in list(targets)] while deps_left: [dep, required_by] = deps_left.pop() if dep not in visited: visited.append(dep) if dep not in pkg_cfg.packages: required_reason = ("required by '%s'" % (required_by)) \ if required_by is not None \ else "specified as target" raise PackageNotFoundError(dep, required_reason) dep_cfg = pkg_cfg.packages[dep] deps_left.extend([[i, dep] for i in dep_cfg.get('dependencies', [])]) deps_left.extend([[i, dep] for i in dep_cfg.get('extra_dependencies', [])]) return visited def generate_build_for_target(pkg_cfg, target, deps, include_tests=True, include_dep_tests=False, default_loader=DEFAULT_LOADER): build = Bunch(# Contains section directories for all packages: packages=Bunch() ) def add_section_to_build(cfg, section, is_code=False, is_data=False): if section in cfg: dirnames = cfg[section] if isinstance(dirnames, basestring): # This is just for internal consistency within this # function, it has nothing to do w/ a non-canonical # configuration dict. dirnames = [dirnames] for dirname in resolve_dirs(cfg, dirnames): # ensure that package name is valid validate_resource_hostname( # ensure that this package has an entry if not in build.packages: build.packages[] = Bunch() # detect duplicated sections if section in build.packages[]: raise KeyError("package's section already defined",, section) # Register this section (lib, data, tests) build.packages[][section] = dirname def add_dep_to_build(dep): dep_cfg = pkg_cfg.packages[dep] add_section_to_build(dep_cfg, "lib", is_code=True) add_section_to_build(dep_cfg, "data", is_data=True) if include_tests and include_dep_tests: add_section_to_build(dep_cfg, "tests", is_code=True) if ("loader" in dep_cfg) and ("loader" not in build): build.loader = "%s/%s" % (dep, dep_cfg.loader) target_cfg = pkg_cfg.packages[target] if include_tests and not include_dep_tests: add_section_to_build(target_cfg, "tests", is_code=True) for dep in deps: add_dep_to_build(dep) if 'loader' not in build: add_dep_to_build(DEFAULT_LOADER) if 'icon' in target_cfg: build['icon'] = os.path.join(target_cfg.root_dir, target_cfg.icon) del target_cfg['icon'] if 'icon64' in target_cfg: build['icon64'] = os.path.join(target_cfg.root_dir, target_cfg.icon64) del target_cfg['icon64'] if ('preferences' in target_cfg): build['preferences'] = target_cfg.preferences if ('id' in target_cfg): build['jetpackID'] = return build def _get_files_in_dir(path): data = {} files = os.listdir(path) for filename in files: fullpath = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.isdir(fullpath): data[filename] = _get_files_in_dir(fullpath) else: try: info = os.stat(fullpath) data[filename] = ("file", dict(size=info.st_size)) except OSError: pass return ("directory", data) def build_pkg_index(pkg_cfg): pkg_cfg = copy.deepcopy(pkg_cfg) for pkg in pkg_cfg.packages: root_dir = pkg_cfg.packages[pkg].root_dir files = _get_files_in_dir(root_dir) pkg_cfg.packages[pkg].files = files try: readme = open(root_dir + '/').read() pkg_cfg.packages[pkg].readme = readme except IOError: pass del pkg_cfg.packages[pkg].root_dir return pkg_cfg.packages def build_pkg_cfg(root): pkg_cfg = build_config(root, Bunch(name='dummy')) del pkg_cfg.packages['dummy'] return pkg_cfg def call_plugins(pkg_cfg, deps): for dep in deps: dep_cfg = pkg_cfg.packages[dep] dirnames = dep_cfg.get('python-lib', []) for dirname in resolve_dirs(dep_cfg, dirnames): sys.path.append(dirname) module_names = dep_cfg.get('python-plugins', []) for module_name in module_names: module = __import__(module_name) module.init(root_dir=dep_cfg.root_dir) def call_cmdline_tool(env_root, pkg_name): pkg_cfg = build_config(env_root, Bunch(name='dummy')) if pkg_name not in pkg_cfg.packages: print "This tool requires the '%s' package." % pkg_name sys.exit(1) cfg = pkg_cfg.packages[pkg_name] for dirname in resolve_dirs(cfg, cfg['python-lib']): sys.path.append(dirname) module_name = cfg.get('python-cmdline-tool') module = __import__(module_name)