The `unload` module allows modules to register callbacks that are called when they are unloaded. It is similar to the CommonJS module of the same name in the [Narwhal][] platform. [Narwhal]: @function Calling `ensure()` on an object does two things: 1. It replaces a destructor method with a wrapper method that will never call the destructor more than once. 2. It ensures that this wrapper method is called when `send()` is called. Therefore, when you register an object with `ensure()`, you can call its destructor method yourself, you can let it happen for you, or you can do both. The destructor will be called with a single argument describing the reason for the unload; see `when()`. If `object` does not have the expected destructor method, then an exception is thrown when `ensure()` is called. @param object {object} An object that defines a destructor method. @param [name] {string} Optional name of the destructor method. Default is `unload`. @function Registers a function to be called when `send()` is called. @param callback {function} A function that will be called when `send()` is called. It is called with a single argument, one of the following strings describing the reason for unload: `"uninstall"`, `"disable"`, `"shutdown"`, `"upgrade"`, or `"downgrade"`. (On Gecko 1.9.2-based applications such as Firefox 3.6, `"upgrade"` and `"downgrade"` are not available, and `"shutdown"` will be sent in their place.) If a reason could not be determined, `undefined` will be passed instead. Note that if an add-on is unloaded with reason `"disable"`, it will not be notified about `"uninstall"` while it is disabled. A solution to this issue is being investigated; see bug 571049. @function Sends an "unload signal", thereby triggering all callbacks registered via `when()`. In general, this function need not be manually called; it is automatically triggered by the embedder. @param [reason] {string} An optional string describing the reason for unload; see `unload.when()`.