var xulApp = require("xul-app"); var timer = require('timer'); // If the "jetpack/service" XPCOM component is not present, then the host app // does not support e10s, so we can't run any e10s tests, so we check for E10S // support here and then return early in test functions without it. var hasE10S = typeof require("chrome").Cc[";1"] != "undefined"; function makeConsoleTest(options) { return function(test) { if (!hasE10S) { test.pass("This application does not support e10s."); return; } if ("Firefox") && xulApp.versionInRange(xulApp.version, "4.0b7", "4.0b8pre")) { test.pass("Due to bug 609066, Firefox 4.0b7 will never pass this test, " + "so we'll skip it."); return; } var actions = []; if (options.setup) options.setup(test); function addAction(action) { if (options.expect.length == actions.length) {"Didn't expect another action: " + JSON.stringify(action)); return; } actions.push(action); var expected = options.expect[actions.length-1]; if (typeof(expected) == "function") expected(test, action); else test.assertEqual(JSON.stringify(action), JSON.stringify(expected)); if (options.expect.length == actions.length && action[0] == "exception") { process.destroy(); test.done(); } } function msg(name, args) { var action = [name]; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) action.push(args[i]); addAction(action); } var fakeConsole = { exception: function(ex) { addAction(["exception", ex.toString()]); } }; ["log", "warn", "debug", "error", "info"].forEach(function(name) { fakeConsole[name] = function() { msg(name, arguments); }; }); var process = require('e10s').AddonProcess({ console: fakeConsole, quit: function(status) { addAction(["quit", status]); process.destroy(); test.done(); } }); process.send("startMain", options.main); test.waitUntilDone(); }; } exports.testStartMain = makeConsoleTest({ main: "e10s-samples/hello-world", expect: [ ["log", "hello", "world"], ["info", "sup", "dogg"], ["warn", "how", "r", "u"], ["debug", "gud"], ["error", "NO U"], ["exception", "Error: o snap"], ["log", ""], function testConsoleTrace(test, action) { test.assertEqual(action[0], "log", "remote console.trace() issues " + "local console.log()"); test.assertMatches(action[1], /^Traceback /, "remote console.trace logs traceback"); }, ["quit", "OK"] ] }); exports.testStartMainWithNonexistentModule = makeConsoleTest({ main: "nonexistent-module", expect: [ ["log", "An exception occurred in the child Jetpack process."], ["exception", "Error: Unknown module 'nonexistent-module'."] ] }); exports.testRemoteSyntaxError = makeConsoleTest({ main: "e10s-samples/syntax-error", expect: [ ["log", "An exception occurred in the child Jetpack process."], ["exception", "Error: uncaught exception: SyntaxError: missing ;" + " before statement"] ] }); exports.testRemoteException = makeConsoleTest({ main: "e10s-samples/thrown-exception", expect: [ ["log", "An exception occurred in the child Jetpack process."], ["exception", "Error: uncaught exception: Error: alas"] ] }); exports.testE10sAdapter = makeConsoleTest({ main: "e10s-samples/superpower-client", setup: function(test) { require("e10s-samples/superpower").setDelegate(function(a, b) { test.assertEqual(JSON.stringify([a, b]), JSON.stringify(["hello", "there"])); return "thanks dude"; }); }, expect: [ ["log", "superpower.use returned", "thanks dude"], ["quit", "OK"] ] }); exports.testAccessDeniedToLoadModule = makeConsoleTest({ main: "e10s-samples/chrome-only-module-client", expect: [ ["log", "An exception occurred in the child Jetpack process."], ["exception", "Error: Module 'e10s-samples/chrome-only-module' requires " + "chrome privileges and has no e10s adapter."] ] }); exports.testAdapterOnlyModule = makeConsoleTest({ main: "e10s-samples/adapter-only-client", expect: [ ["log", "An exception occurred in the child Jetpack process."], ["exception", "Error: Unknown module 'e10s-samples/adapter-only'."] ] }); exports.testSyncCallReturnValueArrivesAfterAsyncMsgSends = makeConsoleTest({ main: "e10s-samples/bug-617499-main", expect: [ ["log", "about to send sync message to firefox"], ["log", "i am an async message from firefox"], ["log", "returned from sync message to firefox"], ["quit", "OK"] ] }); exports.testCommonJSCompliance = function(test) { if (!hasE10S) { test.pass("This application does not support e10s."); return; } if ("Firefox") && xulApp.versionInRange(xulApp.version, "4.0b7", "4.0b8pre")) { test.pass("Due to bug 609066, Firefox 4.0b7 will never pass this test, " + "so we'll skip it."); return; } let {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome"); var url = require("url"); var path = url.URL("interoperablejs-read-only/compliance/", __url__).toString(); path = url.toFilename(path); var rootDir = Cc[';1'] .createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile); rootDir.initWithPath(path); var testDirs = []; var enumer = rootDir.directoryEntries; while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { var testDir = enumer.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile); if (testDir.isDirectory() && testDir.leafName.charAt(0) != '.') testDirs.push(testDir); } var sm = require("securable-module"); function runComplianceTest(testDir) {"running compliance test '" + testDir.leafName + "'"); var loader = new sm.Loader({ rootPath: testDir }); var interceptingConsole = { log: function(msg, type) { switch (type) { case "fail":; break; case "pass": test.pass(msg); break; case "info":; if (msg == "DONE") {"Running next test."); process.destroy(); runNextComplianceTest(); } } }, __proto__: console }; var process = require("e10s").AddonProcess({ loader: loader, packaging: { getModuleInfo: function(url) { return { 'e10s-adapter': null, needsChrome: false }; } }, console: interceptingConsole }); function injectSysPrint(globalScope) { globalScope.sys = { // The CommonJS compliance tests use this // to report test pass/fail. print: function(msg, type) { // This ultimately gets intercepted by our // interceptingConsole. console.log(msg, type); } }; } process.send("addInjectedSandboxScript", { filename: "", contents: "(" + uneval(injectSysPrint) + ")(this);" }); process.send("startMain", "program"); } function runNextComplianceTest() { if (testDirs.length) runComplianceTest(testDirs.pop()); else test.done(); } runNextComplianceTest(); test.waitUntilDone(); };