const {Cc,Ci,Cu} = require("chrome"); const COMPONENTS_DOT_CLASSES = "Com" + "ponents.classes"; var beetFs = { resolveModule: function(root, path) { if (path == "beets") return path; }, getFile: function(path) { return {contents: ('print("hi from ' + path + '");' + ' exports.beets = 5;')}; } }; function FakeCompositeFileSystem(fses) { this.fses = fses; this._pathMap = {}; }; FakeCompositeFileSystem.prototype = { resolveModule: function resolveModule(base, path) { for (var i = 0; i < this.fses.length; i++) { var fs = this.fses[i]; var absPath = fs.resolveModule(base, path); if (absPath) { this._pathMap[absPath] = fs; return absPath; } } return null; }, getFile: function getFile(path) { return this._pathMap[path].getFile(path); } }; (function(global) { var exports = new Object(); var ios = Cc[';1'] .getService(Ci.nsIIOService); exports.testSecurableModule = function(test) { // The tests in this file weren't originally written for // Cuddlefish. This function is essentially an adapter // that runs the tests using the Cuddlefish testing // framework. function log(msg, type) { switch (type) { case "fail":; break; case "pass": test.pass(msg); break; case "info":; } } var assert = { pass: function(msg) { test.pass(msg); }, isEqual: function(a, b, msg) { test.assertEqual(a, b, msg); } }; var url = require("url"); var path = url.URL("interoperablejs-read-only/compliance/", __url__).toString(); path = url.toFilename(path); var file = Cc[';1'] .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile); file.initWithPath(path); run(require("securable-module"), log, assert, file); }; function run(SecurableModule, log, assert, rootDir) { // Basic test of module loading with a fake fs. var output = []; function outPrint(msg) { output.push(msg); } var loader = new SecurableModule.Loader({fs: beetFs, globals: {print: outPrint}, uriPrefix: "resource://bogus-"}); var extraOutput = {}; loader.runScript({contents: 'print("beets is " + ' + 'require("beets").beets);'}, extraOutput); assert.isEqual(output[0], 'hi from beets', 'module should load'); assert.isEqual(output[1], 'beets is 5', 'module should export'); var printSrc = extraOutput.sandbox.getProperty('print'); if (printSrc == "function outPrint() {\n [native code]\n}") assert.pass('extraOutput.sandbox should work'); else assert.isEqual(printSrc, outPrint, 'extraOutput.sandbox should work'); var neatFs = { resolveModule: function(root, path) { if (path == "neat") return path; }, getFile: function(path) { return {contents: ('require("beets");' + 'print("hi from ' + path + '");' + 'exports.neat = "yo";')}; } }; loader = new SecurableModule.Loader( {fs: new FakeCompositeFileSystem([beetFs, neatFs]), globals: {print: outPrint}, uriPrefix: "resource://bogus-" }); output = []; loader.runScript({contents: 'print("neat is " + ' + 'require("neat").neat);'}); assert.isEqual(output[0], 'hi from beets', 'submodule from composite fs should load'); assert.isEqual(output[1], 'hi from neat', 'module from composite fs should load'); assert.isEqual(output[2], 'neat is yo', 'module from composite fs should export'); // Ensure parenting of anonymous script filenames works. loader = new SecurableModule.Loader({fs: {}, uriPrefix: "resource://bogus-"}); try { loader.runScript('throw new Error();'); log("errors must be propogated from content sandboxes", "fail"); } catch (e) { assert.isEqual(e.fileName, '', ('anonymous scripts w/o chrome privs should be ' + 'unparented')); } loader = new SecurableModule.Loader({fs: {}, defaultPrincipal: "system", uriPrefix: "resource://bogus-"}); try { loader.runScript('throw new Error();'); log("errors must be propogated from chrome sandboxes", "fail"); } catch (e) { assert.isEqual(e.fileName.slice(-11), '-> ', ('anonymous scripts w/ chrome privs should be ' + 'parented')); } // Ensure loading nonexistent modules raises an error. loader = new SecurableModule.Loader( {fs: { resolveModule: function() { return null; }, getFile: function(path) { throw new Error('I should never get called.'); } }, uriPrefix: "resource://bogus-" }); try { loader.runScript({contents: 'require("foo");'}); log("loading of nonexistent module did not raise exception", "fail"); } catch (e) { assert.isEqual(e.message, 'Module "foo" not found', 'loading of nonexistent module should raise error'); } loader = new SecurableModule.Loader({fs: {}, uriPrefix: "resource://bogus-"}); try { loader.runScript({contents: COMPONENTS_DOT_CLASSES}); log("modules shouldn't have chrome privileges by default.", "fail"); } catch (e) { // The error message that gets thrown is localized, so we must compare // it to the localized version. This should be as simple as retrieving // that version from its string bundle, but the error message is also // corrupted (its characters' high bytes thrown away due to bug 567597), // so we have to do the same to the version to which we compare it. let bundle = require("app-strings"). StringBundle("chrome://global/locale/security/"); let message = bundle.get("GetPropertyDeniedOriginsOnlySubject", ["", "XPCComponents", "classes"]). split(""). map(function(v) v.charCodeAt(0)). map(function(v) v % 256). map(function(v) String.fromCharCode(v)). join(""); assert.isEqual(e.message, message, "modules shouldn't have chrome privileges by default."); } loader = new SecurableModule.Loader( {fs: {}, defaultPrincipal: "system", uriPrefix: "resource://bogus-" }); loader.runScript({contents: COMPONENTS_DOT_CLASSES}); log("modules should be able to have chrome privileges.", "pass"); // Test the way LocalFileSystem infers root directories. var fs = new SecurableModule.LocalFileSystem(rootDir); assert.isEqual(fs._rootURIDir, ios.newFileURI(rootDir).spec, "fs rootdir should be same as passed-in dir"); var someFile = rootDir.clone(); someFile.append("ORACLE"); fs = new SecurableModule.LocalFileSystem(someFile); assert.isEqual(fs._rootURIDir, ios.newFileURI(rootDir).spec, "fs rootdir sould be dirname of file"); someFile = rootDir.clone(); someFile.append("monkeys"); fs = new SecurableModule.LocalFileSystem(someFile); assert.isEqual(fs._rootURIDir, ios.newFileURI(someFile).spec, "fs rootdir should be same as passed-in subdir"); if (SecurableModule.baseURI) { // Note that a '/' must be put after the directory name. var newURI = ios.newURI('lib/', null, SecurableModule.baseURI); fs = new SecurableModule.LocalFileSystem(newURI); assert.isEqual(fs._rootURIDir, newURI.spec, "fs rootdir should be subdir of document's dir"); loader = new SecurableModule.Loader(); assert.isEqual(loader._fs._rootURI.spec, SecurableModule.baseURI.spec, "fs rootdir should be document's dir"); } else { try { loader = new SecurableModule.Loader(); log("Loader() w/ no params in a non-document context should " + "raise an exception.", "fail"); } catch (e if e.message == "Need a root path for module filesystem") { log("Loader() w/ no params in a non-document context should " + "raise an exception.", "pass"); } } // Run all CommonJS SecurableModule compliance tests. var testDirs = []; var enumer = rootDir.directoryEntries; while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { var testDir = enumer.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile); if (testDir.isDirectory() && testDir.leafName.charAt(0) != '.') testDirs.push(testDir); } for (var i = 0; i < testDirs.length; i++) { var testDir = testDirs[i]; log("running compliance test '" + testDir.leafName + "'", "info"); loader = new SecurableModule.Loader( {rootPath: testDir, defaultPrincipal: "system", globals: {sys: {print: log}}, uriPrefix: "resource://bogus-" }); loader.require("program"); } // Confirm callback-based require works from an instantiated loader. // want to be back in api-utils/tests directory instead of // what rootDir is now: // api-utils/tests/interoperablejs-read-only/compliance/ var moduleDir = rootDir.parent.parent; moduleDir.append("modules"), loader = new SecurableModule.Loader( {rootPath: moduleDir, defaultPrincipal: "system", globals: {sys: {print: log}}, uriPrefix: "resource://bogus-" }); loader.require(["subtract"], function (subtract) { assert.isEqual(2, subtract(3, 1), "subtract module works with callback-style require"); }); }; if (global.window) { // We're being loaded in a chrome window, or a web page with // UniversalXPConnect privileges. global.SecurableModuleTests = exports; } else if (global.exports) { // We're being loaded in a SecurableModule. for (let name in exports) { global.exports[name] = exports[name]; } } else { // We're being loaded in a JS module. global.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = []; for (let name in exports) { global.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS.push(name); global[name] = exports[name]; } } })(this); exports.testFindSandboxForModule = function(test) { var fs = { resolveModule: function(base, path) { test.assertEqual(base, null); test.assertEqual(path, "foo"); return "/blarg/foo"; }, getFile: function(path) { test.assertEqual(path, "/blarg/foo"); return {contents: "var baz = 1;"}; } }; var sm = require("securable-module"); var loader = new sm.Loader({fs: fs}); var sandbox = loader.findSandboxForModule("foo"); test.assertEqual(sandbox.globalScope.baz, 1); }; exports.testUtf8 = function (test) { // This test ensures that the securable module loader assumes files are // UTF-8-encoded and therefore decodes them properly when it reads them. var str = "文字"; // Read this file into readStr, decoding from UTF-8. var filename = require("url").toFilename(__url__); var readStr = require("file").read(filename); // If str is not in readStr, then str and therefore this file were not decoded // from UTF-8 by the loader. test.assert(readStr.indexOf(str) >= 0, "Loader should treat files as UTF-8"); }; exports.testGetModuleExports = function (test) { var sm = require("securable-module"); function myGetModuleExports(basePath, module) { if (module == "foo") return {bar: 1}; return null; } var loader = new sm.Loader({getModuleExports: myGetModuleExports, fs: beetFs, globals: {print: function() {}}}); test.assertEqual(loader.require("foo").bar, 1, "getModuleExports() works"); test.assertEqual(loader.require("beets").beets, 5, "loader falls through to fs when getModuleExports() " + "returns null"); }; exports.testModifyModuleSandbox = function (test) { var sm = require("securable-module"); var out; function modifyModuleSandbox(sandbox, options) { sandbox.defineProperty("print", function() { out = options.contents; }); } var loader = new sm.Loader({modifyModuleSandbox: modifyModuleSandbox, globals: {print: function() {}}, fs: beetFs}); loader.require("beets"); test.assertEqual(out, "print(\"hi from beets\"); exports.beets = 5;", "testModifyModuleSandbox() mods override globals"); };