Some add-ons may wish to define keyboard shortcuts for certain operations. This module exposes an API to create those. @class Module exports `Hotkey` constructor allowing users to create a `hotkey` for the host application. @constructor Creates a hotkey who's `onPress` listener method is invoked when key combination defined by `hotkey` is pressed. Please note: If more than one `hotkey` is created for the same key combination, the listener is executed only on the last one created @param options {Object} Options for the hotkey, with the following keys: @prop combo {String} Any function key: `"f1, f2, ..., f24"` or key combination in the format of `'modifier-key'`: "accel-s" "meta-shift-i" "control-alt-d" Modifier keynames: - **shift**: The Shift key. - **alt**: The Alt key. On the Macintosh, this is the Option key. On Macintosh this can only be used in conjunction with another modifier, since `Alt-Letter` combinations are reserved for entering special characters in text. - **meta**: The Meta key. On the Macintosh, this is the Command key. - **control**: The Control key. - **accel**: The key used for keyboard shortcuts on the user's platform, which is Control on Windows and Linux, and Command on Mac. Usually, this would be the value you would use. @prop onPress {Function} Function that is invoked when the key combination `hotkey` is pressed. @method Stops this instance of `Hotkey` from reacting on the key combinations. Once destroyed it can no longer be used. ## Example ## // Define keyboard shortcuts for showing and hiding a custom panel. var { Hotkey } = require("hotkeys"); var showHotKey = Hotkey({ combo: "accel-shift-o", onPress: function() { showMyPanel(); } }); var hideHotKey = Hotkey({ combo: "accel-alt-shift-o", onPress: function() { hideMyPanel(); } }); [Mozilla keyboard planning FAQ]: [keyboard shortcuts]: