/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ let tests = {}, Pages, Page; const { Loader } = require('sdk/test/loader'); const ERR_DESTROYED = "Couldn't find the worker to receive this message. " + "The script may not be initialized yet, or may already have been unloaded."; tests.testSimplePageCreation = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let page = new Page({ contentScript: "self.postMessage(window.location.href)", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: function (message) { test.assertEqual(message, "about:blank", "Page Worker should start with a blank page by default"); test.assertEqual(this, page, "The 'this' object is the page itself."); test.done(); } }); } /* * Tests that we can't be tricked by document overloads as we have access * to wrapped nodes */ tests.testWrappedDOM = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let page = Page({ allow: { script: true }, contentURL: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,", contentScript: "window.addEventListener('load', function () " + "self.postMessage([typeof(document.getElementById), " + "typeof(window.scrollTo)]), true)", onMessage: function (message) { test.assertEqual(message[0], "function", "getElementById from content script is the native one"); test.assertEqual(message[1], "function", "scrollTo from content script is the native one"); test.done(); } }); } /* // We do not offer unwrapped access to DOM since bug 601295 landed // See 660780 to track progress of unwrap feature tests.testUnwrappedDOM = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let page = Page({ allow: { script: true }, contentURL: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,", contentScript: "window.addEventListener('load', function () " + "self.postMessage([typeof(unsafeWindow.document.getElementById), " + "typeof(unsafeWindow.scrollTo)]), true)", onMessage: function (message) { test.assertEqual(message[0], "number", "document inside page is free to be changed"); test.assertEqual(message[1], "number", "window inside page is free to be changed"); test.done(); } }); } */ tests.testPageProperties = function(test) { let page = new Page(); for each (let prop in ['contentURL', 'allow', 'contentScriptFile', 'contentScript', 'contentScriptWhen', 'on', 'postMessage', 'removeListener']) { test.assert(prop in page, prop + " property is defined on page."); } test.assert(function () page.postMessage("foo") || true, "postMessage doesn't throw exception on page."); } tests.testConstructorAndDestructor = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let loader = Loader(module); let Pages = loader.require("sdk/page-worker"); let global = loader.sandbox("sdk/page-worker"); let pagesReady = 0; let page1 = Pages.Page({ contentScript: "self.postMessage('')", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: pageReady }); let page2 = Pages.Page({ contentScript: "self.postMessage('')", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: pageReady }); test.assertNotEqual(page1, page2, "Page 1 and page 2 should be different objects."); function pageReady() { if (++pagesReady == 2) { page1.destroy(); page2.destroy(); test.assert(isDestroyed(page1), "page1 correctly unloaded."); test.assert(isDestroyed(page2), "page2 correctly unloaded."); loader.unload(); test.done(); } } } tests.testAutoDestructor = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let loader = Loader(module); let Pages = loader.require("sdk/page-worker"); let page = Pages.Page({ contentScript: "self.postMessage('')", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: function() { loader.unload(); test.assert(isDestroyed(page), "Page correctly unloaded."); test.done(); } }); } tests.testValidateOptions = function(test) { test.assertRaises( function () Page({ contentURL: 'home' }), "The `contentURL` option must be a valid URL.", "Validation correctly denied a non-URL contentURL" ); test.assertRaises( function () Page({ onMessage: "This is not a function."}), "The event listener must be a function.", "Validation correctly denied a non-function onMessage." ); test.pass("Options validation is working."); } tests.testContentAndAllowGettersAndSetters = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let content = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"; let page = Page({ contentURL: content, contentScript: "self.postMessage(window.localStorage.allowScript)", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: step0 }); function step0(message) { test.assertEqual(message, "3", "Correct value expected for allowScript - 3"); test.assertEqual(page.contentURL, content, "Correct content expected"); page.removeListener('message', step0); page.on('message', step1); page.allow = { script: false }; page.contentURL = content = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"; } function step1(message) { test.assertEqual(message, "3", "Correct value expected for allowScript - 3"); test.assertEqual(page.contentURL, content, "Correct content expected"); page.removeListener('message', step1); page.on('message', step2); page.allow = { script: true }; page.contentURL = content = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"; } function step2(message) { test.assertEqual(message, "g", "Correct value expected for allowScript - g"); test.assertEqual(page.contentURL, content, "Correct content expected"); page.removeListener('message', step2); page.on('message', step3); page.allow.script = false; page.contentURL = content = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"; } function step3(message) { test.assertEqual(message, "g", "Correct value expected for allowScript - g"); test.assertEqual(page.contentURL, content, "Correct content expected"); page.removeListener('message', step3); page.on('message', step4); page.allow.script = true; page.contentURL = content = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"; } function step4(message) { test.assertEqual(message, "4", "Correct value expected for allowScript - 4"); test.assertEqual(page.contentURL, content, "Correct content expected"); test.done(); } } tests.testOnMessageCallback = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); Page({ contentScript: "self.postMessage('')", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: function() { test.pass("onMessage callback called"); test.done(); } }); } tests.testMultipleOnMessageCallbacks = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let count = 0; let page = Page({ contentScript: "self.postMessage('')", contentScriptWhen: "end", onMessage: function() count += 1 }); page.on('message', function() count += 2); page.on('message', function() count *= 3); page.on('message', function() test.assertEqual(count, 9, "All callbacks were called, in order.")); page.on('message', function() test.done()); } tests.testLoadContentPage = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let page = Page({ onMessage: function(message) { // The message is an array whose first item is the test method to call // and the rest of whose items are arguments to pass it. test[message.shift()].apply(test, message); }, contentURL: require("sdk/self").data.url("test-page-worker.html"), contentScriptFile: require("sdk/self").data.url("test-page-worker.js"), contentScriptWhen: "ready" }); } tests.testAllowScriptDefault = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let page = Page({ onMessage: function(message) { test.assert(message, "Script is allowed to run by default."); test.done(); }, contentURL: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,", contentScript: "self.postMessage(document.documentElement.getAttribute('foo'))", contentScriptWhen: "ready" }); } tests.testAllowScript = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let page = Page({ onMessage: function(message) { test.assert(message, "Script runs when allowed to do so."); test.done(); }, allow: { script: true }, contentURL: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,", contentScript: "self.postMessage(document.documentElement.hasAttribute('foo') && " + " document.documentElement.getAttribute('foo') == 3)", contentScriptWhen: "ready" }); } tests.testPingPong = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let page = Page({ contentURL: 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,ping-pong', contentScript: 'self.on("message", function(message) self.postMessage("pong"));' + 'self.postMessage("ready");', onMessage: function(message) { if ('ready' == message) { page.postMessage('ping'); } else { test.assert(message, 'pong', 'Callback from contentScript'); test.done(); } } }); }; tests.testMultipleDestroys = function(test) { let page = Page(); page.destroy(); page.destroy(); test.pass("Multiple destroys should not cause an error"); }; exports.testContentScriptOptionsOption = function(test) { test.waitUntilDone(); let page = new Page({ contentScript: "self.postMessage( [typeof self.options.d, self.options] );", contentScriptWhen: "end", contentScriptOptions: {a: true, b: [1,2,3], c: "string", d: function(){ return 'test'}}, onMessage: function(msg) { test.assertEqual( msg[0], 'undefined', 'functions are stripped from contentScriptOptions' ); test.assertEqual( typeof msg[1], 'object', 'object as contentScriptOptions' ); test.assertEqual( msg[1].a, true, 'boolean in contentScriptOptions' ); test.assertEqual( msg[1].b.join(), '1,2,3', 'array and numbers in contentScriptOptions' ); test.assertEqual( msg[1].c, 'string', 'string in contentScriptOptions' ); test.done(); } }); }; function isDestroyed(page) { try { page.postMessage("foo"); } catch (err if err.message == ERR_DESTROYED) { return true; } return false; } let pageWorkerSupported = true; try { Pages = require("sdk/page-worker"); Page = Pages.Page; } catch (ex if ex.message == [ "The page-worker module currently supports only Firefox and Thunderbird. ", "In the future, we would like it to support other applications, however. ", "Please see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=546740 for more ", "information." ].join("")) { pageWorkerSupported = false; } if (pageWorkerSupported) { for (let test in tests) { exports[test] = tests[test]; } } else { exports.testPageWorkerNotSupported = function(test) { test.pass("The page-worker module is not supported on this app."); } }