/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const prefs = require("sdk/preferences/service"); const Branch = prefs.Branch; const { Cc, Ci, Cu } = require("chrome"); const BundleService = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"].getService(Ci.nsIStringBundleService); const specialChars = "!@#$%^&*()_-=+[]{}~`\'\"<>,./?;:"; exports.testReset = function(test) { prefs.reset("test_reset_pref"); test.assertEqual(prefs.has("test_reset_pref"), false); test.assertEqual(prefs.isSet("test_reset_pref"), false); prefs.set("test_reset_pref", 5); test.assertEqual(prefs.has("test_reset_pref"), true); test.assertEqual(prefs.isSet("test_reset_pref"), true); test.assertEqual(prefs.keys("test_reset_pref").toString(), "test_reset_pref"); }; exports.testGetAndSet = function(test) { let svc = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIPrefService). getBranch(null); svc.setCharPref("test_set_get_pref", "a normal string"); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_pref"), "a normal string", "preferences-service should read from " + "application-wide preferences service"); prefs.set("test_set_get_pref.integer", 1); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_pref.integer"), 1, "set/get integer preference should work"); test.assertEqual( prefs.keys("test_set_get_pref").sort().toString(), ["test_set_get_pref.integer","test_set_get_pref"].sort().toString()); prefs.set("test_set_get_number_pref", 42); test.assertRaises( function() { prefs.set("test_set_get_number_pref", 3.14159); }, "cannot store non-integer number: 3.14159", "setting a float preference should raise an error" ); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_number_pref"), 42, "bad-type write attempt should not overwrite"); // 0x80000000 (no), 0x7fffffff (yes), -0x80000000 (yes), -0x80000001 (no) test.assertRaises( function() { prefs.set("test_set_get_number_pref", Math.pow(2, 31)); }, ("you cannot set the test_set_get_number_pref pref to the number " + "2147483648, as number pref values must be in the signed 32-bit " + "integer range -(2^31) to 2^31-1. To store numbers outside that " + "range, store them as strings."), "setting an int pref outside the range -(2^31) to 2^31-1 shouldn't work" ); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_number_pref"), 42, "out-of-range write attempt should not overwrite 1"); prefs.set("test_set_get_number_pref", Math.pow(2, 31)-1); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_number_pref"), 0x7fffffff, "in-range write attempt should work 1"); prefs.set("test_set_get_number_pref", -Math.pow(2, 31)); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_number_pref"), -0x80000000, "in-range write attempt should work 2"); test.assertRaises( function() { prefs.set("test_set_get_number_pref", -0x80000001); }, ("you cannot set the test_set_get_number_pref pref to the number " + "-2147483649, as number pref values must be in the signed 32-bit " + "integer range -(2^31) to 2^31-1. To store numbers outside that " + "range, store them as strings."), "setting an int pref outside the range -(2^31) to 2^31-1 shouldn't work" ); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_number_pref"), -0x80000000, "out-of-range write attempt should not overwrite 2"); prefs.set("test_set_get_pref.string", "foo"); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_pref.string"), "foo", "set/get string preference should work"); prefs.set("test_set_get_pref.boolean", true); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_pref.boolean"), true, "set/get boolean preference should work"); prefs.set("test_set_get_unicode_pref", String.fromCharCode(960)); test.assertEqual(prefs.get("test_set_get_unicode_pref"), String.fromCharCode(960), "set/get unicode preference should work"); var unsupportedValues = [null, [], undefined]; unsupportedValues.forEach( function(value) { test.assertRaises( function() { prefs.set("test_set_pref", value); }, ("can't set pref test_set_pref to value '" + value + "'; " + "it isn't a string, integer, or boolean"), "Setting a pref to " + uneval(value) + " should raise error" ); }); }; exports.testPrefClass = function(test) { var branch = Branch("test_foo"); test.assertEqual(branch.test, undefined, "test_foo.test is undefined"); branch.test = true; test.assertEqual(branch.test, true, "test_foo.test is true"); delete branch.test; test.assertEqual(branch.test, undefined, "test_foo.test is undefined"); }; exports.testGetSetLocalized = function(test) { let prefName = "general.useragent.locale"; // Ensure that "general.useragent.locale" is a 'localized' pref let bundleURL = "chrome://global/locale/intl.properties"; prefs.setLocalized(prefName, bundleURL); // Fetch the expected value directly from the property file let expectedValue = BundleService.createBundle(bundleURL). GetStringFromName(prefName). toLowerCase(); test.assertEqual(prefs.getLocalized(prefName).toLowerCase(), expectedValue, "get localized preference"); // Undo our modification prefs.reset(prefName); } // TEST: setting and getting preferences with special characters work exports.testSpecialChars = function(test) { let chars = specialChars.split(''); const ROOT = "test."; chars.forEach(function(char) { let rand = Math.random() + ""; prefs.set(ROOT+char, rand); test.assertEqual(prefs.get(ROOT+char), rand, "setting pref with a name that is a special char, " + char + ", worked!"); }); };