/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; module.metadata = { "stability": "deprecated" }; const { CC, Ci } = require('chrome'); const { when: unload } = require('./system/unload'); const { TYPE_ONE_SHOT, TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK } = Ci.nsITimer; const Timer = CC('@mozilla.org/timer;1', 'nsITimer'); const timers = Object.create(null); // Last timer id. let lastID = 0; // Sets typer either by timeout or by interval // depending on a given type. function setTimer(type, callback, delay) { let id = ++ lastID; let timer = timers[id] = Timer(); let args = Array.slice(arguments, 3); timer.initWithCallback({ notify: function notify() { try { if (type === TYPE_ONE_SHOT) delete timers[id]; callback.apply(null, args); } catch(error) { console.exception(error); } } }, delay || 0, type); return id; } function unsetTimer(id) { let timer = timers[id]; delete timers[id]; if (timer) timer.cancel(); } exports.setTimeout = setTimer.bind(null, TYPE_ONE_SHOT); exports.setInterval = setTimer.bind(null, TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK); exports.clearTimeout = unsetTimer.bind(null); exports.clearInterval = unsetTimer.bind(null); unload(function() { Object.keys(timers).forEach(unsetTimer) });